Examples of the the word, sf , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sf ), is the 7256 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 1944,and the book was issued in 1946,several months ahead of the other great, sf ,anthology of that year, Adventures in Time and Space edited by Raymond J. Healy
  2. First half of Nostrils) * 1966,Quest of the Three Worlds (four related, sf ,novellas) * 1968,The Under people (second half of Nostrils) width 50 %
  3. Futurists and others under thinly-disguised names: for instance, non-Futurian, sf ,writer H. Beam Piper is identified as" H. Crane Fifer ". In a series of
  4. The pronunciation" skiff ". Peter Nicholls writes that" SF" ( or ", sf ,") is" the preferred abbreviation within the community of sf writers and
  5. Books" column for F&SF, Damon Knight selected the novel as one of the 10 best, sf ,books of the 1950s. Film, TV or theatrical adaptations The Brain Eaters, a
  6. Fiction wrote:" More than any other individual, he helped to shape modern, sf , " The most famous example of the type of speculative but plausible science
  7. Rowrbrazzle's significance::" My thesis is that furry fandom coalesced out of, sf ,fandom and comics fandom, blending elements from both of them and achieving its
  8. And work he was a powerful and generally liberating influence in post-WWII US, sf ,"),he is not much known among the public and won comparatively few
  9. Explorations (short sf stories) * 1975,The Best of Container Smith (short, sf ,stories) * 1979,The Instrumentality of Mankind (short sf stories) * 1993
  10. Originally Aegis Bu drys). Eight finalists are sent to a panel of professional, sf ,writers, who determine the top three awards. Prizes are $1000 (first place)
  11. His novels of this period include Ladies Day/This Crowded Earth (1968) (, sf ,), The Star Stalker (1968)and The Todd Dossier (1969) (the book publication
  12. Controllers * SCSI: Small Computer Serial Interface (SCSI) devices *, sf ,: soc+ or social Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop (FCAL) * social: Serial optical
  13. Fiction magazines, but also those pulp magazines that regularly featured, sf ,content and academic magazines about science fiction. *Comics. Entries have
  14. Drew much praise, and editor David Hartwell has ranked him as one of the best, sf ,critics of his generation. The difference between Pohl's approach and Gold's
  15. One of the most visible -- and voluble -- apostles of the New Wave in the 1960s, sf ,” remembers her return from England to the United States: Merrill records later
  16. For F&SF, Damon Knight selected The Man Who Sold the Moon as one of the 10 best, sf ,books of the 1950s. P. Schuyler Miller said that" Heinlein is a master of
  17. Vivid Picture of the Possible. " Boucher and Comas named it among the best, sf ,novels of 1951,characterizing it as" more mature than most 'adult' science
  18. Children (Previously known by Reynolds working title, the 11k series),a hard, sf ,trilogy dealing with the expansion of the human species into the solar system
  19. A beautifully written, beautifully composed book," saying" it performs one of, sf ,'s prime functions, which is to create another kind of social system to see how
  20. And 60s he wrote chiefly novels—pseudonymous sf for grownups and children's, sf ,under his own name. Notable and popular were the eight" Mike Mars" books for
  21. Carmichael Smith" ) * 1963,You Will Never Be The Same (collection of short, sf ,stories) * 1964,The Planet Buyer (first half of Nostrils) * 1966,Quest
  22. Club under the editorship of Raymond A. Palmer (later a noted, and notorious, sf ,magazine editor) and Walter Dennis. In January 1932,the New York City circle
  23. SF" ( or" sf " ) is" the preferred abbreviation within the community of, sf ,writers and readers ". David Langford's monthly fanzine Ansible includes a
  24. SF (i.e. science-fiction, or " speculative fiction" ). *rec. Arts., sf , Tv. babylon5. Moderated — discussion of Babylon 5 and other projects of J.
