Examples of the the word, drastically , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drastically ), is the 9414 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lincoln produced a farmer' Almanac showing the moon was at a low angle, drastically ,reducing visibility. Based on this evidence, Armstrong was acquitted.
  2. Messages via the modem network back to the satellite service. This method, drastically ,reduced phone data transfers while dramatically increasing the number of
  3. The British Isles. The famine, which caused a century-long population decline, drastically ,reduced the Irish population and permanently altered the demographic make-up of
  4. The tempo, time signature and key signature may be altered, sometimes, drastically , so. The end result is a song that retains familiar phrases and lyrics, but
  5. Subzero temperature conditions and possesses an increased volume of gel, which, drastically , reduces capillarity in solid and porous materials. Workability is
  6. Ships capable of taking on the German Mackenzie type; German shipbuilding was, drastically ,slowed by the war, and while two Mackerels were launched, none were ever
  7. Mauled along the fortified ridges and hills. American Unlike the Japanese, who, drastically , altered their tactics for the upcoming battle, the American invasion plan was
  8. Of this sinful world '. This new Order for the Burial of the Dead was a, drastically ,stripped-down memorial service designed to undermine definitively the whole
  9. The tracks were salvaged and re-recorded at Brian's new home studio, albeit in, drastically ,scaled-down versions. These were released, along with the single version of "
  10. To cease using U. S. -based call centers to provide customer service. AOL, drastically ,downsized U. S. corporate operations as well. On January 28, 2007,the last
  11. Substantial 26Al production. After falling to Earth, atmospheric shielding, drastically ,reduces 26Al production, and its decay can then be used to determine the
  12. USSR. The rates of emigration and population decline, however,have decreased, drastically ,in recent years, and a moderate influx of Armenians returning to Armenia
  13. A small town in West Virginia is transported to 17th century Central Europe and, drastically ,changes the course of the Thirty Years' War, which was then underway. John
  14. Manana Palace with her fiancé and his mother. However, this situation changed, drastically ,when Alexios' first son John II Comments was born in 1087: Anna's engagement
  15. Low technology. From 1993 human resources in sciences and technology have, drastically ,decreased. Various surveys show that during 1991–2005,approximately 50 % of
  16. Much the additional power or endurance that they can provide, but that they can, drastically ,shorten rehab time from injury. Commissioner Bud Selim imposed a very strict
  17. Being exported to eastern European nations when the Soviet Union collapsed, drastically ,slowing production of this and other weapons of the former Soviet bloc.
  18. Quickly wrote more efficient firmware that would speed up drive operations, drastically , Without hardware modifications, some " fast loader" utilities managed to
  19. Increased the power production of greats there were other factors that, drastically ,increased the power surge after 1994. The factors cited are: smaller sized
  20. With Seven Samurai (1954),however,Kurosawa's cinematic technique changed, drastically , through his extensive use in that film of long lens and multiple cameras. The
  21. The rule of bishops, and his doctrine the rule of the orthodox faith. " Holding, drastically ,different theological views that spanned the early Christian theological
  22. A Lu shan Rebellion was a watershed event that caused massive loss of lives and, drastically ,weakened the central imperial government. Regional military governors, known as
  23. From its inception. And consequently player salaries were immediately driven up, drastically , Bill Dudley attributed Bell's nervous nature, during his contract
  24. Norway, Sweden,Finland and Kola Peninsula). This population decreased, drastically ,around the start of the 20th century as a result of extreme fur prices which
  25. Other parts of East Africa. The number of Comedians residing in Madagascar was, drastically ,reduced after anti-Comorian rioting in December 1976 in Mahayana, in which at
  26. Year. " New Look" Batman and camp By 1964,sales on Batman titles had fallen, drastically , Bob Kane noted that, as a result, DC was" planning to kill Batman off
  27. Stored in physical RAM chips while other memory is stored on a hard drive. This, drastically ,increases the amount of memory available to programs. The operating system will
  28. With an average temperature of in Colombia. The climate is known to change, drastically ,in rather short distances. Rainforests exist just miles away from the snow
  29. Has been the same, the methods and techniques of cryptanalysis have changed, drastically ,through the history of cryptography, adapting to increasing cryptographic
  30. But came to no conclusion closing their investigation in 2001. AOL began, drastically ,reducing the responsibilities and privileges of its volunteers in 2000. The
  31. Of Globalization and Its Discontents) and David Morten have made arguments for, drastically ,improving transparency, for debt relief, land reform, and restructuring
  32. Study found that a few simple readability transformations made code shorter and, drastically ,reduced the time to understand it. Following a consistent programming style
  33. Macedonia. After the Young Turk revolution of July 1908,the situation changed, drastically , Young Turk revolution It is no surprise that the" Young Turk" revolution
  34. Approximately one-third of the population. The Ainu population decreased, drastically ,in the 19th century, due in large part to infectious diseases brought by
  35. Of the Columbus metropolitan area's O'Shagginess Dam. This invention helped, drastically ,reduce typhus deaths. These designs are still in use today. Columbus earned one
  36. And oil companies make the way hard; but Dan has built a space plane that will, drastically ,reduce transportation costs, making way for cheaper and easier constructed
  37. While the complexity, size,construction, and general form of CPUs have changed, drastically ,over the past sixty years, it is notable that the basic design and function has
  38. Of forest trees, and efforts are being made for their eradication. The, drastically ,different ecosystem has led to substantial environmental damage, as the ponds
  39. Of the country, in Potosí Department. Climate The weather in Bolivia can vary, drastically ,from one climatic zone to another. The summer months in Bolivia are November
  40. The order, amphetamine and other drug abuse by truck drivers has since dropped, drastically , (See also Truck driver—Implementation of drug detection). Detection in body
  41. Difficult, as many factors may cause a comet's brightness to depart, drastically ,from predictions. Broadly speaking, if a comet has a large and active nucleus
  42. To coexist with freight or intercity services in the same right-of-way can, drastically ,reduce system construction costs. However, frequently they are built with
  43. Has been driven to increase density in Austin's urban core. The skyline has, drastically ,changed in recent years, and the residential real estate market has remained
  44. This action did not bolster the economy, and construction of the CPR slowed, drastically ,due to lack of funding. In 1876 the Conservative opposition announced a
  45. With Woodcarver to defeat Steel, Pham initiates the Countermeasure, which, drastically , alters the local physics in that sector of the galaxy. This shifts the
  46. Instrument is relatively durable, and the materials costs and luthier's labor, drastically ,reduced; however, the tone of such a guitar is different from one with an
  47. There are strong temperature oscillations. The line of equilibrium may shift, drastically ,over short periods of time, leaving a whole glacier in the ablation area or in
  48. Further rationalization. As well, it closed divisional and regional offices, drastically ,reduced white collar staff, and consolidated its Canadian traffic control
  49. Number of refugees leaving Eastern Germany. It had the unintended result of, drastically ,increasing the percentage of those leaving through West Berlin from 60 % to
  50. Conquest caused enormous loss of lives and the economic scale of China shrank, drastically , Nevertheless, the Manchus adopted the Confucian norms of traditional Chinese

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