Examples of the the word, curse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( curse ), is the 5967 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Greek word ἀρή (are),the Ionic form of the Doric ἀρά (Ara)," bane, ruin, curse , imprecation ". There may also be a connection with the Roman god of war Mars
  2. A group of conservative Rabbis, led by Rabbi Yosef Dayan, placed an ancient, curse ,on him known as the Pulse diner, calling on the Angel of Death to intervene
  3. Trade in his book The Curse of Rocky Cavity. Despite being attached to the, curse , Cavity said that he never placed a curse on the Indians but that the trade
  4. Leading to a long call to Israel to choose life over death and blessing over, curse ,(chapters 7-11). Dillard and Longman note that the centralization of worship
  5. The war-shortened season of 1918,where they played a part in another team's, curse , The Boston Red Sox defeated Grover Cleveland Alexander's Cubs four games to
  6. Abiathar's removal from the Priesthood fulfilled that other part of the, curse ,on the House of Eli—that the Priesthood would pass out of the House of Eli.
  7. An email productivity expert, called email technology both a blessing and a, curse ,in the article. She stated," Everyone just learns that they have to have it
  8. Enraged, Apollo indeed gifted her with the ability to know the future, with a, curse ,that she could only see the future tragedies and that no one would ever believe
  9. Language as" zounds," a term now considered too stodgy to be any kind of, curse , Excretion The abbreviation BS, or the word bull, often replaces the word
  10. Of the angels, and by the command of the holy men, we excommunicate, expel, curse , and damn Baruch de Espinoza, with the consent of God, Blessed be He, and with
  11. Nitzavim, on Deuteronomy 29-30: covenant, violation,choose blessing and, curse ,: *VP-elect, on Deuteronomy 31: Encouragement, reading and writing the law:
  12. And have not been back since. It has also been said by many that Spanish put a ", curse ," on the Cubs, apparently preventing the team from playing in the World Series.
  13. Jersey because they were the designated home team. However, the roots of the, curse ,likely date back earlier to the end of the 1968 season when the blue-shirted
  14. Of the heinous crime perpetrated by their ancestor, Tantalus,and then of a, curse ,placed upon Plops, son of Tantalus, by Myrtles, whom he had murdered. Thus
  15. Lyric poet not admired by Aristophanes. This was particularly funny because the, curse ,was sung (or chanted) in choreographed style by a Chorus of 24 grown men who
  16. On with Job. There is uncertainty about her intentions when she tells Job to, curse ,God, but it is clear that Job honors her by the way he talks about her in
  17. Lived in the year 1166 BC and taught that life is serious and play is sin. The, curse ,is the psychological and spiritual imbalance that results from these beliefs
  18. Opposing teams will wear their white jerseys at home to try to invoke the, curse , as when the Philadelphia Eagles hosted the Cowboys in the 1980 NFC
  19. Century. In the end of the story, the arrival of Christianity dissolves the old, curse ,that traditionally was to endure until Ragnarök. " Freya was a human in Asia
  20. And the Red Dwarf 2009 three-part miniseries," Back To Earth ". Blade Runner, curse ,Among the folklore that has developed around the film over the years has been
  21. Church. Many in Protestant traditions cite Revelation 22:18-19 as a potential, curse ,for those who attach any canonical authority to extra-biblical writings such as
  22. Thus explaining Aegis thus' action as justified by his father's, curse ,). Agamemnon's son Orestes later avenged his father's murder, with the help
  23. S gift, and Samuel explains that kingship can be a blessing rather than a, curse ,if they remain faithful to their god. On the other hand, total destruction of
  24. The team's eclectic roster and devil-may-care attitude toward their supposed ", curse , " Boston began the postseason by sweeping the AL West champion Anaheim Angels
  25. Therein, with the excommunication with which Joshua banned Jericho, with the, curse ,with which Elisha curse d the boys, and with all the curse s which are written in
  26. Around the film over the years has been the belief that the film was a, curse ,to the companies whose logos were displayed prominently as product placements
  27. Be" jinxed" because the team often seemed to lose when they wore them. This, curse ,purportedly became popular after the team lost Super Bowl V, when they were
  28. Of being formulated in Hungary. Patella made reference to the Jews" whose lips, curse ,Christ and whose hearts reject him even today ". The 1937 encyclical MIT
  29. The author of John writes that in the New Jerusalem," there will be no more, curse , " Rev 22:3 The Evangelical Dictionary of Theology (Baker,1984) says: Major
  30. Despite being attached to the curse , Colavito said that he never placed a, curse ,on the Indians but that the trade was prompted by a salary dispute with Lane.
  31. Favorite servant with prosperity, but if he lost his possessions, then he would, curse ,God. God gives Satan permission to test Job's righteousness. All of Job's
  32. Men, and whoever slain by a Christian would stay dead. Thus, the pagan, curse ,was finally dissolved by the arrival of Christianity. After that, the noble man
  33. Biographer, John Geiger, suggests the arbitrary expulsion" had the effect of a, curse , Years later, he blamed other failures on the Breton incident. It gave rise to
  34. In ashes, scrapes his skin with broken pottery. His wife prompts him to ", curse ,God, and die" but Job answers," You speak as one of the foolish speaks.
  35. Job's wife Job's wife is introduced in Job 2:9 when she suggests that Job, curse ,God and die. She is not directly mentioned at any other place in the book.
  36. The Boston Red Sox had broken their slightly shorter but more celebrated ", curse , " The Chicago White Sox are most prominently nicknamed" the South Sides "
  37. And in Portuguese with the word medical. In Greek, the word κατάρα ", curse ," is found, although βρισιά, from ύβρις (hubris) is more commonly used, and
  38. Had refused to continue his opiate prescription and that Crowley had put a, curse ,on him. Biographer Lawrence Putin passes on various stories about Crowley's
  39. Jokes are often very detailed, as when the Chorus in The Albanians places a, curse ,on Intimacies, a chorus accused of niggardly conduct, wishing upon him a
  40. The river and tree of life appear for the healing of the nations. The, curse ,is ended. (22:1-5) ##Conclusion ###Christ's reassurance that his coming is
  41. Heart with a Bowie knife. Dracula crumbles to dust, and Mind is freed from his, curse , The book closes with a note about Mina's and Jonathan's married life and the
  42. Left behind by him in his haste to leave. Standing on it, Dido uttered a, curse ,that would forever pit Carthage against Rome. She then committed suicide by
  43. Great-grandson of Eli; slain by Does the Edomite-fulfilling part of the, curse ,on the House of Eli that none of his male descendants would live to old age.
  44. With Beowulf's wishes, rather than distributed to his people, and there is a, curse ,associated with the hoard to ensure that Beowulf's wish is kept. Structured by
  45. Still wear white against the Cowboys. One of the more recent examples of the ", curse ," happened in 2008 when the 1–4 St. Louis Rams chose to wear their white
  46. To their blue jerseys over the years, Schramm said he did not believe in the, curse , Since the league began allowing teams to use an alternate jersey, the Cowboys
  47. Know the future). However, when she did not return his love, Apollo placed a, curse ,on her so that no one would ever believe her predictions. She is a figure both
  48. Divination. They can cast spells and turn people into animals or stones, or, curse , peoples ’ crops to be blighted. At the same time, the term druid is sometimes
  49. Itself In the Spanish language, the word Maldivian, literally meaning" a, curse ," or an evil spell, is occasionally used as an interjection of lament or anger
  50. Due to a mighty wind, killing all of Job's offspring, but Job does not, curse ,God but instead shaves his head, tears his clothes and says," Naked I came out

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