Examples of the the word, appeals , in a Sentence Context

The word ( appeals ), is the 5968 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Transcendental normative facts. Criticisms Critics suggest that this argument, appeals ,to a divine command theory of ethics. Objections to divine command theories of
  2. Proceeding is itself admissible as evidence, thus helping to curb frivolous, appeals , In some cases, an application for trial de Nova effectively erases the prior
  3. Who combed European promoting antisemitism through their often fiery, emotional, appeals , As the Black Death epidemics devastated Europe in the mid-14th century
  4. Were. Furthermore, U. S. appellate courts are usually restricted to hearing, appeals ,based on matters that were originally brought up before the trial court. Hence
  5. On its behalf for years, contributed free artwork for its annual fund-raising, appeals , and entertained crippled and paraplegic children in children's hospitals with
  6. The outcome of a trial may bring an appeal to contest that outcome. However, appeals ,may be costly, and the appellate court must find an error on the part of the
  7. Certain courts may serve as both trial courts and appellate courts, hearing, appeals , of decisions made by courts with more limited jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions
  8. Were the case was prosecuted. There are many types of standard of review for, appeals , such as de Nova and abuse of discretion. An appellate court is a court that
  9. Jurisdictions, appellate courts are also called appeals courts, courts of, appeals , superior courts, or supreme courts. Access to appellant status A party who
  10. From these district courts can be the subject of judicial review following, appeals ,to the courts of second instance. Judgments of courts of first instance are
  11. But derives most of its caseload from patent cases, on the one hand, and, appeals , from the Court of Federal Claims on the other. Authority to review The
  12. Youthful disadvantages such as height and strength. Equipment One of the major, appeals ,of bouldering is its relatively scant equipment requirements. Nothing is
  13. Due process). In different jurisdictions, appellate courts are also called, appeals ,courts, courts of appeals , superior courts, or supreme courts. Access to
  14. Alaska's court system has four levels: the Alaska Supreme Court, the court of, appeals , the superior courts and the district courts. The superior and district courts
  15. Heard before a jury of their peers. Federal Judge Julius Weinstein refused the, appeals , claiming the settlement was" fair and just ". By 1989,the veterans' fears
  16. United States The United States legal system generally recognizes two types of, appeals ,: a trial de Nova or an appeal on the record. A trial de Nova is usually
  17. Courts do not have the power to review lower court decisions unless a party, appeals ,it. Therefore, if a lower court has ruled in an improper manner, or against
  18. Been no previous trial. "' The only exception to this is that if a defendant, appeals ,a conviction for a crime having multiple levels of offenses, where they are
  19. Financial, and territorial recovery known as the Armenian restoration. His, appeals ,to Western Europe for help against the Turks were also the catalyst that
  20. Is an actress and singer. He has offered his support to various charities and, appeals , notably becoming President of the National Trust's Rondônia Appeal, raising
  21. The name of the case in the law reports reverses (in some cases twice) as the, appeals ,work their way up the court hierarchy. This is not always true, however. In the
  22. Conducting an imaginary orchestra in an empty amphitheater while his girlfriend, appeals ,directly to the camera for the viewer to join in. Angles and focal lengths
  23. The South to urge a paternalistic institution. Both denominations made direct, appeals ,to slaves and free blacks for conversion. The Baptists particularly allowed
  24. Tried the case. The key distinguishing factor between direct and collateral, appeals ,is that the former occurs in state courts, and the latter in federal courts.
  25. Same order as the lower court when an appeal is taken to the circuit courts of, appeals , and are re-ordered only if the appeal reaches the United States Supreme Court.
  26. Wrongs. In order to spare the pockets of the community, it was ordered that, appeals ,from the governor’s decision should lie to Crete, instead of Venice. The
  27. U. S. jurisdictions title their appellate court a court of appeal or court of, appeals , Historically, others have titled their appellate court a court of errors (or
  28. Is where appeal is by way of re-hearing. Certain jurisdictions permit certain, appeals ,to cause the trial to be heard afresh in the appellate court. An example would
  29. Another. An appellate court, commonly called an, appeals ,court or court of appeals (American English) or appeal court (British
  30. Verdict. Therefore, only a small proportion of trial court decisions result in, appeals , Some appellate courts, particularly supreme courts, have the power of
  31. In class divisiveness as its native son, George Washington, made desperate, appeals ,for troops. War in the north,1775–1780 Massachusetts Before the war, Boston
  32. Of Attack under Maratha rule. Thus, upon his return to Kandahar in 1757,Amidst, appeals ,from Muslim leaders like Shah Wallah, Ahmad Shah chose to return to India
  33. Physical exertion, must date from the very earliest times. A rolling object, appeals ,not only to a human baby but to a kitten and a puppy. Some form of game with a
  34. Also escalated with the Boer settlers from the Transvaal to the east. After, appeals ,by the Botswana leaders Kama III, Bathoen and Severe for assistance, the
  35. Courts have an administrative" chamber" which specializes in administrative, appeals , The courts of appeal in administrative cases however are specialized depending on
  36. Convictions in the United States Many jurisdictions recognize two types of, appeals , particularly in the criminal context. The first is the traditional" direct "
  37. Appellate courts, such as the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which only hears, appeals ,raised in criminal cases, and the United States Court of Appeals for the
  38. Against Amway and Amway distributors had been dismissed. In October 2005 a Utah, appeals ,court reversed part of the decision dismissing the case against the four Amway
  39. An appellate court, commonly called an appeals court or court of, appeals ,(American English) or appeal court (British English),is any court of law
  40. Organisations have committees to make judgements on the rules and to conduct, appeals ,against decisions by tournament directors. Clearly detailed precise rules are
  41. In July 2009,a British court found in favor of Asia. In June 2010,an, appeals ,court reversed the decision, allowing Minamoto to pursue a case against Asia
  42. Cases however are specialized depending on the case, but most administrative, appeals ,end up in the judicial section of the Council of State (Road van State). In
  43. Front employed a new strategy of local military pressure and global political, appeals , Resentment was increasingly gathering against Taliban rule from the bottom of
  44. Have titled their appellate court a court of errors (or court of errors and, appeals ,), on the premise that it was intended to correct errors made by lower courts.
  45. Reaches the United States Supreme Court. In Canada, criminal cases, including, appeals , are always styled in the form R. v. defendant, where R represents the Latin
  46. Of Appeal. It is also a member of the Caribbean Court of Justice, and enjoys, appeals ,to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Perception Transparency
  47. The Supreme Court of Mississippi). In some jurisdictions, courts able to hear, appeals ,are known as an appellate division. Depending on the system, certain courts may
  48. The appellant is named first. This can mean that where it is the defendant who, appeals , the name of the case in the law reports reverses (in some cases twice) as
  49. Tensions also escalated with the Boer settlers from the Transvaal. After, appeals ,by the Botswana leaders Kama III, Bathoen and Severe for assistance, the
  50. Due to the infighting between political factions, many Cherokees thought their, appeals ,were still being considered until troops arrived. This abrupt and forced

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