Examples of the the word, plead , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plead ), is the 5972 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Euphrates. Peace negotiations Naresh sent an ambassador to Galleries to, plead ,for the return of his wives and children in the course of the war, but Galleries
  2. Popular and wealthy automatic was thus marginal at best. They could not vote, plead ,in court nor leave a will; unless they were manumitted, their lives and
  3. State law determines whether, and under what circumstances, a defendant may, plead ,no contest in state criminal cases. In federal court, the Federal Rules of
  4. 359 when imperial authority placed him back as Bishop after Cyril was able to, plead ,his case to Emperor Constantius referencing the multitude of people who were
  5. The rule of celibacy and cut themselves from domestic life; they refused to, plead ,in a secular court; they refused to pay taxes to the State on the grounds that
  6. A criminal case whereby the prosecutor offers the defendant the opportunity to, plead ,guilty, usually to a lesser charge or to the original criminal charge with a
  7. Escorted several Ute Chiefs to meet with the President of the United States to, plead ,for assistance to their tribe. Popular culture Novels At least 25 titles were
  8. What lawful authority ...? " Over a period of a week, when Charles was asked to, plead ,three times, he refused. It was then normal practice to take a refusal to plead
  9. As colloquialisms, insisting on the regular forms for the past tense of dive, plead ,and sneak. Dove and snuck are usually considered nonstandard in Britain
  10. Sing – and dance. But the story has gone crooked, & I am left, and I cannot, plead ,before the inexorable Man dos. This incident inspired the account of the meeting
  11. Associated criteria a jurisdiction may have, and if the person is willing to, plead ,guilty or is proven guilty in a court of law, some jurisdiction have an
  12. Cathryn. In May 1647 Khmelnytskyi arranged a second audience with the King to, plead ,his case, but found the King unwilling to go into an open confrontation with a
  13. For a preliminary hearing or a trial. In the past, a defendant who refused to, plead ,(or" stood mute" ) was subject to pane forte et due (Law French for "
  14. By a Bar Council (Order Du barrel). Germany In Germany, lawyers may only, plead ,at the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) if they are admitted to
  15. System, acknowledging that a man may maintain his innocence but still, plead ,guilty in order to minimize his potential loss. " Ca plan comments on the impact
  16. Then 50 lawyers are admitted to the Bundesgerichtshof; those lawyers may not, plead ,at other courts, do in practice deal with litigation only, and are usually
  17. The Cossacks' issue of the war with the Tatars and used this occasion again to, plead ,his case with Czapliński, still unsuccessfully. While Khmelnytskyi found no
  18. His or her innocence with respect to the charge to which he or she offers to, plead ,guilty ". In March 2009,the Minnesota House of Representatives characterized
  19. Which infanticide was often viewed::" I am still in Alexandria. ... I beg and, plead ,with you to take care of our little child, and as soon as we receive wages, I
  20. Prince was chased to the Adriatic littoral, and he fled to Constantinople to, plead ,for assistance from Constantine V, who was waging war with Bulgaria. The siege
  21. And reinforcements requested by the commanders. Normal left for London to, plead ,in person for more support. In his absence, a Catholic League army almost
  22. Of the god Hermes,Hector's father, Priam,went to Achilles' tent to, plead ,with Achilles to permit him to perform for Hector his funeral rites. The final
  23. For the English. In 1690 the company sent envoys to Aurangzeb's camp to, plead ,for a pardon. The company's envoys had to prostrate themselves before the
  24. And leading Hermite to become a faithful Catholic. It also inspired Cauchy to, plead ,on behalf of the Irish during the Potato Famine. His royalism and religious
  25. And the widow / Judge the orphan :3 and the stranger. Plead for the infant /, plead ,for the poor and :4 the widow. Rehabilitate the poor at the hands of the king.
  26. More violent means. According to a report in the Frontline magazine, he did, plead ,several times for the commutation of the death sentence of Bharat Singh
  27. 737 (a 100 series) makes its maiden flight. *1969 – The" Chicago Eight ", plead ,not guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to incite a riot at the 1968
  28. Plead three times, he refused. It was then normal practice to take a refusal to, plead ,as pro confess: an admission of guilt, which meant that the prosecution could
  29. A defense, make informed decisions about trial strategy and whether to, plead ,guilty or accept a plea agreement. This issue is dealt with in UK law as "
  30. Open ... reading of the indictment ... to the defendant ... and call on him to, plead ,thereto. He/she shall be given a copy of the indictment ... before he/she is
  31. An ambulance and have the person removed from the house. Often the relatives, plead ,with him not to do this, since they know they may never see the person again.
  32. Courts require attorneys to obtain a separate certificate of admission to, plead ,and practice in the appellate court. Federal courts require specific admission
  33. Told the ministers to leave Geneva. Fall and Calvin went to Bern and Zurich to, plead ,their case. The synod in Zurich placed most of the blame on Calvin for not
  34. We may next attend to the case of those unfortunate persons, who have, plead ,the miserable defense of idiocy or insanity. Which condition, if it is not an
  35. Shall be given a copy of the indictment ... before he/she is called upon to, plead , "" America the Beautiful" is an American patriotic song. The lyrics were
  36. His father would show mercy to his mother, and that all his companions would, plead ,with Henry to set her free. Henry II sent Thomas of Early, Archdeacon of Wells
  37. Inc., used for storing money from arms sales to Iran to give to the Contrast, plead ,guilty to stealing government property. Hakim was given two years of probation
  38. Structural obstacles. First, there was a rule that individuals were supposed to, plead ,their own cases, which was soon bypassed by the increasing tendency of
  39. Lynch's crackdown. Elsie, learning of Dr. Cameron's arrest, goes to Lynch to, plead ,for his release. Lynch tries to force Elsie to marry him. Stone man returns, and
  40. In the name of the law, they are also the first to be given the chance to, plead ,for their lives in the name of the law. Legitimacy One criticism that was made
  41. Orators never completely overcame, was the rule that no one could take a fee to, plead ,the cause of another. This law was widely disregarded in practice, but was
  42. Smith, Jr., the founder of the Latter Day Saint movement visited Van Buren to, plead ,for the U. S. to help roughly 20,000 Mormon settlers of Independence, Missouri
  43. Such impeachment in the nation's history. *2009 – Financier Bernard Mad off, plead ,guilty in New York to scamming $18 billion, the largest in Wall Street history.
  44. Or accept a plea agreement. This issue is dealt with in UK law as" fitness to, plead ,". *Criminal responsibility, however,deals with whether a defendant can be
  45. Flights and European flights. In August 2007,British Airways agreed to, plead ,guilty and pay a $300 million fine as a result of felony antitrust charges in
  46. States Department of Justice noted," In an Alford plea the defendant agrees to, plead ,guilty because he or she realizes that there is little chance to win acquittal
  47. I did not plant that bomb. But under the concept of aiding and abetting, I, plead , guilty. " On November 13,Olson filed a motion requesting to withdraw her
  48. To bring charges far in excess of what is warranted and defendants to, plead ,guilty even when they believe that they are not. Furthermore, proponents of
  49. Standing at the Polish court, arranged an audience with King Władysław IV to, plead ,his case. Władysław, who wanted Cossacks on his side in the wars he planned
  50. To his demeanor during the deposition, he said," Did I fence with Bodies? ... I, plead ,guilty. Whatever that penalty it should be levied against me: rudeness to Bodies

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