Examples of the the word, handout , in a Sentence Context

The word ( handout ), is the 7266 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Family in London on July 14, 1990. Selected filmography * Tamarind (1963) A, handout ,is something given freely or distributed gratis (without compensation). It
  2. His house in the mornings to speak with him about getting a job or to get a, handout ,of a few dollars to get them through the week. First election to the U. S.
  3. Backing the measure and ensuring its passage. They are sometimes known as ", handout ," or" whips' bills. " The Abortion Act 1967 was enacted in the United Kingdom
  4. Times they would have been seen in and around urban areas looking for work or a, handout , Most eyewitness descriptions of swag men were written during the period when
  5. First, her parents paid for 70 copies; soon after,1000 more were cut for sale, handout , and publicity. After finishing her album, Westenra and her sister Sophie
  6. The destruction of the family; the answer isn't racial quotas or a government, handout , it's personal responsibility" In August 2011,Vernon Robinson launched a new
  7. Delaware's Office of Residence Life Diversity Facilitation Training. The brief, handout , compiled and presented by Dr. Shakti Butler, included a controversial
  8. Asked if she could purchase a ticket. She was instructed to read an outdated, handout ,that was printed by the festival office in 2000 following the controversial
  9. America had a program on judging people favorably. I was very impressed with a, handout ,from the Chose Chief Heritage Foundation, which works hard and effectively to
  10. Counties chose to continue to sign foreign players, rather than maximize their, handout ,from the ECB. The influx reached a peak in 2008,when during a match between
  11. That despite the hardships in his own life, he has never asked anyone for a, handout , Nick draws Frank into a rant, causing him to confess his contemptuous
  12. Those who believe the behavior encourages homelessness. The term" government, handout ," is often applied for both welfare systems and corporate welfare or pork
  13. Hellman. This cheap William Castle-style gimmick also included a" D-13 Test ", handout ,given to theater patrons that was ostensibly devised by a" medical expert" to
  14. Other station house officers (Show). Official explanation A Sindh government, handout ,issued late the night of Bhutto's death said that Bhutto's vehicle was
  15. Third point ... additional material that appears on the, handout ,S5 presentations can be viewed in outline and slideshow mode; Cascading Style
  16. To the Victims of War and Tyranny: From Conflict To Consensus ", lecture with, handout ,and bibliography by Harold Marcuse, covers history since 1816. *
  17. Were featured at all promotional events and activities, where employees would, handout ,information and branded giveaways. Rather than having these vehicles sit in the
  18. And special privileges for none, in giving poor people a hand up rather than a, handout ,: work was better than welfare. He understood in a visceral way that progressive
  19. Schemes has given the term a negative connotation. " Give a hand up, not a, handout ," is a common remark among proponents of workfare or other welfare-to-work
  20. Caught by his own investigators, using the OSC Investigations Manual as a, handout , He tutored Secretary Watt on how to purge a whistleblowing coal mine inspector
  21. Space Tourism Lecture, which is a free online Space Tourism Lecture, handout ,collection. Dr. Clinton J. Wellington taught the first course in Space Tourism
  22. Follows: Total: 3,009 Ethnic distribution According to the overall information, handout ,for 2009–2010,ethnic distribution was as follows: Campus The Lamar High School
  23. Type) --- popular works (publication type) * --- patient education, handout ,(publication type) --- published erratum (publication type) --- resource
  24. In the Bowery, who gives Barnes a cash handout . Accidentally included in the, handout ,is a pawn shop receipt for the dead woman's suitcase. Barnes claims the
  25. With various promotions, including publishing and distributing a weekly Top 40, handout , and sponsoring numerous concerts. In 1973,the decision was made to change the
  26. Become alcoholic, stumbles upon Chapman in the Bowery, who gives Barnes a cash, handout , Accidentally included in the handout is a pawn shop receipt for the dead woman
  27. Once again as the council pulled the plug on a provisionally agreed £25,000, handout , after the club had put the franchise up for sale without informing councillors.
  28. New technology. Right now, Hollywood is trying to ram this flawed bill - a, handout ,for Tinsel Town fat cats - through Congress without hearings or debate. "
  29. Includes: Exam registration form, three letters of reference, sample training, handout ,and interview forms, three case studies, and three client forms. Becoming an
  30. This extremely rare ship was scheduled to be a late year promo for in-store, handout , but was only distributed in ~very~ limited quantities to employees and
  31. Life include his grubby né'er-do-well father, a rascal who can't resist a, handout ,when it comes his way; his reformed marijuana smoking brother, who is a
  32. Welfare systems as well as corporate welfare or pork. The implication is that a, handout ,is unearned and undeserved, unlike a" donation" or" contribution ". Handouts
  33. The Prometheus Radio Project. However, the FCC will not begin to automatically, handout ,licenses. Doyle states that“ we think the FCC will need to do a rule making to
  34. And on what date information from the record has been released Summary. This, handout ,has examined the most common and useful personnel records available in the
  35. But personable half-brother Scott Homer turns up at her apartment looking for a, handout , A particularly tough case for Mamie is a certain Mrs. Edwin, who is
  36. Textbook General Chemistry: An elementary survey. Merck and Company prepared a, handout ,form of Deming's 18-column table, in 1928,which was widely circulated in
  37. The commander of the officer in question. After 72 hours have passed from the, handout ,of the punishment, the commander is no longer obligated to discuss the appeal.
  38. He thinks of people, even directly to their faces. He is happy to accept any ", handout ," (or to take anything he wants) even when it means stealing money from the
  39. His last chance to do something right as a lawyer, and that merely taking the, handout ,would render him" lost. " Everyone, including the presiding judge and the
  40. From the front of the shop, but " directing them to the back door for a, handout , " Mark Woods, the head of the Blue Network, defended the policy, stating that
  41. For over a month, Guccione then qualified for Las Vegas through a lucky loser, handout , Gucci one then qualified for the American double Tennis Masters Series, Indian
  42. A great demand for photocopying, mostly for copyrighted textbooks and class, handout , in mass quantity. * Portland Street (砵蘭街) - The best-known de facto
  43. Sense of obligation a route out of, handout ,hell,22 December 2007.
  44. Reward and requiring them to compete among themselves to get their share of the, handout , More generally, a barrel of salt pork was a common larder item in 19th century
  45. Used powers to accumulate wealth which he squandered and then came to Joe for a, handout ,after he lost his powers; repowered - Kenosha refugee; wife of Robert Franck's;
  46. That utilizes the social media space to couple an advertiser's offer with a, handout ,of" virtual currency" in a game or virtual platform. * Video Blog: Video
  47. Hand up preferable by far to a, handout , 19 May 2007.
  48. She said, in search of easy money. Giving them money only reinforced their, handout ,mentality, she maintained. Fellow-panelist and Fiji Labour Party
  49. Letter (publication type) --- news (publication type) --- patient education, handout ,(publication type) --- published erratum (publication type) --- retraction
  50. College-educated. The authors have also provided a one-page patient information, handout , Although the widespread use of prostate specific antigen (PSA) screening in

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