Examples of the the word, surroundings , in a Sentence Context

The word ( surroundings ), is the 7257 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Repulsed the attack. Fighting continued around Hougoumont all afternoon. Its, surroundings ,were heavily invested by French light infantry, and coordinated attacks were
  2. Of the city extends eastward into DeKalb County. Residents of the city and its, surroundings ,are known as" Atlanta. " Atlanta began as a settlement located at the
  3. State, Terry Wallis spontaneously began speaking and regained awareness of his, surroundings , Similarly, Polish railroad worker Jan Korzybski woke up from a 19-year coma in
  4. The expense of internal energy U, since no heat HQ is being supplied from the, surroundings , Pressure-volume work PW done by the system is defined as: \text \squad \delta
  5. And later civilian satellites have produced detailed images of the base and its, surroundings , Aerial imagery shows the airfield of Area 51 having seven runways including
  6. When the intermolecular forces of a substance are such that the energy of the, surroundings ,is not sufficient to overcome them, it occurs in a more ordered phase like
  7. Contamination. Some of this contamination is local, rendering the immediate, surroundings ,highly radioactive, while some of it is carried longer distances as nuclear
  8. Region to at least all six municipalities with language facilities in the, surroundings ,of Brussels. Flemish politicians have strongly rejected these proposals.
  9. 2010 by their readers poll. The island of Bali won because of its attractive, surroundings ,(both mountain and coastal areas),diverse tourist attractions, excellent
  10. They may be positive (to the flow from the surroundings ) or negative (to the, surroundings ,from the flow) depending on the problem. The ideal gas law or another equation
  11. The upper limit for any isothermal, isobaric work that can be captured in the, surroundings , or it may simply be dissipated, appearing as T times a corresponding increase
  12. A reaction is said to be exothermic if the reaction releases heat to the, surroundings ,; in the case of endothermic reactions, the reaction absorbs heat from the
  13. Were demolished to make way for newer buildings that often clashed with their, surroundings , a process known as Brutalization. The Brussels-Capital Region was formed on
  14. Depressurized and the top docking hatch opened to allow him to photograph their, surroundings , Lunar surface Throughout the sleep period, Mission Control in Houston
  15. Weapons. Ground squirrels and meerkats will stand on hind legs to survey their, surroundings , but will not walk bipedally. Dogs can stand or move on two legs if trained, or
  16. Assumed to be acting on the flow. They may be positive (to the flow from the, surroundings ,) or negative (to the surroundings from the flow) depending on the problem.
  17. Can sometimes be inferred by observing its gravitational interactions with its, surroundings , Accretion of matter Due to conservation of angular momentum, gas falling into
  18. people's nerves, the more emotionally affected they would be by their, surroundings , Since women were thought to have keener nerves than men, it was also believed
  19. Of motivation, emotional numbness, feelings of detachment, and indifference to, surroundings , They may describe this as a feeling of" not caring about anything anymore. "
  20. And Pusher passes over the mountains and provides with picturesque view of the, surroundings , Also, the work of 6 lane Expressway between Ajmer Collect orate and Kishangarh
  21. The Wagner Palace Car Company. Bigger-sized berths and more comfortable, surroundings ,were built by order of the CPR's General Manager, William Van Horne, who was a
  22. The People of Algiers. The projects will transform the city of Algiers and its, surroundings ,by equipping them with a retail area, and restoration and leisure facilities.
  23. Of Bosnia (region),most of Herzegovina and the city of Dubrovnik and the, surroundings , World War II (1941–1945) The Axis occupation of Yugoslavia in 1941 allowed
  24. With maintaining and increasing his own status and fortunes, regardless of his, surroundings , The life of each of the Black adders is also entwined with their servant, all
  25. Is essential for effective separation of a cell or organelle from its, surroundings , Biological membranes also have certain mechanical or elastic properties.
  26. Occurs when the pressure of a gas is increased from work done on it by its, surroundings , e.g. a piston. Diesel engines rely on adiabatic heating during their
  27. When they are stubborn or not sensitive to what is happening around their, surroundings , Used as a phrase to call a person" stubborn bear. " * The Bible compares King
  28. Board *http://www.NordjyllandsTrafikselskab.dk/ Public Transport in Aalborg and, surroundings ,*http://kort.krak.dk/borgerdk.kortsoegning/imapDKbig.asp Searchable map Aarhus
  29. A black hole has formed it can continue to grow by absorbing mass from its, surroundings , By absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes, supermassive
  30. Relatively wealthy, Bell acquired land near Bad deck in 1885,largely due to, surroundings ,reminiscent of his early years in Scotland. He established a summer estate
  31. Same mass. The popular notion of a black hole" sucking in everything" in its, surroundings ,is therefore only correct near a black hole's horizon; far away, the external
  32. Of energy of the substances involved. Some energy is transferred between the, surroundings ,and the reactants of the reaction in the form of heat or light; thus the
  33. Occurs when the pressure of a substance is decreased as it does work on its, surroundings , Adiabatic cooling does not have to involve a fluid. One technique used to
  34. Provided Crowley with the message that he should" Return to Egypt, with same, surroundings , There I will give the signs. " Nonetheless, Crowley ignored the advice of
  35. In the case of endothermic reactions, the reaction absorbs heat from the, surroundings , Chemical reactions are invariably not possible unless the reactants surmount
  36. Victoria began a policy of commissioning artists to record Balm oral, its, surroundings , and its staff. Over the years, numerous painters were employed at Balm oral
  37. A process that involves heat transfer (addition or loss of heat to the, surroundings ,) is generally called diabetic. Although the terms adiabatic and caloric can
  38. Schools. Unlike the other Ainu groups, the Purple failed to adjust to their new, surroundings ,and by 1933 only 10 individuals were alive (plus another 34 multiracial
  39. That would be achieved by a flame in the absence of heat loss to the, surroundings , An adiabatic process that is reversible is also called an isotropic process.
  40. In great numbers in urban areas outside their areas, especially in Luanda and, surroundings , At the same time, a majority of the Baking who had fled to the Democratic
  41. Of a substance is invariably determined by its energy and the energy of its, surroundings , When the intermolecular forces of a substance are such that the energy of the
  42. S construction number. Camouflage markings differ, depending on the, surroundings ,in which that aircraft is expected to operate. Ancillary activities might
  43. Black hole will continually absorb gas and interstellar dust from its direct, surroundings ,and omnipresent cosmic background radiation. This is the primary process
  44. Well, continuing to squabble among themselves and totally oblivious of their, surroundings , But each of them now speaks the language - and displays the stereotypical
  45. On, and caused by, emotion. Emotion is always dependent on contact with our, surroundings , This chain of causation purports to show that the cessation of decay, death
  46. Is best known for his books Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural, surroundings , and his essay, Civil Disobedience, an argument for individual resistance to
  47. Change in entropy. One opposite extreme—allowing heat transfer with the, surroundings , causing the temperature to remain constant—is known as an isothermal process.
  48. In the process of going through this cycle, the system may perform work on its, surroundings , thereby acting as a heat engine. A heat engine acts by transferring energy
  49. Happens ", and defines it as" an organism's awareness of its own self and its, surroundings ,". (, P-consciousness,according to Block, is simply raw experience: it is
  50. S edge, not contained by enough liquid pressure on that side, escape into the, surroundings ,as vapor. On the other hand, boiling is a process in which molecules anywhere

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