Examples of the the word, temporal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( temporal ), is the 7264 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. No death on the Earth before the Fall of Adam and Eve, and that the Earth's, temporal ,existence consists of a total of seven thousand years (c.4,000 B. C. -c.2,000
  2. Advantage of a price difference between two or more at any probabilistic or, temporal ,state and a positive cash flow in at least one state; in simple terms, it is
  3. Began as kingdoms, in which the king was considered divine and endowed with, temporal ,and spiritual powers. All states were militaristic (or they did not survive
  4. Areas. PET has similar spatial resolution to fMRI, but it has extremely poor, temporal ,resolution. * Electroencephalography. EEG measures the electrical fields
  5. Functions within different brain regions. fMRI has moderate spatial and, temporal ,resolution. * Optical imaging. This technique uses infrared transmitters and
  6. Potentials constantly, at rates of 10–100 per second, usually in irregular, temporal ,patterns; other neurons are quiet most of the time, but occasionally emit a
  7. The clergy left the matter to the tsar's own decision. At noon on 24 June,the, temporal ,dignitaries—the 126 members of both the Senate and magistrates that comprised
  8. Infection of paranasal sinuses, infection of the mastoid air cells of the, temporal ,bone, epidural abscess) or remote (lung, heart,kidney etc.) infectious
  9. Foraging. These changes are sometimes fairly sudden, and define what are called, temporal ,castes. An explanation for the sequence is suggested by the high casualties
  10. Son of man — explains it as referring to his eternal spiritual selfhood and his, temporal ,manhood. (Message for 1901,page 8) This accords with a basic plank in the
  11. Traveling shots, marking narrative shifts in the courtyard scenes and marking, temporal ,ellipses between actions (e.g., between the end of one character’s testimony
  12. Said to be differentiated in four domains: duration of emotional experience, temporal ,focus, specificity of threat, and motivated direction. Fear was defined as
  13. Bishops and abbots. As king, he saw himself as responsible for both the, temporal ,and spiritual welfare of his subjects. Secular and spiritual authority were not
  14. Is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and, temporal , Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore, man is not
  15. Can be found here. * In contrast to Broca's aphasia, damage to the, temporal ,lobe may result in a fluent aphasia that is called Wernicke's aphasia (also
  16. Complication was added or something resolved. Several of his stories hinge upon, temporal ,conundrum, a favorite theme. He stated that he acquired many of his writing
  17. Of electrodes on the scalp of the subject. This technique has an extremely high, temporal ,resolution, but a relatively poor spatial resolution. * Functional magnetic
  18. His studies did not dissect the brains of diseased patients, so only the more, temporal ,damage was visible. Drinkers and Dr. While Peasant scanned Broca's original
  19. Which details speech problems in a person with a traumatic brain injury to the, temporal ,lobe. Notable cases The aorta (; from Greek ἀορτή - aorta, from ἀείρω - Aaron "
  20. Less secular meaning, can be compatible with the idea of both a religious and a, temporal ,body: Corpus Christianum. The Corpus Christianum can be seen as a Christian
  21. In multi-sited ethnography, research tracks a subject across spatial and, temporal ,boundaries. For example, a multi-sited ethnography may follow a" thing," such
  22. That the souls of the faithful who at death have not been cleansed from the, temporal ,punishment due to venial sins and from attachment to mortal sins cannot
  23. After they die. Hell in comparison is a place of eternal (or some religions, temporal ,) torment for the wicked. Similar places of torment and reward can be seen in
  24. Usually results from lesions to the language-relevant areas of the frontal, temporal ,and parietal lobes of the brain, such as Broca's area,Wernicke's area, and
  25. Thales, who had claimed that the primary substance was water. The notion of, temporal ,infinity was familiar to the Greek mind from remote antiquity in the religious
  26. Someone else's gain ". That part of the brain is called the posterior superior, temporal ,cortex (PTC). In the next stage, the scientists asked the participants some
  27. S aphasia (also termed expressive aphasia) were once thought to have ventral, temporal ,damage, though more recent work by Dr. Nina Drinkers using imaging and 'lesion
  28. Thalamocortical systems (context) interact in the gamma band frequency via, temporal ,coincidence. A number of studies have shown that activity in primary sensory
  29. Of immortal life. Nothing could kill this Life of man. Jesus could give his, temporal ,life into his enemies' hands; but when his earth-mission was accomplished, his
  30. Spectra for features that might indicate the presence of life. The photometry, temporal ,variability of extrasolar planets may also provide clues to their surface and
  31. Frontal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, anterior cingulate cortex, and superior, temporal ,gyrus. The degree of pathology in these areas has been directly related to the
  32. That learned to play world-class backgammon partly by playing against itself (, temporal ,difference learning with neural networks). Knowledge and reasoning * CBC, an
  33. Programs to play near the expert level. Its neural network was trained using, temporal ,difference learning applied to data generated from self-play. According to
  34. Have shown, for example, that visually responsive neurons in parts of the, temporal ,lobe reflect the visual perception in the situation when conflicting visual
  35. German, the accusative case is also used for some adverbial expressions, mostly, temporal , ones,as in" Diesel Bend blade ICH data" ( This evening I'm staying at
  36. i. e., those that have more oxygenated blood). Optical imaging has moderate, temporal ,resolution, but poor spatial resolution. It also has the advantage that it is
  37. Libratus was renamed Albertosaurus liberates in 1970. This addition extended the, temporal ,range of the genus Albertosaurus backwards by several million years and its
  38. Processing. Many methods for processing of one-variable signals, typically, temporal , signals,can be extended naturally to processing of two-variable signals
  39. Of the ventral roots. In the brain, atrophy may be present in the frontal and, temporal ,lobes. On microscopic examination, neurones may show scoliosis, the presence
  40. Concepts elicit greater brain activity in the inferior frontal gyrus and middle, temporal ,gyrus compared to concrete concepts when concrete concepts elicit greater
  41. Typically 10 to 20 cm. Sonic anemometers can take measurements with very fine, temporal ,resolution,20 Hz or better, which makes them well suited for turbulence
  42. Continuity in the Sumerian description is expressed by the spatial and, temporal ,continuity and continuous differentiability of the velocity field. All physical
  43. You. "; Weak agnosticism (also called" soft,"" open,"" empirical," or ", temporal ,agnosticism" ): The view that the existence or nonexistence of any deities is
  44. Exaggerated. " One of his secretaries concluded that John was" a great man in, temporal ,things, but a complete failure and worthless in spiritual things. "
  45. With the independent Orthodox Church of Cyprus, which has some influence in, temporal ,as well as ecclesiastical matters. The working of the Cypriot state was fraught
  46. Ordained to lead the Church by Jesus Christ. The Presiding Bishop oversees the, temporal ,affairs (buildings, properties,commercial corporations, and so on) of the
  47. For the training of the clergy. The emperor and his wife Cunigunde gave large, temporal ,possessions to the new diocese, and it received many privileges out of which
  48. Information is processed. Different types of imaging techniques vary in their, temporal ,(time-based) and spatial (location-based) resolution. Brain imaging is
  49. Of eternal life, stating that" If by eternity is understood not eternal, temporal ,duration, but timelessness, then he lives eternally who lives in the present. "
  50. Operating causes to actual effects. Essentially, causality does not suggest a, temporal ,relation between the cause and the effect. Optics Aristotle held more accurate

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