Examples of the the word, umbrella , in a Sentence Context

The word ( umbrella ), is the 7247 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Filmed from behind Jackie),Michael walks onscreen from the right holding an, umbrella ,that is not black but beige, with a brown band at the rim. Though visual
  2. Was those who came on the ship the Empire Windrush. The preferred official, umbrella ,term is" black and minority ethnic" ( BME),but sometimes the term" black "
  3. Particularly at the University of Stage (which although brought under the, umbrella ,of the University of New Zealand, already possessed university status and
  4. To protect traditional knowledge. Indigenous intellectual property is an, umbrella ,legal term used in national and international forums to identify indigenous
  5. Internal audit, external audit and executive compensation also fall under the, umbrella ,of finance and accounting. Particular corporate ethical/legal abuses include:
  6. Properties as a mild stimulant and appetite suppressant. During this time,the, umbrella ,labor-organization of Bolivia, the Central Opera Bolivian (COB),became
  7. Lavender Country and Folk Dancers' organization now serves as an, umbrella ,organization for dances in Massachusetts, New York, Georgia,and California.
  8. Of the stereo isomers has been compared to the inversion of an open, umbrella ,in to a strong wind. Because of this low barrier, amines such as NHRR' cannot
  9. The removal or avoidance of some aversive event (e.g., opening and raising an, umbrella ,over your head on a rainy day is reinforced by the cessation of rain falling on
  10. Generally in the form of a compound umbel, and has the same root as the word ", umbrella ,". The botanical subspecialty that studies Apache is sometimes called
  11. Communication (AAC) Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an, umbrella ,term that encompasses methods of communication for those with impairments or
  12. Is little that unites all the disparate subcultures which are grouped under the, umbrella ,term BDSM. Interpersonal relationships which are based on the social
  13. Political parties, as well as numerous mass organizations, were grouped under, umbrella ,of the National Front. Human rights activists and religious activists were
  14. As an offshoot of the Witan Theo. In 1988 the Finland Rice was formed as an, umbrella ,organization of Theorist groups. In 2005,Herd First Anetholes changed the
  15. The roll-out of ESPN, then regional sports networks (now mostly under the, umbrella ,of Fox Sports Net) changed sports news and particularly impacted baseball.
  16. Around a cloth-covered billiards table bounded by rubber. Historically,the, umbrella ,term was billiards. While that familiar name is still employed by some as a
  17. Undergoes nitrogen inversion at room temperature; a useful analogy is an, umbrella ,turning itself inside out in a strong wind. The energy barrier to this
  18. Interventions when used in conjunction with mainstream techniques, under the, umbrella ,term complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM. Some researchers in
  19. Death of Abu Musab Al-Zahrawi (the former leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq),the, umbrella ,organization to which al-Qaeda in Iraq belongs, the Mujahideen SEURA Council
  20. Broadcast of anti-Semitic material on television. Due to protests by the CRIF, umbrella ,group of French Jews regarding allegations of anti-Semitic content, French
  21. Played by Sean Connery) in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. After using his, umbrella ,to induce a flock of seagulls to smash through the glass cockpit of a pursuing
  22. Pan-American Federation of Cheerleading (PFC). The PFC, operating under the, umbrella ,of the IFC, is the non-profit continental body of cheerleading whose aim it is
  23. Doors (on June 2),2007. The 501 (c) (3) was established in 1999 as the, umbrella ,for Rhythmic world music ensemble and RCW cultural exchange programs. From
  24. A" loose label for a movement that seems to target the West ". " There is no, umbrella ,organization. We like to create a mythical entity called al-Qaeda in our minds
  25. Figures in their respective syllabi. Other dances sometimes placed under the, umbrella ," ballroom dance" include Nightclub Dances such as Lindy Hop, West Coast Swing
  26. January 2008,the group launched a new website called" Voice of Change "," an, umbrella ,group to assist candidates who wish to stand as independent nationalists in the
  27. Of business is that it must exhibit corporate social responsibility (CSR): an, umbrella ,term indicating that an ethical business must act as a responsible citizen of
  28. The relations among them, developed as an academic discipline in Britain. An, umbrella ,term sociocultural anthropology makes reference to both cultural and social
  29. Later gave way to definitions by V. Gordon Child, with culture forming an, umbrella ,term and civilization becoming a particular kind of culture. The
  30. Beliefs of Jacobus Arminius himself, but the term can also be understood as an, umbrella ,for a larger grouping of ideas including those of Hugo Grotius, John Wesley and
  31. And Gerber ding—"diminished the influence of national centers under their, umbrella ," and were ordered cut under the Obama Administration and Friedan in 2009.
  32. On a life of their own outside his books. Game became a slang expression for an, umbrella ,from the character Mrs. Game and Pickwick, Pecksniffian, and Grad grind all
  33. Plants in this category are almost all considered good companion plants, as the, umbrella ,of tiny flowers attracts omnivorous beneficial insects, especially ladybugs
  34. Of the earlier Prussian royal family. The church is now owned by the Protestant, umbrella ,Union of Evangelical Churches (UK). Like many other buildings, it suffered
  35. Is a Standing Buddha on the tall stop. The stop itself is crowned with an, umbrella ,that nearly touches the roof. Nāga king: There is a Nāga king with his queen
  36. Traditions alive. In New York the German American Cultural Society is a larger, umbrella ,group for others such as the Bavarian organizations, which represent a specific
  37. Domestic problems as the presence of three pieces of orange peel in his, umbrella ,stand. Poirot (and, it is reasonable to suppose, his creator) becomes
  38. Characters, he does several comic strip continuities under one, umbrella ,title, Non Sequitur. Bob Thaves's Frank & Ernest began in 1972 and paved the
  39. In the 19th century that the term intellectual property began to be used as an, umbrella ,term for patents, copyright and other laws. The expansion of copyright and
  40. Participation in the integration process. As the institutional and normative ", umbrella ," of regional integration that shelters these agreements as well as the
  41. The five points of Calvinism. The term" Arminianism" today often serves as an, umbrella ,term for both Arminius's doctrine and the Remonstrants ', but Arminius's
  42. Above his black head indicate that they are going to lift him to heaven. The, umbrella ,on the top is symbolic of the protection he offers to all. BUDDHA AND THE
  43. Pikes Peak Region (COPPeR),located in downtown Colorado Springs, acts as an, umbrella ,resource to support and advocate for the arts throughout the Pikes Peak Region.
  44. Jackie and Michael, are walking through a storm towards Ned's house. The, umbrella ,they are under is black during their conversation as they walk towards the
  45. Thorntrees, whistling thorns or wattles, including the yellow-fever acacia and, umbrella ,acacias. The genus Acacia previously contained roughly 1300 species, about 960
  46. 1995 (when NBC split the coverage with ABC under" The Baseball Network ", umbrella ,). It wasn't until 1997 when Costs finally got the chance to do play-by-play
  47. Period. Institutions Most Hokkaido Ainu and some other Ainu are members of an, umbrella ,group called the Hokkaido Atari Association. It was originally controlled by
  48. Artist Stacey Schubert. Assistive technology or adaptive technology (AT) is an, umbrella ,term that includes assistive, adaptive,and rehabilitative devices for people
  49. Agents receive training in the psychology of assassins. Audio CD is an, umbrella ,term that refers to many standards of means of playing back audio on a CD. It
  50. For its contribution to Pakistani television. Companies under the ARY Group, umbrella ,: * ARY Digital Network - A bouquet of 5 television channels available via

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