Examples of the the word, shortfall , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shortfall ), is the 9413 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Given this data, the Germans would be able to adjust their aim and correct any, shortfall , However, there was no plausible reason why the double agents could not supply
  2. To address the second year of severe drought that resulted in a continued, shortfall ,of food production. In 2006 GDP per capita of Tajikistan was 85 % of 1990s
  3. And more burdens placed on Navy fighters, it may be possible to reduce this, shortfall , The F-35C carrier variant's maiden flight took place on 7 June 2010,also at
  4. Resource shortages after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc. These resulted in a, shortfall ,of staple grain output of more than 1 million tons from what the country needs
  5. Initiated by the government in late 2004 when responding to a production, shortfall ,in the country. Demographics Madagascar's population is predominantly of mixed
  6. The reaction proceeds to completion: # all reagent is consumed, # there is no, shortfall ,of reagent, and # no residues remain. A stoichiometric mixture, where
  7. Equilibrium, a situation in Keynesian economics with a persistent, shortfall ,relative to full employment and potential output Game theory * Correlated
  8. Chad, Liberia,Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Guinea. The BBC reports that this, shortfall ,is due to the current economic crisis which has increased the number of people
  9. Suspend direct budget support to Nicaragua, a move that created a severe budget, shortfall ,for the government. This shortfall , in turn, caused the Government of Nicaragua
  10. Before sentencing; he was fined $5,000. The owner who had tried to make his, shortfall ,good was fined one cent. Commissioner (1920–1944) Appointment Black SOX
  11. Rotation as measured with a stable clock (ephemeral time, atomic time) of a, shortfall ,of even a few milliseconds every day becomes readily noticeable in a few
  12. Of ways to continue serving its purposes effectively. In 2008,faced with a, shortfall ,in revenue, the International Monetary Fund’s executive board agreed to sell
  13. And erosion triggered by poorly planned agricultural endeavors cause a, shortfall ,in water available to the crops. However, in a traditional drought, it is
  14. Food supplies and transports from other theaters to India to cover the, shortfall ,: this was wartime. ' In response to an urgent request by the Secretary of State
  15. Funds to meet its commitments. In late 2009 Tube Lines encountered a funding, shortfall ,for their upgrades and requested that TFL provide an additional £1.75billion to
  16. Sought from the donor community for 1998-99,they foresaw only a $150 million, shortfall ,in commitments, and that this shortfall would be easily realized should Ghana
  17. Upgrades and requested that TFL provide an additional £1.75billion to cover the, shortfall ,; TFL refused and referred the matter to the PPP arbiter, who stated that
  18. The ministry of agriculture has also blamed power shortages for the wheat, shortfall , saying that electricity cuts have affected irrigation and halved crop yields
  19. His treasury is exhausted. Melchizedek, a Jew, has money enough to cover the, shortfall , but Saladin believes he is too avaricious to lend it fairly. Saladin tries to
  20. Gross domestic product (GDP). About 44 percent of the government's fiscal, shortfall ,was financed through cash from foreign sources. Side effects of the cash
  21. Oxidizers, high-energy fuels have used to compensate for this energy, shortfall , Some of these high-energy fuels were produced using mechanical alloying
  22. Air Force has projected. The delay in the F-35 program is expected to lead to a, shortfall ,of around 100 jet fighters in the Navy/Marines team. Given careful management
  23. Protection Agency sharply criticized these plans because of a water, shortfall , sewage problems and the impact on coral reefs. With the proposed increased
  24. To address the second year of severe drought that resulted in a continued, shortfall ,of food production. Tajikistan's economy grew substantially after the war. The
  25. A move that created a severe budget shortfall for the government. This, shortfall , in turn, caused the Government of Nicaragua to fall out of compliance with its
  26. Periods labeled depressions are marked by a substantial and sustained, shortfall ,of the ability to purchase goods relative to the amount that could be produced
  27. They foresaw only a $150 million shortfall in commitments, and that this, shortfall ,would be easily realized should Ghana rapidly enact its macroeconomic program.
  28. As the May Report revealed that the budget was unbalanced, with an expected, shortfall ,of £120 million (about £6 billion today). On 24 August 1931,the Labor
  29. S poor handling of taxpayer money, including the accumulation of a £20m, shortfall , on Capital of Culture funding. While Liverpool through most of the 19th and
  30. Not build" too many nuclear power reactors too quickly ", in order to avoid a, shortfall ,of fuel, equipment and qualified plant workers. The U. S. NRC and the U. S.
  31. Oil production capacity could entirely disappear, and as early as 2015,the, shortfall ,in output could reach nearly 10 million barrels per day. " Price After the
  32. Dora" said he was hopeful of finding alternative funding to meet the budget, shortfall ,of around 50 million dollars, needed to pay the wages of public sector workers
  33. Moderate downward revisions in the tariff, especially on raw materials. The, shortfall ,in revenue was to be made up by an income tax of two percent on income above
  34. 6 out of 9). Current issues In order to combat the nearly $38 million budget, shortfall ,projected in 2010 caused by current economic conditions resulting in decreased
  35. Suriname was still heavily dependent on manual labor, and to make up for the, shortfall , the Dutch brought in contract laborers from the Dutch East Indies (modern
  36. Stated that the state's highway infrastructure faces a $200 million per year, shortfall ,in maintenance and upgrades. Interstate 84 is the main highway linking the
  37. May be tempted to mislead rather than make real reductions or make up their, shortfall ,by purchasing allowances or offsets from another entity. The net effect of a
  38. Reported that the assets of Nortel's Health and Welfare Trust had a, shortfall ,of $37 million in its net assets as of December 31, 2008. The trust supports
  39. This, coupled with increased demand as the economy grew, precipitated a, shortfall ,in 2004 and widespread load shedding. As an emergency measure, the government
  40. Transmission lines to ease the blackouts and economic hardship caused by this, shortfall , but sabotage and looting held capacity below 6,000 megawatts. In 2004 the
  41. And government officials have publicly stated that the country has an immediate, shortfall ,of 1.5 million housing units. Women make up 70 percent of the country's
  42. Methods, the United States Department of Energy (Doe) anticipates a supply, shortfall ,of tellurium by 2025. Compounds Tellurium belongs to the same chemical family
  43. Of water. During the dry season, when there is less rainfall, there is also a, shortfall ,of water in Gatun Lake. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and
  44. Paying for city amenities and public works. Decisions were made liable for any, shortfall ,in the amount of tax collected. Many tried to find ways to escape the
  45. Union research and development projects could be scrapped to overcome a funding, shortfall , In November 2007,it was agreed to reallocate funds from the EU's agriculture
  46. Example, are more than sufficient to pay for Hong Kong’s domestic goods export, shortfall , In poorer countries, foreign aid may fill the gap while in rapidly developing
  47. To address 6.1 million backlog of housing in Pakistan for meeting the housing, shortfall ,in next 20 years. The report noted that the present housing stock is also
  48. Guam had a 14 % unemployment rate, and the government suffered a $314 million, shortfall , The Compacts of Free Association between the United States, the Federated
  49. A negative (or deficit) 'balance of payments' because, it has a much greater, shortfall ,in transfers of capital. And, just as easily, a deficit in the 'balance of
  50. A crippling series of" load-shedding" or power-rationing episodes caused by a, shortfall ,of generated power, largely because of insufficient hydroelectric generation.

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