Examples of the the word, bearing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bearing ), is the 5997 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was left on the Moon next to the Rover at the end of EVA 3,along with a plaque, bearing ,the names of 14 American astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts. Unknown at the time
  2. And weighs 14 tons. It was made from a single stone and has four curved handles, bearing ,the head of a bull. In the 1870s Luigi Palma di Canola carried out excavations
  3. Bearing an economic crop in the third year after planting. Trees reach full, bearing ,after five to six years after planting. The fruit is mature in the autumn,7–8
  4. Office. An official task he insisted on performing in his later years was, bearing ,the Sword of State during the State Opening of Parliament. His increasing
  5. Its Libyan sense had been a shamanic pouch containing various ritual objects, bearing ,the device of a monstrous serpent-haired visage with tusk-like teeth and a
  6. Mark 2:26: When his father was slain with the priests of Nob, he escaped, and, bearing , with him the ephor, he joined David, who was then in the cave of ADULLACT (1
  7. Replied with sobs that the king's orders had killed Music, therefore they were, bearing ,her to the grave. Report was made to the king, who quite calmly remarked that
  8. Civil War the Confederate government also issued two Confederate postage stamps, bearing ,Jackson's portrait, one a, both issued in 1863. Jackson also appears on other
  9. Especially for the shades of Europeans. In works of art he was represented, bearing ,a scepter and the keys of Hades. Abacus had sanctuaries both at Athens and in
  10. Target is a person taking part in an armed conflict or terrorism, whether by, bearing ,arms or otherwise, who has thereby lost the immunity from being targeted that
  11. Marketing an SL-AMRAAM EX, purported to be an extended range AMRAAM and, bearing ,a resemblance to the ESS (Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile). The Norwegian
  12. At him, abruptly commanded his troops to put to death all youths capable of, bearing ,arms. On 21 July 365,Alexandria was devastated by a tsunami (365 Crete
  13. Motherboard provided an expansion slot that could accept an Apple memory card, bearing ,up to 1 MB of RAM. The disk port, originally intended for a second 5.25-inch
  14. Semen landed on Gaia, impregnating her, and that Gaia gave him to Athena after, bearing ,him. Though Athena was a goddess of war strategy, she disliked fighting without
  15. With mesh covered wire forms as a viable means of producing large scale, load, bearing , spanning structures built on site without the use of pouring molds, other
  16. Events. Their attempts at bringing bhangra music to the western audiences were, bearing ,fruition as they were playing some top venues. At the mid-nineties
  17. Awarded him with a golden shield displayed in the meeting hall of the Curia, bearing ,the inscription virus, pietas, clementia, iustitia—"valor, piety,clemency
  18. The dwelling of the keeper (n). Hard by is the kitchen garden (o),the beds, bearing ,the names of the vegetables growing in them, onions,garlic, celery,lettuces
  19. Number and variety, richly ornamented with colored schemes, and sometimes, bearing ,molded decoration. Examples of painting on stone, opaque and transparent.
  20. A correction noting the ties and the authors maintain that the ties have no, bearing ,on their research work. Obstetrician and dermatologist Adam Erato told the
  21. S shifting political leanings nor the slide of its final few years had any, bearing ,on its status as a classic, and in 1995 Li'l Abner was recognized as such by
  22. The second movement, a scherzo, is also in D minor, with the opening theme, bearing ,a passing resemblance to the opening theme of the first movement, a pattern
  23. A proclamation of martial law in Missouri. He declared that any citizen found, bearing ,arms could be court-martialed and shot, and that slaves of persons aiding the
  24. The old church. In it was a single Roman grave covered over with roof tiles, bearing ,short indecipherable inscriptions. The finds of the previous century had
  25. Brick, bond beams are laid across the top of the bricks to provide a horizontal, bearing ,plate for the roof to distribute the weight more evenly along the wall. To
  26. As wood formation. The neophytes were thought to be a clade comprising plants, bearing ,flower-like structures. The group contained the angiosperms - the extant
  27. Mean dimensions, flanked by two towers, rising from a stately flight of steps, bearing ,a large stone cross. To the south of the church lay the cloister-court, of
  28. Original amaryllis belladonna and with each other to produce naturally seed, bearing ,crosses that come in a very wide range of flower sizes, shapes,stem heights
  29. S breast—a severed head rolling its eyes. " Furnished with golden tassels and, bearing ,the Gorgonize (Medusa's head) in the central boss. Some Attic
  30. Mortar. Adobe walls usually never rise above two stories because they are load, bearing ,and have low structural strength. When placing window and door openings, a
  31. The old priest, Eli,fell dead when he heard it; and his daughter-in-law, bearing ,a son at the time the news of the capture of the Ark was received, named him
  32. A probably authentic Lesbian coin has been preserved, bearing ,upon the obverse ... a profile head of Antaeus, and upon the reverse ... a
  33. Australian acacias are not. They are pod- bearing , with sap and leaves typically, bearing ,large amounts of tannins and condensed tannins that historically in many
  34. Do, on the other hand, personally attended, together with a large retinue, bearing ,many gifts for Arnulfo. Angered by the non-appearance of Charles, he welcomed
  35. Is a native of the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. It has a short stem, bearing ,a tuft of long, narrow,arching leaves 10–35 cm long and 1–2 cm broad, and a
  36. Of his instruments survive, dated between the years of 1560 and 1574 and most, bearing ,the coat of arms of Charles IX of France. His work is marked by great elegance
  37. Then their material remains may suggest. * The modern term" style" has a, bearing ,on how material items such as pottery or architecture can be interpreted.
  38. And gave a remarkably accurate approximation of pi. He also defined the spiral, bearing ,his name, formulae for the volumes of surfaces of revolution and an ingenious
  39. Sarah,4a). Sometimes these disputes were of a jocular nature. Thus, a heretic, bearing ,the name of Season (=Joy) once remarked to him," In the next world your
  40. Predecessor Julius Caesar. If he refused to symbolize his power by donning and, bearing ,these items on his person, the Senate nonetheless awarded him with a golden
  41. One from doing some activities. Osteoarthritis typically affects the weight, bearing ,joints such as the back, spine,and pelvis. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis
  42. And workshops and that was the beginning of the classic series of cars, bearing ,the initials" DB ". In 1950,the company announced the DB2,followed by the
  43. That, in the reign of Abacus, Hera,jealous of Regina, ravaged the island, bearing ,the name of the latter by sending a plague or a fearful dragon into it, by
  44. The court of the King of Siam Ramathibodi II, returning with a Siamese envoy, bearing ,gifts and letters to Albuquerque and the king of Portugal. Expedition to the "
  45. Entrance of the harbor of Goa, he got news about a fleet arriving from Europe, bearing ,dispatches announcing that he was superseded by his personal enemy Logo Soars
  46. For example, in the Xviii Dynasty tomb of Remark at Egyptian Thebes as, bearing ,vases of peculiar forms, were of some Mediterranean race, neither their precise
  47. Produced singly or in pairs before the leaves in early spring. Almonds begin, bearing ,an economic crop in the third year after planting. Trees reach full bearing
  48. Portland Cement Company (concrete). The ability to build large complex load, bearing ,concrete spanning structures in free space would open many possibilities in
  49. 29). In his letter to Emperor Constantius, he presents a defense of himself, bearing ,unmistakable traces of a study of Demosthenes de Corona (Salon). He came
  50. In navigation, bearing s are measured from north, increasing clockwise, so a, bearing ,of 45 degrees is north-east. Negative bearing s are not used in navigation, so

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