Examples of the the word, vent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vent ), is the 7268 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Releasing approximately 2/3 of the gas originally present at launch. The, vent ,then closed, and the environmental control system maintained a nominal cabin
  2. This was located near the origin of the fire, and while the system could easily, vent ,the normal pressure, it was utterly incapable of handling the extra increase in
  3. The geyser effect of hot water and steam spraying out of the geyser's surface, vent ,(a hydrothermal explosion). About a thousand known geysers exist worldwide
  4. Jews be given preferment in public office since this offers them the pretext to, vent ,their wrath against the Christians. " The Council also commanded that Jews be
  5. A steep conical hill of volcanic fragments around and downwind from a volcanic, vent ,*Dirt cone, a feature of a glacier or snow patch, in which dirt forms a coating
  6. Specimen weighed 2.65 kilograms (5.8 lb) with a length of from snout to, vent , The cane toad has poison glands, and the tadpoles are highly toxic to most
  7. Shortly before his death he made the last of more than 40 films One history de, vent ,(A Tale of the Wind). Notes Further reading *Boris Ovens, The
  8. Nibs mounted on gold. An iridium–platinum alloy was used for the touch holes or, vent ,pieces of cannon. According to a report of the Paris Exhibition of 1867,one of
  9. Wright who were rifting, malicious and had serious personal grudges – gave, vent ,to these and spread damaging malicious stories about that Labor government. "
  10. Sheet. A vent pipe and fan are used to draw the radon from under the sheet and, vent ,it to the outdoors. This form of soil suction is called submembrane suction
  11. A piston. Traditional rifles located this cylinder and piston close to the gas, vent , The stock and grips were made of a glass-reinforced plastic shell over a rigid
  12. And 150 trained engineers and technicians approached the orbiter. Purge and, vent ,lines were attached to remove toxic gasses from fuel lines and the cargo bay
  13. The Holder courtyard and take part in a minute-long, communal primal scream to, vent ,frustration from studying with impromptu, late night noise making.
  14. Strikes and worker demonstrations became more common as the workers gave, vent ,to these frustrations. These demonstrations reached a climax when on 15 May
  15. A nose and mouthpiece, inhalation of air through a bulb-shaped filter, and a, vent ,to exhale air back into the atmosphere. According to First Facts, it states
  16. To circum vent the media. " In the early years, Winer often used Wavelet to, vent ,his grievances against Apple's management, and as a consequence of his
  17. Fan to keep the toilet under negative pressure, and exhaust the gasses to a, vent ,pipe. Some home sewage treatment systems use biological treatment, usually beds
  18. Main island diminished, but at the end of May that year an eruption began at a, vent ,0.6 km (0.37 mi) off the northern shore. By 28 May an island had appeared
  19. Are typically used in larger rooms. One hose is used as the exhaust hose to, vent ,hot air and the other as the intake hose to draw in additional air (usually
  20. In the same way. In a human clone, the umbilical corresponds to the phobic, vent ,on the back of a Sontaran's neck, suggesting that the vent is not unlike the
  21. Get cold helping him in his workshop. Tim typically uses his television show to, vent ,about various problems he is having in his personal life. Al is usually very
  22. In dominance. Activity at Mjölnir was much weaker than the activity at the main, vent , and even weaker than that seen at Syrtlingur, but the island e vent ually grew
  23. Closure of a valve. The same valve was used immediately afterwards to, vent ,the ammonia from the damaged panel, eliminating the possibility of an ammonia
  24. Been vent ed. Emergency procedure called for the command pilot to open the cabin, vent , but this was located near the origin of the fire, and while the system could
  25. And igniting the Teflon. This in turn boiled liquid oxygen faster than the tank, vent ,could remove it. The other oxygen tank or its piping, located near the failed
  26. Of emission of volcanic materials being about a tenth of the rate at the main, vent , Activity was short-lived, continuing until the beginning of October 1965,by
  27. Temperature is produced and must be disposed of. The simplest cold sink is to, vent ,the steam to the environment. This is often used on steam locomotives, as the
  28. King Menelaus, prompted by his grudge against Sigismund, at first gave free, vent ,to his indignation at the course of e vent s in Constance; and his wife openly
  29. 2002 Was came with brake duct plates that guided the air in the front bumper, vent ,to the wheel well. The gear ratios are the standard export models, but the
  30. If the rapidly expanding helium cannot be dissipated through an external, vent , sometimes referred to as 'quench pipe ', it may be released into the scanner
  31. Air downward into a dome if the dome is vent ed properly (a single overhead, vent , and peripheral vent s). Some people have reported a temperature differential
  32. Ash. They are cool to the touch, have no water and no pipes, and require an air, vent ,in a wall. They are used in remote areas where use of septic tanks is limited
  33. Constituting half the organism's weight. The bacteria react with H2S from the, vent ,and O2 from the water to produce energy to make food from H2O and CO2. The
  34. Homes involves covering the earth floor with a high-density plastic sheet. A, vent ,pipe and fan are used to draw the radon from under the sheet and vent it to the
  35. Zbrojovka CZ75 that is fully automatic with a longer barrel and three, vent ,ports on the elongated part. This machine pistol has a horizontal rail in front
  36. The engines to expel steam and bring fresh air into the tunnels. One such, vent ,is at Easter Gardens,W2. To preserve the visual characteristics in what is
  37. To the phobic vent on the back of a Sontaran's neck, suggesting that the, vent ,is not unlike the human navel, though clearly more complex. Technology In both
  38. Oswald and" apparently exchanged words with him through the right front or, vent ,window. " At approximately 1:11–1:14 p. m., Tippit exited his car and was
  39. A Citizen's Guide to Radon ", the method to reduce radon" primarily used is a, vent ,pipe system and fan, which pulls radon from beneath the house and vent s it to
  40. Of the eruption destroyed an area of, with ash deposits as thick as by the main, vent , And parts of Malaysia were covered with of ashfall. In addition, it has been
  41. Actual value varying by country) or brown fumes are seen in the nitrator's, vent , then it is immediately drowned. Use as an explosive and a propellant The main
  42. Architecture – Rendering – Hairdos – Respond – Retirement home – Road – Ridge, vent ,– Rigid frame – Rosalie – Robert R. Taylor – Rochelle – Stone – Rock cut
  43. Significant features of the music. The 55 bar-long introduction to 'Dialogue Du, vent ,et lamer' in Lamer, for example, breaks down into 5 sections of 21,8,8,5
  44. Kingdom and had to be included in it. In his book, he said," One should not, vent ,one's wrath on animals, Theology decree that man has a soul and that the
  45. As magistrate) in full view of the community. Factions and claques could, vent ,their spleen on each other, and occasionally on Emperors. The emperor Titus's
  46. Unification is set on a research base on the surface of Mars, and a volcanic, vent ,of Olympus Mons is also explored. * Most of the 1986 Info com game Leather
  47. Should be expected to impact them negatively. The Champagne hydrothermal, vent , found at the Northwest Izuku volcano at Marianas Trench Marine National
  48. Is the site of all Holocene eruptive activity. Lava flows from the summit, vent ,erupted between 30,000 and 10,000 years ago and, during the final stages of
  49. Norse mythology. As the eruptions continued, they became concentrated at one, vent ,along the fissure and began to build the island into a more circular shape. By
  50. Has one hose that runs from the back of the portable air conditioner to the, vent ,kit where hot air can be released. A typical single hosed portable air

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