Examples of the the word, financially , in a Sentence Context

The word ( financially ), is the 5974 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Most of the season in the top two spots. A remarkable achievement, since AZ is, financially ,not a big club, and it does not have a similar fan base like their Redivide
  2. African to win an Oscar for Best Actress. In the same year, she starred in the, financially ,unsuccessful science fiction thriller On Flux. Theron received Best Actress
  3. All knowledge for his province. Following his education at Billion, Huxley was, financially ,indebted to his father and had to earn a living. He taught French for a year at
  4. GM Branch Rickey pioneered the farm system in the 1930s. Nevertheless, these, financially , troubled leagues, by beginning the practice of selling players to the more
  5. Replacement parts and necessary upgrades, costing the army dearly both, financially ,and in overall readiness. The ground force is currently engaged in an effort of
  6. It believed the Sudanese government was supporting Janjaweed and UDC rebels, financially ,and with arms. Two accords were signed, the Tripoli Accord, which was signed on
  7. Of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn. The American colonies were less, financially ,successful than those of the Caribbean, but had large areas of good
  8. Other musicians on a train trip across the country to raise money for musicians, financially ,devastated by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita, in the South of the United
  9. The site of the Eiffel Tower). This so enthused Franklin that he subscribed, financially ,to the next project to build a manned hydrogen balloon. On December 1,1783
  10. The movement was disappearing. Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1982) was, financially ,unsuccessful upon its initial release. The film was, however,re-released in
  11. Then Karloff in selecting screen vehicles, but the exposure helped Lugosi, financially ,if not artistically. Lugosi tried to keep busy with stage work, but had to
  12. In San Francisco in July 1978 to discuss the project Kurosawa considered most, financially ,viable: Kagemusha, the epic story of a thief hired as the double of a medieval
  13. Carnegie was able to get fully involved into the acts for the peace cause, both, financially , and personally. He gave away most of his fortunes to various peace-keeping
  14. Including, mistakenly,the rights to" New San Antonio Rose. " It wrecked him, financially , In 1950 Wills had two Top Ten hits," Ida Red Likes the Boogie" and" Faded
  15. To remove their children and, as the school closed, Alcott became increasingly, financially ,desperate. Remaining steadfast to his pedagogy, a forerunner of progressive and
  16. Berg had interrupted the orchestration of Lulu because of an unexpected (and, financially ,much-needed) commission from the Russian/American violinist Louis Trainer for
  17. Ownership Despite the cars' appreciation in value, the company was often, financially ,troubled. In 1972,the company was sold to another company called Company
  18. Thus becoming nothing more than operating units and subsidiaries with limited, financially ,decisive control. Among some of these holding companies and parent companies
  19. Population. With the surrender of Japan in 1945,China emerged victorious but, financially ,drained. The continued distrust between the Nationalists and the Communists led
  20. Company to borrow money from the Midland Bank. BSA had still not recovered, financially ,from the earlier purchase of Royal Small Arms factory at Spark brook and BSA
  21. Which was intended to make it more difficult for a significant number of, financially ,distressed individual debtors whose debts are primarily consumer debts to
  22. Lead the factory. No more than about 8000 cars were made. The company struggled, financially , and released one last model in the 1950s,before eventually being purchased
  23. By way of reference to the Santana album mentioned above. In one scene,the, financially ,troubled main character argues over the phone with a Columbia Records employee
  24. Helpful for Croatia's inhabitants who found working in foreign countries more, financially ,rewarding. Upon retirement, a popular plan was to return to live in Croatia (
  25. Bachchan's earlier success as an action hero, the film was a failure both, financially ,and critically. ABEL was the main sponsor of the 1996 Miss World beauty pageant
  26. Popular video rental and purchase. Harold and Maude (1971) was not successful, financially ,at the time of its original release, but has since earned a cult following and
  27. Relied on loans from his brother-in-law, Emerson,and others. He was never, financially ,secure until his daughter became a best-selling novelist. Life and work Early
  28. Use, where negotiating alone will rarely allow a single right owner to fully, financially ,benefit from their exclusive rights. Under ECL laws, collecting societies
  29. Permanent salaried position such as curator ship of a museum. In order to remain, financially ,solvent, Wallace worked grading government examinations, wrote 25 papers for
  30. Prevent racially based fights from occurring. Before the 1934 NFL season,the, financially ,struggling Portsmouth Spartans were sold to George Arthur Richards, moved to
  31. Courtship had begun years earlier, however Alexander waited until he was more, financially ,secure before marrying. Although the telephone appeared to be an" instant "
  32. A Japanese engineering firm. Midway through the 1992 season, the team collapsed, financially ,as Middle bridge was unable to make repayments against loans provided by
  33. Caledonian. In 1992,British Airways expanded through the acquisition of, financially ,troubled Gatwick-based carrier Dan-Air, giving BA a much larger presence at
  34. At the end of the 1945 season, Rooney believed the Steelers were in the most, financially ,perilous position since he entered the NFL with the Pirates. NFL commissioner
  35. The result was a powerful crisis,1776-1783. The peace in 1783 left France, financially ,prostrate, while the British economy boomed thanks to the return of American
  36. The league's popularity, maintain a core set of franchise owners that were, financially ,sound and dedicated to the success of the NFL and its rules. While he was an
  37. Was transferred from the city to the Battery Park City Authority, which, financially , restructured itself and created a new, more viable master plan, designed by
  38. On a telegraph wire using a multi-reed device, the two wealthy patrons began to, financially ,support Bell's experiments. Patent matters would be handled by Hubbard's
  39. To keep them running. Road construction and maintenance were ignored by a, financially ,hard-pressed government, while insurgents regularly destroyed bridges and
  40. Although Clara was more widely used. However, the First World War impacted, financially ,on the Clara Company, which entered into liquidation in 1915. The failure of
  41. He also wrote to the Lords of Trade, suggesting that the Crown might benefit, financially ,from Teach's capture. Spots wood personally financed the operation, possibly
  42. S creation. However, throughout his partnership with Rooney, Bell suffered, financially ,and Rooney bought an increasing, unspecified,share of the Steelers from Bell.
  43. The theater restoration project included a multiplex to make the project, financially ,feasible and a parking structure to accommodate patrons of the theater and
  44. Of his life. This transient lifestyle was due to necessity, as Bell was not, financially ,secure enough to afford a home. As part-owner or owner of an NFL team, Bell
  45. With the Big Dig and the Turnpike's Boston Extension from the 1960s being, financially ,and legally joined by the legislature as the Metropolitan Highway System.
  46. Film through books such as The Golden Turkey Awards. These films include such, financially ,fruitless and critically scorned films as The Lonely Lady, Mommie Dearest, Cool
  47. AMR Corporation announced that they were looking into buying some, financially ,struggling Japan Airlines. AMR is not the only company planning to buy a stake
  48. Was short-lived and failed after seven months. Alcott continued to struggle, financially ,for most of his life. Nevertheless, he continued focusing on educational
  49. College and Radcliffe College. Despite the affiliation Barnard is legally and, financially ,separate from Columbia, with an independent faculty and board of trustees. It
  50. With an open mind (as a result of the lack of formal training) and in a, financially ,disinterested manner. The lack of financial benefit can also be seen as a sign

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