Examples of the the word, ample , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ample ), is the 7254 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Weighed fifteen tons (13,600 kg),and been tall. Although Babbage received, ample ,funding for the project, it was never completed. He later designed an improved
  2. Such topics as necromancy, divination and demonology. Despite this," there is, ample ,evidence that the medieval clergy were the main practitioners of magic and
  3. Due to under-tow currents. Shopping districts are popular in Barbados, with, ample , duty-free shopping. There is also a festive night-life in mainly tourist areas
  4. The indigenous peoples who survived the arrival of European diseases. There is, ample ,evidence for complex large-scale, pre-Columbian social formations, including
  5. An area rich with raw materials for the mining industry. There were also, ample ,timber and ore reserves, and a well-developed forest industry in Finland.
  6. Must have permanent water available. A large animal, the bongo requires an, ample ,amount of food, and is restricted to areas with abundant year-round growth of
  7. Of area. This has the dual effect of providing each administration with, ample ,control over its agricultural capacity and eliminating historical
  8. Policies have allowed dead chaparral to accumulate unnaturally, creating, ample , fuel for large fires. The perspective that older chaparral is unhealthy or
  9. But it is unlikely to have affected the Library or Museum, given that there is, ample ,evidence that both existed later. Civil wars, decreasing investments in
  10. Punning and similar verbal playfulness. Character-naming in Don Quixote makes, ample ,figural use of contradiction, inversion,and irony, such as the names
  11. Six saltwater ramps for launching boats, moorage docks for overnight use, and, ample , parking. Crabbing and fishing are popular here as well. Bowman Bay has an
  12. Nothing, not even light, can escape—as an end-state for massive stars. There is, ample ,evidence that such stellar black holes as well as more massive varieties of
  13. Contain no significant references to the Iroquois" and stated that there are, ample ,European precedents to the democratic institutions of the United States.
  14. Reduced exposure to predators and competition from other bacterial species,the, ample ,supply of nutrients and relative environmental stability inside the host.
  15. To support the Confederacy to obtain cotton – proved mistaken. The British had, ample ,stocks to last over a year, and had been developing alternative sources of
  16. And removed from the average citizen. The common law trial lawyer has, ample ,opportunity to uncover the truth in a laboratory called the courtroom. Most
  17. Of the top engineering schools in Europe. His mother's coal business provided, ample ,income for the family and provided the funds for Gustave to receive his
  18. The further disadvantage of taking more time to deliver, giving the opponent, ample ,warning to react and counter. For this reason, the haymaker or roundhouse is
  19. The NFL instituted several rules related to this tactic: * Allowing the defense, ample ,time for substitutions (if offensive substitutions are made); * If a player
  20. If he would let Welles take full credit. " According to Pauline Karl," he had, ample ,proof of his authorship, and when he took his evidence to the screenwriters
  21. And brought us home a day early, I think, just to make sure we could have some, ample ,time to fix any problems. " There were no problems encountered during the
  22. Regardless of whether the plan was carried out, trade and combat provided, ample ,opportunity for transmission of the disease. See also: Small pox during Pontiac
  23. FIR filters make them preferable to the filter designer (programmer) when, ample ,computing power is available. Another advantage of FIR filters is that their
  24. Has still not reached a level where it can be put on the market. There are, ample ,ex ample s of military autonomous vehicles ranging from advanced missiles, too
  25. And mathematics. He later traveled to Islamic Spain. During this period, he had, ample ,time for his scientific pursuits, which included optics, mathematics,physics
  26. And BSA were not in a position to finance Daimler, nor had either company, ample ,liquid resources. BSA went ahead with motorcycle production in 1910,their
  27. Of financial policies and banking supervision, the financial sector provides, ample ,access to credit for entrepreneurs. The opening of Capital Bank in 2008 brought
  28. From Portugal, like glass. In his book, Matthias Rodrigo Asuncion provided, ample ,data from police records, dating back to the 1800s,demonstrating that Capoeira
  29. Parts. In contrast, AMD enjoyed a remarkably smooth process transition and had, ample ,supplies available, causing Athlon sales to become quite strong. The
  30. Manual and working capital requirements, : :* track-record of operations, and, ample , ability to supply materials, and: :* the ability to train the Chinese personnel
  31. That an area so far east should still be in Briton hands this late: there is, ample ,archaeological evidence of early Saxon and Anglican presence in the Midlands
  32. Of the Vale of Glamorgan where wide stretches of sandy beaches afforded, ample ,room for play. As a winter sport, British bandy originated in the Fens of East
  33. Gardening has also helped to beautify this area, taking advantage of the, ample ,sunshine in Greece. * Siri and Nazi - The reviving Siri () neighborhood –
  34. For night vision. *The FELIX suit, an infantry combat system that combines, ample ,pouches, reinforced body protections and a portable electronic platform.
  35. Rabbit and other woodland animals. Those on the“ rice coast” often ate, ample ,amounts of rice, while the grain for the rest of the southern poor and slaves
  36. The so-called Venus of Walldorf, one of many Paleolithic Venus figurines with, ample ,hips and bosom. Artifacts such as bowls, rock carvings and sacred statues with
  37. Computer hardware and software. However, such editing systems require, ample ,disk space for video footage. Digital video recorded with standard
  38. Their livelihood is under threat. Many are now better informed about the, ample ,compensation available, and will make a claim when they lose livestock to a
  39. Preceding several months, friends had observed he had added some to his already, ample ,frame. Although his illness was never diagnosed, it has been speculated that he
  40. And zucchini in olive oil. Usually includes eggplant, tomatoes,onions, and, ample , aromatic herbs and seasonings. * Domatokeftedes: tomato fritters with mint
  41. Been found to be of greater emotional relevance. Prefrontal cortex There is, ample ,evidence that the left prefrontal cortex is activated by stimuli that cause
  42. Climbed to, or almost 15 % of all BT corn grown, suggesting in some areas, ample ,acreage does not exist to support pests without resistance to mate with any
  43. Reached it one by one, giving the High Seas Fleet repeated opportunity with, ample ,time to find the proper range. In the event, the captain of the trailing ship (
  44. Cannes as a particularly salient ex ample . On this hypothesis, there is in fact, ample ,evidence of alien visitation – it is simply not recognized as such. It is
  45. Dipping to on the highest peaks are not uncommon. Most of the island's, ample ,supply of water is brought by the trade winds. Although amounts vary with the
  46. Travelers passing through the Middle East in the 18th and 19th centuries left, ample ,evidence of the careful enforcement of prohibitions on horseback riding. Danish
  47. Adobe mortar, recommended to be at least an inch thick to make certain there is, ample ,strength between the brick’s edges and also to provide a relative moisture
  48. Do not agree that Chicano was ever derived from the word" Chicago ". There is, ample ,literary evidence to further substantiate that Chicano is a self-declaration as
  49. And production by means of concessions granted for a period of generally, ample ,time (often 20 years) and in different geographic zones of oil and gas
  50. The American South ... filtered through the North and West," aided by the, ample ,supply of its ingredients. In The American Language,1921,H. L. Mencken writes

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