Examples of the the word, paradox , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In set theory, without running into logical inconsistencies such as Russell's, paradox , Formal definition A binary relation R is usually defined as an ordered triple
  2. Among those submitting designs was Mies van der Rohe. Architectural output The, paradox ,of the early Bauhaus was that, although its manifesto proclaimed that the
  3. Of the 19th century to another paper of Albert Einstein and coworkers (see EPR, paradox ,), almost immediately contradicted by Niels Bohr, concerning the interpretation
  4. Of statistical noise. See also Accuracy and precision and its talk. The Berry, paradox ,arises as a result of systematic ambiguity in the meaning of terms such as "
  5. Physics is the so-called information loss paradox , or black hole unitary, paradox , Classically, the laws of physics are the same run forward or in reverse (
  6. Behavior is so puzzling that it has been called the black hole information loss, paradox , Physical properties The simplest black holes have mass but neither electric
  7. The end of the boil, the wort is set into a whirlpool. The so-called tea-leaf, paradox ,forces the denser solids (coagulated proteins, vegetable matter from hops)
  8. For" salvation and meaning ". This line of thinking presented an ostensible, paradox ,and became a major thread in defining the idea of absurdism in Camus' writings
  9. Regularity does not resolve Russell's paradox In naive set theory,Russell's, paradox ,is the fact" the set of all sets that do not contain themselves as members "
  10. Exist seems paradox ical to many. This is related to Cesare Burali-Forti's ", paradox ," that there can be no greatest ordinal number. All of these problems can be
  11. Contradiction and so, no such S exists. Regularity does not resolve Russell's, paradox ,In naive set theory,Russell's paradox is the fact" the set of all sets that
  12. Species before they can damage cells. The oxidative challenge in biology A, paradox ,in metabolism is that while the vast majority of complex life on Earth requires
  13. The desired set). The attempt to prove a contradiction using Russell's, paradox ,will, in ZF, only end up proving that the collection of all sets which do not
  14. Of this result is modeled on a self-referential construction used in Berry's, paradox , The proof is by contradiction. If the theorem were false, then: Assumption (X
  15. This is proof by contradiction where the contradiction is similar to the Berry, paradox ,:" Let n be the smallest positive integer that cannot be defined in fewer than
  16. The foundations of mathematics at Trinity during which he discovered Russell's, paradox ,which challenged the foundations of set theory. In 1903, he published his first
  17. Of fractal theory as a sufficient, but not necessary, resolution of the, paradox , He postulated that if the stars in the universe were fatally distributed (
  18. Dedekind (text in square brackets not present in original): The Burali-Forti, paradox ,The idea that the collection of all ordinal numbers cannot logically exist
  19. Inconsistent, then adding Regularity would not make them consistent. Russell's, paradox ,does not manifest in ZF because ZF does not prove that the proposed paradox ical
  20. Fletchings, have an unimpeded flight. This feature is known as the archer's, paradox , It maintains accuracy, for if part of the arrow struck a glancing blow on
  21. The axiom of choice or its negation unprovable. For example, the Banach–Tarski, paradox ,is neither provable nor disprovable from ZF alone: it is impossible to
  22. Considerations led to Kurt Gödel's paper (1931)—he specifically cites the, paradox ,of the liar—that completely reduces rules of recursion to numbers. Effective
  23. Disturbing paradox es appeared in the literature, in particular the Burali-Forti, paradox ,(1897),the Russell paradox (1902–03),and the Richard Paradox. The
  24. Kerr's singularity, which lead to problems with causality like the grandfather, paradox , It is expected that none of these peculiar effects would survive in a proper
  25. I know I will also experience happiness to come),we cannot live with the, paradox ,(I think my life is of great importance, but I also think it is meaningless).
  26. Matter and form, metaphysical components whose interpenetration produces the, paradox , The whole unity comes from the substantial form and the distribution into
  27. A right-handed shooter) to properly use a thumbing, to allow the" archers's, paradox ," to work, since the thumb opens in the opposite direction to the fingers.
  28. Appreciation for life and happiness. In Le Myth, this dualism becomes a, paradox ,: We value our lives and existence so greatly, but at the same time we know we
  29. Ideas to work in cosmology. He offered in 1974 a new explanation of Older ', paradox ,(the" dark night sky" riddle),demonstrating the consequences of fractal
  30. Last two digits of the year stored as BCD were misinterpreted as 16 causing a, paradox ,in the unit's date, rendering most functionalities inoperable.
  31. Ratios of A, B and C are about 4.5: 1: 2. Studies of Algol led to the Algol, paradox ,in the theory of stellar evolution: although components of a binary star form
  32. all mathematics on Cantor's set theory. Here the emergence of Russell's, paradox , and similar antibodies of naïve set theory raised the possibility that any
  33. If nature cannot err, then there are no paradox es in it; to Hobbes,the, paradox ,is a form of the absurd, which is inconsistency:" Natural sense and
  34. Or heterodoxy of ambiguity. Christianity and Judaism employ the concept of, paradox ,synonymously with 'ambiguity '. Ambiguity within Christianity (and other
  35. Sets that do not contain themselves as members" leads to a contradiction. The, paradox ,shows that that set cannot be constructed using any consistent set of axioms
  36. In the literature, in particular the Burali-Forti paradox (1897),the Russell, paradox ,(1902–03),and the Richard Paradox. The resultant considerations led to Kurt
  37. An open question in fundamental physics is the so-called information loss, paradox , or black hole unitary paradox . Classically, the laws of physics are the same
  38. Naive allegory" of The Faerie Queen, to the more private allegories of modern, paradox ,literature. In this perspective, the characters in a" naive" allegory are not
  39. Global hunger that teachers implement in their classrooms. Recognizing the, paradox ,of hunger in the developing world amidst an obesity epidemic in the United
  40. Thus, it is possible to exclude counterintuitive results like the Banach–Tarski, paradox ,which are provable in ZFC. Furthermore, this is possible whilst assuming the
  41. Simplistic or pseudoscientific arguments. Another associated topic is the Fermi, paradox , which suggests that if intelligent life is common in the universe, then there
  42. Dust),it would not be necessary to rely on the Big Bang Theory to explain the, paradox , His model would not rule out a Big Bang, but would allow for a dark sky even
  43. Then examined in often extensive detail. Their verse also manifests a taste for, paradox , and deliberately inventive and unusual turns of phrase. For German Baroque
  44. Niels Bohr's report of conversations with Einstein. Einstein–Pools–Rose, paradox ,In 1935,Einstein returned to the question of quantum mechanics. He considered
  45. Of ZF in which each statement is true. Statements such as the Banach–Tarski, paradox ,can be rephrased as conditional statements, for example," If AC holds, the
  46. That no set contains itself as a member, that axiom does not banish Russell's, paradox ,from Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (ZF). In fact, if the ZF axioms without
  47. Both as a break with the traditions of chivalry, and as key example of the, paradox ,of kingship. Shakespeare's depiction of the battle also plays on the theme of
  48. Statements, for example," If AC holds, the decomposition in the Banach–Tarski, paradox ,exists. " Such conditional statements are provable in ZF when the original
  49. Existence of counterintuitive objects. One example of this is the Banach–Tarski, paradox ,which says that it is possible to decompose (" carve up" ) the 3-dimensional
  50. The less massive Algol B is a subgiant star at a later evolutionary stage. The, paradox ,can be solved by mass transfer: when the more massive star became a subgiant

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