  25. Kaczyński participating in online communities on USENET (in the rec. Arts., sf , Tv. babylon5. Moderated newsgroup),and the Genie and CompuServe systems
  26. Releases, rather than the usual | date 1993-09-10 | newsgroup rec. Arts., sf , Tv. babylon5. Moderated | URL http://www.jmsnews.com/msg.aspx? ID 1-9785 |
  27. For F&SF, Damon Knight selected The Martian Chronicles as one of the 10 best, sf ,books of the 1950s. L. Prague de Camp, however,declared that Bradbury would
  28. Hierarchies are the Usenet hierarchies. So for instance newsgroup rec. Arts., sf , Starwars. Games would be in the rec. * top-level Usenet hierarchy, where the
  29. 1994 to September 1999 he contributed regularly to the group rec. Arts., sf , Written, where he engaged in dialogue with his readers about his work, and
  30. Born 1961) editor of Speculations * Damien Broderick, Australia-USA, sf , editor for Australian popular science bi-monthly Cosmos * Keith Brooke, UK
  31. Architecture is located in Hennepin. The house is a simple box shape of 1,600, sf , Carving the box creates the main living space and links the two landscapes on
  32. Is related back to mankind and how we relate to our surroundings. While the, sf ,film strives to push the boundaries of the human experience, they remain bound
  33. ISBN 978-3-89813-975-5 Various recordings of Bloch speaking at fantasy and, sf ,conventions are also extant. Many of these are available for download from Will
  34. To recover. Galaxies appearance in 1950 was part of this boom. According to, sf ,historian and critic Mike Ashley, its success was the main reason for a
  35. Neither the magazine nor the fiction it published won many awards, despite what, sf ,historians Marshall Hymn and Mike Ashley describe as its" deserved reputation
  36. In 1994 and in 2004. He was also the guest of honor at the national Swedish, sf ,convention Second in 2006,at Gaylaxicon 2008,at Wisc on 2009,and at Icon
  37. Prominent areas where he had a presence were Genie and the newsgroup rec. Arts., sf , Tv. babylon5. Moderated. Recently JMS has started a new Facebook page to
  38. About 1465 and 1480. The short s was also normally used in the combination, sf , for example in sati sf action. In German written in Black letter, the rules are
  39. Align left align=top> * 1970,Under Old Earth and Other Explorations (short, sf ,stories) * 1975,The Best of Container Smith (short sf stories) * 1979,The
  40. Printing and editing. In recent years, Usenet newsgroups such as rec. Arts., sf , Fandom, websites and blogs have somewhat supplanted printed fanzines as an
  41. Of Dortmund took the CN IDR freeways code and extended it to become freeWAIS- sf :, sf ,means structured fields and indicated its main improvement. Ulrich Pfeifer
  42. Smith (short sf stories) * 1979,The Instrumentality of Mankind (short, sf ,stories) * 1993,The Rediscovery of Man (definitive & complete compilation of
  43. Rec. Arts. Movies. Current-films — The latest movie releases. *rec. Arts., sf , Tv — Discussing general television SF (i.e. science-fiction, or "
  44. Some fanzines - especially sermon (serious and constructive) zines devoted to, sf ,and fantasy criticism, and news zines such as Locus - became more professional
  45. As editor H. L. Gold, who rapidly made Galaxy the leading science fiction (, sf ,) magazine of its time, focusing on stories about social issues rather than
  46. Influenced in the science fiction field. It was regarded as one of the leading, sf ,magazines almost from the start, and its influence did not wane until Pohl's
  47. At one point in the earliest 1940s,approximately half of all the pulp, sf ,and fantasy magazines in the U. S. were being edited by Futurists: Frederik
  48. Is sometimes abbreviated" specific "," specific "," S-F "," SF ", or ", sf ," but these last three abbreviations are ambiguous as they have long been used
  49. Career as an editor. In the 1950s and 60s he wrote chiefly novels—pseudonymous, sf ,for grownups and children's sf under his own name. Notable and popular were
  50. To attract some of the new writers who were just becoming well known in the, sf ,scene, including George R. R. Martin, Joe Alderman, and Joanna Russ. Three

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