Examples of the the word, facilitator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( facilitator ), is the 7260 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Odyssey Ltd, Dynargie, Wendell Nekoranec. The principal trainer acts as a, facilitator ,who uses a high percentage of open questions to allow the participants to
  2. Previous season and seeming content with his new role more as a defender and a, facilitator ,as opposed to a scorer. Carlos Boozer again won an All-Star selection, while
  3. Between the government and the opposition-led National Assembly. After, facilitator ,Julius Nyerere's death in October 1999,the regional leaders appointed Nelson
  4. Election. The Economist called Mbeki's actions" unconscionable ". SADC, facilitator ,of Zimbabwe power-sharing agreement At the end of the fourth day of
  5. Of the committee, particularly if the chairperson of the committee is seen as a, facilitator , Common committee procedures * It is common for a chairperson to organize a
  6. Funds and directed his family and associates. In Kenya, he was an indispensable, facilitator ,for the hundreds of scientists then exploring the East African Rift system for
  7. As opposed to the entire underworld),reveals her in her aspect as, facilitator ,of transition. Goya, when danced, often has a horse tail. Her clothes have all
  8. Between October 2002 and May 2003,he served personally as international, facilitator ,of the OAS mesa process aimed at finding a solution to the internal Venezuelan
  9. Has encouraged liberalization supported by strong state involvement as a, facilitator ,(of the enabling environment for the private sector); as operator (to
  10. Is responsible for the decision and the decision belongs to the group. *The, facilitator ,can discern if one who is not uniting with the decision is acting without
  11. Referrer log spamming Referrer spam takes place when a spam perpetrator or, facilitator ,accesses a web page (the referee),by following a link from another web page
  12. Compared to other emotional states. Love in its various forms acts as a major, facilitator ,of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological
  13. Free exploration within a given framework or structure. The teacher acts as a, facilitator ,who encourages students to discover principles for themselves and to construct
  14. Plan (BSP) and Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems (CLASS) that serve as a, facilitator ,of the sales, reporting and remittance of accredited travel and cargo agencies.
  15. Taker. Not all decision-making bodies use all of these roles, although the, facilitator ,position is almost always filled, and some groups use supplementary roles, such
  16. A decision. An individual with expertise in group process, such as a trained, facilitator , can assist a group in accomplishing its objective by diagnosing how well the
  17. Areas of agreement and names disagreements to push discussion deeper. *The, facilitator ,articulates the sense of the discussion, asks if there are other concerns, and
  18. Goddamn face and you'll stay plastered. " After an interruption by anchor and, facilitator ,Howard K. Smith, the men continued to discuss the topic in a less hostile
  19. An individual with expertise in group process can be helpful in the role of, facilitator , Well researched but rarely mentioned by professional group workers, is the
  20. Five main archetypes; *The Self, the regulating center of the psyche and, facilitator ,of individuation *The Shadow, the opposite of the ego image, often containing
  21. Strategies put the teacher more into the role of course designer, discussion, facilitator , and coach and put the student more into the role of an active learner
  22. Norwegian mediators. It has been alleged that Erik Gotham, the chief Norwegian, facilitator , helped LTTE to establish this relationship. Sri Lankan armed forces have been
  23. That Esperanto is" culturally neutral by design, as it was intended to be a, facilitator ,between cultures, not to be the carrier of any one national culture ". The late
  24. Roy, sees herself as someone that creates conditions for the work, therefore a, facilitator ,of the process. Copyright Since dramaturgy is defined in a general way and the
  25. Is said to have become an that. * Minion (1808–1878),king of Myanmar and, facilitator ,of" Fifth World Theravada Buddhist Council" or Fifth Santayana * Amongst
  26. 1,1972) is a detainee at Guantánamo Bay and stands accused of being a" key, facilitator ,for the September 11 attacks. " In the mid 1990s,bin al-Sheikh moved to Hamburg
  27. In Mississippi; and James Bevel, a fiery preacher and charismatic organizer and, facilitator , Other prominent student activists included Charles Made, Bernard Lafayette
  28. To present their" shadow" selves. This stage places great demands upon the, facilitator ,for greater leadership and organization, but Peck believes that" organizations
  29. Reaching an all-time high in 2006. War in Afghanistan once again appeared as a, facilitator ,of the trade. Some 3.3 million Afghans are involved in producing opium. At
  30. Shared facilitation is often adopted to diffuse the perceived power of the, facilitator ,and create a system whereby a co- facilitator can pass off facilitation duties
  31. And summarize the sense of discussion. The Special Assistant was an essential, facilitator ,of the decision-making system, but,unlike the National Security Adviser
  32. Story.;" A Night on the Barbary Coast" ( 2003) by Age Baker: Time travel, facilitator ,and a botanist return to the wild and woolly San Francisco of the 1850s. Winner
  33. Members, such as social workers, psychologists,or members of the clergy. The, facilitator ,controls discussions and provides other managerial service. Such professionally
  34. Of people within the group (i.e., senior or junior). The group leader (or, facilitator ,) will usually have a strong influence on the group due to his or her role of
  35. The group; no names are recorded. *Differences are resolved by discussion. The, facilitator ,(" clerk" or" convenor" in the Quaker model) identifies areas of agreement
  36. Tests had demonstrated that House had not actually been communicating via the, facilitator , and Der Spiegel, which had originally" quoted" many of Houben's facilitated
  37. Be absorbed by passive students. Instead, the teacher’s role should be that of, facilitator ,and guide. As Dewey (1897) explains it: The teacher is not in the school to
  38. The tributaries of the Mekong. The Mekong has thus not been an obstacle but a, facilitator ,for communication, and the similarities between Laos and northeast Thai
  39. Of the 1870s and 1880s. Hallowell was not only a curator but an adviser and a, facilitator ,who was trusted by a number of prominent American collectors to suggest works
  40. Outstretched wings on the tang is a Last, an Etruscan form of LAR who was a, facilitator ,of love like the Erodes or Cupid. The bearded Indus appears in the center.
  41. Its buildings. In a year-long negotiation, assisted by a provincially-appointed, facilitator , the Town of New Tecumseh offered $1 million to the OHS. The town intended to
  42. And nature of these roles varies from group to group, the most common are the, facilitator , a timekeeper, an empath and a secretary or notes taker. Not all
  43. Cowen - Assistant Secretary of the Interior, who was principal political, facilitator ,in establishing Yellowstone National Park and the idea that the use of national
  44. Government to cover up illegal or embarrassing government actions. Legislative, facilitator ,Representing the executive branch of government, the president cannot
  45. Learners also assume responsibility for their learning, and the teacher is a, facilitator ,rather than a purveyor of knowledge. Whole language theory embraces
  46. Berkeley, claims that while Engels had been the most important and dedicated, facilitator ,and diffuser of Marx's writings, he significantly altered Marx's intents as
  47. Group. ASX functions as a market operator, clearing house and payments system, facilitator , It oversees compliance with its operating rules, promotes standards of
  48. Proposal on the issue is presented to the group. *Call for consensus: The, facilitator ,of the decision-making body calls for consensus on the proposal. Each member of
  49. By typing into a keyboard with his right hand, though the presence of a, facilitator ,to move his hand attracted sharp criticism and strong doubts that Houben's
  50. Behalf of the congregation, he is not acting as an intermediary but rather as a, facilitator , The entire congregation participates in the recital of such prayers by saying

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