Examples of the the word, schema , in a Sentence Context

The word ( schema ), is the 7255 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Bronze Age in Central Europe has been described in the chronological, schema ,of German prehistorian Paul Redneck. He described Bronze A1 (By A1) period (
  2. Each attribute object can be used to define multiple schema objects. The, schema ,object allows the schema to be extended or modified when necessary. However
  3. Of Cyrus as king of Persia was named Darius. The author of Daniel inherited a, schema ,of four kingdoms in which Media preceded Persia. John J. Collins suggests that
  4. Give rise to the cognitive bias, and the cognitive bias helps fuel the negative, schema , This is the negative triad. Also, Beck proposed that depressed people often
  5. Have no simple equivalent mappings in most XML schema languages). Most XML, schema ,languages are only replacements for element declarations and attribute list
  6. A situation that in some way resembles the conditions in which the original, schema ,was learned, the negative schema ta of the person are activated. Beck also
  7. Characteristics and information that the object represents — defined by a, schema , which also determines the kinds of objects that can be stored in Active
  8. Is also linked to the cult of trees, particularly oaks. In this interpretative, schema , the institution of the Rex Nemesis and related ritual should be seen as
  9. For these XML schema languages have to be parsed separately, so validating the, schema ,of XML documents in pure standalone mode is not really possible with these
  10. Phi \to \not \psi) \to (\psi \to \phi). Each of these patterns is an axiom, schema , a rule for generating an infinite number of axioms. For example, if A, B,and
  11. A \to \not B) \to (C \to (A \to \not B) ) are both instances of axiom, schema ,1,and hence are axioms. It can be shown that with only these three axiom
  12. Proto-Continental Celtic" ancestor. Rather, in the Insular/Continental, schema , Liberian is usually considered to be the first branch to split from
  13. DTD subset was to define the schema ). In addition, documents for these XML, schema ,languages have to be parsed separately, so validating the schema of XML
  14. SGML-family markup languages (SGML, XML,HTML). DVDs were a precursor to XML, schema ,and have a similar function, although different capabilities. DVDs use a terse
  15. Interpretations. According to this theory, depressed people acquire a negative, schema ,of the world in childhood and adolescence as an effect of stressful life events
  16. Intelligible by modern Welsh and Cornish speakers. In the P/Q classification, schema , the first language to split off from Proto-Semitic was Gaelic. It has
  17. Once created, an object can only be deactivated—not deleted. Changing the, schema ,usually requires planning. Sites A Site object in Active Directory represents a
  18. The instance documents. XML uses a subset of SGML DTD. Newer XML Namespace-aware, schema ,languages (such as W3C XML Schema and ISO RELAX NG) have largely superseded
  19. Modeling language A modeling language is a data modeling language to define the, schema ,of each database hosted in the DBMS, according to the DBMS database model.
  20. Device by shooting it with water at high velocity. *See also Disruption (of, schema ,) in evolutionary computing *Law of disruption, proposed by Downs and Mew in
  21. To an a posteriori concept, Kant employed the technical concept of the, schema , Conceptual structure It seems intuitively obvious that concepts must have some
  22. Of mania followed by depression (MD) or vice versa (DM). Employing this, schema , major depression would be denoted D. Unipolar mania (M) is, depending on the
  23. Stated that the data warehouse should be modeled using a Dimensional Model/star, schema , The normalized approach, also called the 3NF model, whose supporters are
  24. Highly probable that Daniel created the figure of Darius the Made to fit this, schema , George R. Law,Ph.D., provides this list of candidates, who may identify with
  25. Before and the earliest chordates around. Classification Taxonomy The following, schema ,is from the third edition of Vertebrate Paleontology. The invertebrate
  26. Because internal entities and parsable external entities are not part of XML, schema ,languages, and because other unpaused external entities and notations have no
  27. Can be used to define multiple schema objects. The schema object allows the, schema ,to be extended or modified when necessary. However, because each schema object
  28. Then. XML DVDs and schema validation The XML DTD syntax is one of several XML, schema ,languages. However, many of them do not fully replace the XML DTD. Notably, the
  29. In Active Directory. Each attribute object can be used to define multiple, schema ,objects. The schema object allows the schema to be extended or modified when
  30. Remains necessary for at least identifying (with an XML Catalog) the, schema ,used in the parsed XML document and that will be validated in another language.
  31. Less strong. There are two main competing schema ta of categorization. The older, schema , argued for by Schmidt (1988) among others, links Gaulish with Brythonic in a
  32. Celtic hypothesis and the P-Celtic/Q-Celtic hypothesis. Proponents of each, schema ,dispute the accuracy and usefulness of the other's categories. However, since
  33. Human common sense. Cycle presented a proprietary knowledge representation, schema ,that utilized first-order relationships. In 1986,Doug Lent estimated the
  34. n. Define S =, the range of f, which can be seen to be a set from the axiom, schema ,of replacement. Applying the axiom of regularity to S, let B be an element of S
  35. Brythonic languages (see Schmidt). In the Insular/Continental classification, schema , the split of the former into Gaelic and Brythonic is seen as being late. The
  36. The schema to be extended or modified when necessary. However, because each, schema ,object is integral to the definition of Active Directory objects, deactivating
  37. Generalized, and personal inferences of the self, thus fueling the negative, schema , A large-scale study in 2000 showed substantially higher results of response
  38. Pam_LDAP provided by PAUL. Com, support these attributes directly. The default, schema ,for group membership complies with RFC 2307bis (proposed). Windows Server
  39. In other language groups (especially the Osco-Umbrian and Greek). The other, schema , defended for example by McCune (1996),links Gaelic and Brythonic together
  40. XML parsers (if the only purpose of the external DTD subset was to define the, schema ,). In addition, documents for these XML schema languages have to be parsed
  41. Refer to a less integrated (e.g., without an FDBMS and a managed integrated, schema ,) group of databases that cooperate in a single application. In this case
  42. The partial attribute set (PAS). The PAS can be modified by modifying the, schema ,and marking attributes for replication to the GC. Earlier versions of Windows
  43. Business intelligence applications. Specifically, dimensional tables in a star, schema ,often contain denormalized data. The denormalized or redundant data must be
  44. Blocking the interpretation of the validated document using them. XML DVDs and, schema ,validation The XML DTD syntax is one of several XML schema languages. However
  45. DTD schema example An example of a very simple external XML DTD to describe the, schema ,of a list of persons might consist of: <! ELEMENT
  46. To have a good day ", and " things will never get better. " A negative, schema ,helps give rise to the cognitive bias, and the cognitive bias helps fuel the
  47. Its local catalog from where it can retrieve an associated DTD entity. XML DTD, schema ,example An example of a very simple external XML DTD to describe the schema of
  48. Linked in a common family that Street designated as" North Asiatic ". The same, schema ,was adopted by James Patrice (1982) in the context of an attempt to classify
  49. Active Directory-compatible centralized authentication and access control The, schema ,additions shipped with Windows Server 2003 R2 include attributes that map
  50. A forest is a collection of trees that share a common global catalog, directory, schema , logical structure, and directory configuration. The forest represents the

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