Examples of the the word, sizable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sizable ), is the 9412 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Around Fairfield, Stamford,Naugatuck and Bridgeport. Connecticut also has a, sizable ,Polish American population, with New Britain containing the largest Polish
  2. Outward Remittances were $246,000,000 in 2006. Costa Rica attracts a, sizable ,number of East Asian and Southeast Asian nationalities, as well smaller numbers
  3. Of those 65 and older are living below the poverty line. Buffalo has very, sizable ,populations of Irish, Italian,Polish, German,Jewish, Greek,Arab, African
  4. Is by far the region's largest employer, and the Infotech Park accounts for a, sizable ,number of research jobs in Columbus proper. Other notable industries include
  5. In Colorado Springs on the east and southeast side of the city. The state has, sizable ,numbers of Asian-Americans of Mongolian, Chinese,Filipino, Korean,Southeast
  6. In Total Defense in cooperation with civilian resources and finally maintain a, sizable ,force to execute these tasks at all times. Defense budget Since 1988,Danish
  7. The relation with Cambodia Japan has an embassy in Phnom Penh. Trade is, sizable ,between the two countries: Japanese investment in Cambodia includes Phnom Penh
  8. Such as Bashir. Most Central Asian Muslims are Sunni, although there are, sizable ,Shia minorities in Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Zoroastrianism, a religion with
  9. 230,600 inhabitants. The majority of the population is French, but there are, sizable ,groups of Italians, Spaniards,Portuguese, Turks,Germans and North Africans.
  10. And cabbage. The Delta Junction area, about southeast of Fairbanks, also has a, sizable ,concentration of farms, which mostly lie north and east of Fort Freely. This
  11. Polyp Chuckles ". In keeping with this,Barry's website contains a fairly, sizable ,list of phrases that he claims would be good names for a rock band. In his
  12. Four separate forms, e. g.," start "," starts "," starting "," started ". A, sizable ,minority (traditionally known as" strong verbs" ) have five separate forms
  13. Minority demographic, with many of the Lower Mainland's large cities having, sizable ,Chinese, South Asian, Japanese,Filipino, and Korean communities. Also present
  14. The Midwest, while only 8.9 % lived in the western states. The west does have a, sizable ,black population in certain areas, however. California, the nation's most
  15. Order came too late, and divisions lost much of their equipment, although a, sizable ,portion of their manpower was later evacuated via the Koivisto islands. The
  16. Patois can be heard. Northwest Ontario With a smaller French population, and, sizable , Aboriginal population, this area is unique as having elements from
  17. Capitals. More than 80 % of the population are native Belarusians, with, sizable , minorities of Russians, Poles and Ukrainians. Since a referendum in 1995,the
  18. Banks, primarily from Western Europe, now control most of the banking sector. A, sizable ,current account deficit and high unemployment rate remain the two most serious
  19. Among the French are 3,200 troops of French Foreign Legion. There is also a, sizable ,Arab population living in Djibouti, which constitutes about 5 percent of the
  20. Eagle were in Colorado, and the amount of money owed them (the Rockies paid a, sizable ,portion of Hampton's salary even after he was traded to the Atlanta Braves)
  21. And communities. Also, Denver and nearby areas on the Front Range has, sizable ,German, Scandinavian,Italian, Slavic and Jewish American communities, partly a
  22. The Top Ten during the summer of 1960. Again, the Texas Playboys were drawing, sizable ,crowds and selling a respectable amount of records. In 1962,Wills had a heart
  23. Orthodox Church, with many members in Kazakhstan. The Bukhara Jews were once a, sizable ,community in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, but nearly all have emigrated since the
  24. Unevenly. The Yakima, Umatilla, Palus, Spokane,and Coeur d'Alene maintained, sizable ,herds of horses and adopted some plains cultural characteristics, but
  25. The Muslim emirate of Sicily. In addition to southern Italy, there are also, sizable ,populations of Orbit (also spelled Orbit, Murabit or Morale) in
  26. Are Native Americans of non-Hispanic origin. Asian Americans are a small but, sizable ,minority in the borough. Roughly 49,600 Asians make up 3.6 % of the population.
  27. To write and direct such a project. Before graduation, seniors produce a, sizable ,project on 16 mm color negative film. Nevertheless, basic photography and video
  28. Of León),Gordon II, who captured the city in the summer of 913,taking back a, sizable ,booty and 4,000 prisoners. In much of the eastern and western province, Abd
  29. The Welsh averages, but less than the UK figures. The city has been home to a, sizable ,Hindu community since Indian immigrants settled there during the 1950s and
  30. In the outlying districts. Cattle, pork and grain are the main products with a, sizable ,related refinement industry present. Computer and technology heavy industries
  31. Vietnamese,2,010 Koreans, and 1,100 Japanese. Multiracial Americans are also a, sizable ,minority in the Bronx. People of multiracial heritage number over 41,800
  32. 1950s,has served as a key engine of Atlanta's economic growth. Atlanta has a, sizable ,financial sector. Entrust Banks, the seventh-largest bank by asset holdings in
  33. Bureau. Des Moines is a major center for the insurance industry and also has a, sizable ,financial services and publishing business base. In fact, Des Moines was
  34. And oil industries being two of Canada's most important. Canada also has a, sizable ,manufacturing sector, centered in Central Canada, with the automobile industry
  35. And Texas and many of the Southern primaries on Super Tuesday gave Clinton a, sizable ,delegate lead. However, former California Governor Jerry Brown was scoring
  36. And cultural character of the modern Dominican Republic. In 1510,the first, sizable ,shipment, consisting of 250 Black Latinos, arrived in Hispaniola from Spain.
  37. Called Greek agate. Another type of agate is Brazilian agate, which is found as, sizable ,geodes of layered nodules. These occur in brownish tones interlayered with
  38. Head characters. Loanwords Like any other language, Chinese has absorbed a, sizable ,number of loanwords from other cultures. Most Chinese words are formed out of
  39. Dutch, French,Irish, Portuguese,Lebanese and Polish families, as well a, sizable ,Jewish community. The majority of the Afro-Costa Rivals are Creole
  40. E. On Grünbaum: It would not be difficult to put together the names of a very, sizable ,number of Jewish subjects or citizens of the Islamic area who have attained to
  41. Acne. Other uses * The bromides of calcium, sodium,and zinc account for a, sizable ,part of the bromine market. These salts form dense solutions in water that are
  42. That covered most of Ohio during the Wisconsin Ice Age. However, there are, sizable ,differences in elevation through the area, with the high point of Franklin
  43. Commonwealth remained a union of two nations: of Poland and Lithuania,a, sizable ,population of Orthodox Athenians remained ignored. That left them oppressed by
  44. Settlers, each of the five southern tribes had ceded most of its lands, but, sizable , self-government groups lived in Georgia, Alabama,Mississippi, and Florida. All
  45. And Glendale, the largest Danish publisher of books. Copenhagen also has a, sizable ,movie and television industry. Filmed, The Movie City, which is located in a
  46. Music Awards to make politically-charged speeches of considerable length to the, sizable ,MTV audiences. At the 1998 ceremony, Yauch addressed the issue of Muslim people
  47. And, while in pursuit of the Inca army, Benalcázar encountered another, quite, sizable , conquering party led by Guatemalan Governor Pedro de Alvarado. Bored with
  48. Baltimore. Elkhart, the Orioles' largest shareholder at 32 % and owner of a, sizable ,amount of CBS stock, straightened out his conflict of interest issues on May 25
  49. There were some 500 encomiendas in Ecuador. Although many consisted of quite, sizable ,haciendas, they were generally much smaller than the estates commonly found
  50. Others like breasts, and still others like snakes Chiefly has also produced a, sizable ,volume of" Irish cylinders ", which are more modest in conception than his

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