Examples of the the word, grouping , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grouping ), is the 7262 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Daughters of black immigrants who lack that ancestry. The argument being that, grouping ,all blacks together regardless of their unique ancestral circumstances would
  2. To the Barney Group researchers, Baptists are the largest denominational, grouping ,of born again Christians in the USA A 2009 ABC News/Belief net phone poll of 1
  3. In the Free Territory, they fought in the civil war against the Whites (a, grouping ,of monarchists and other opponents of the October Revolution) and then the
  4. Are more closely related to each other than either is to Ctenophora. This, grouping ,of Cnidaria and Bilateral has been labelled" Planulozoa" because it suggests
  5. Murray Hill, Crawford Hill, and Whipping remain in existence. The largest, grouping ,of people in the company was in Illinois, at Naperville-Lisle, in the Chicago
  6. Himself, but the term can also be understood as an umbrella for a larger, grouping ,of ideas including those of Hugo Grotius, John Wesley and others. There are two
  7. May be written as 100 10 4 (百十四). For numbers larger than a myriad, the same, grouping ,system used in English applies, except in groups of four places (myriads)
  8. Canonically) and the final book of the Nevis. In the Christian ordering,the, grouping ,of the Prophetic Books is the last section of the Old Testament, making Malachi
  9. Grouped the Apicomplexa together with the Microsporic and Myxosporida. This, grouping ,is no longer regarded as biologically valid and its use is discouraged. History
  10. Arthropods are divided into the radiologic and Eliza (itself a polyphyletic, grouping ,). Pathogenic interactions with other organisms Some asteroids can infect other
  11. Languages. Origin Berber is a member of the Afroasiatic language family. Its, grouping ,within that family is uncertain. Since modern Berber languages are relatively
  12. Do so by splitting them off from the tip of the polyp. The traditional, grouping ,of Scaphopoda included the Sauropod, but morphology and molecular phylogenetic
  13. Transport system in Great Britain developed during the 19th century. After the, grouping ,of 1923 under the Railways Act 1921 there were four large railway companies
  14. John C. Street (1962),according to which Turkic-Mongolic-Tungusic forms one, grouping ,and Korean-Japanese-Ainu another, the two being linked in a common family that
  15. Outward features, or appearance of ecological communities or species. *biome: a, grouping ,of terrestrial ecosystems on a given continent that are similar in vegetation
  16. Occitan changes. The following sections list: #The most important features, grouping ,Catalan with the Western Romance languages against the Ibero-Romance languages.
  17. Between Afroasiatic and any other language family. However, several proposals, grouping ,Afroasiatic with one or more other language families have been made. The
  18. As" Macro-Altaic ", leading to the designation by acronym of the smaller, grouping ,as" Micro-Altaic ". Most proponents of Altaic continue to support the
  19. 1990 into 559 micro-regions, which in turn constituted 136 ecoregions. This, grouping ,modified the previous micro-regional division established in 1968,a division
  20. Most morphologies can be mapped to modern classification systems, the older, grouping ," arthropods" is polyphyletic. Arthropods are divided into the radiologic and
  21. Sides count the number of k-element subsets of with the right-hand side first, grouping ,them into those that contain element n and those that do not. The identity ()
  22. Classics because of the 1970s-era costumes and early video effects, such as the, grouping ,of the band members in different combinations of pairs, overlapping one singer
  23. The disease, a French neurologist, Jean-Martin Charcot, first suggested, grouping ,together disparate conditions that affect the lateral horn of the spinal cord
  24. 24, 2006 the International Astronomical Union (IAU) reclassified Pluto, grouping ,it with two similarly sized" dwarf planets" rather than with the eight "
  25. The bassoon's wide range and variety of tone colors make it ideally suited to, grouping ,in like-instrument ensembles. Peter Schickele's" Last Tango in Bayreuth" (
  26. They are grouped together by their economic strengths according to NAFTA. The, grouping ,was originally Argentina, Brazil,and Chile in one group, Colombia,Chile, Peru
  27. He considered it more distantly related to them than they were to each other, grouping ,instead these other languages in a separate macro-family, which he called
  28. Mostly used in exploratory data analysis * Cluster analysis – techniques for, grouping ,objects into a collection of groups (called clusters),based on some measure
  29. Against the Babylonian kings.; Grouping emphasizes prophecies This chaotic, grouping ,of chapters having the same theme has implications when it comes to the
  30. The foundation of democracy and freedom. The Country Life Movement was a loose, grouping ,of social reformers, church leaders, and urban progressives; they sought
  31. Philosophy),an analytical concept used differently to group phenomena from, grouping ,as 'types' or 'kinds' * Class (set theory),a set of sets came to be called
  32. Denying the Trinity are not necessarily Arian. * Oneness Pentecostalism is a, grouping ,of denominations and believers within the Pentecostal movement with various
  33. Structure is in its proper place, whether it is a single atom or a molecular, grouping , For substances which have two (or more) stable crystalline forms, such as
  34. The 1960s,but has almost no supporters among specialists today. The expanded, grouping , including Korean and Japanese, came to be known as" Macro-Altaic ", leading
  35. Artists, record companies, music stores and music magazines to describe a broad, grouping ,of musical genres that evolved out of the folk musical traditions of the Celtic
  36. With constituent colleges are collegiate universities. A college may also be a, grouping ,of faculties or departments, notably in the University of Edinburgh, the
  37. Word is used in BRE in the context of higher education to describe a division, grouping ,together several related subjects within a university, for example a" School
  38. Used in a more generic way to refer to the cultural, economic,and geographic, grouping , In 1951,these countries joined West Germany, France,and Italy to form the
  39. The dialects of Prince Edward Island are often considered the most distinct, grouping , The phonology of Maritime English has some unique features: * The flapping of
  40. Region containing the origin of replication for the heavy strand. In between a, grouping ,of five tRNAs genes, a sequence resembling vertebrate origin of light strand
  41. Because it relies on similarity, rather than shared innovations, can lead to, grouping ,together conservative languages which are not closely related. Meanwhile
  42. Stretches of the English Channel that are not traditionally included within the, grouping ,of the Channel Islands. Among these are Obeisant/Sushant, Bréhat, Île de Bat
  43. Are separate Dutch speaking and French-speaking parties for each political, grouping , coalition cabinets of up to six parties are quite common. Finland In Finland
  44. Shared innovations as the augment. More recently, others have proposed a Balkan, grouping ,including Greek, Armenian,Phrygia and Albanian. Armenian has a long literary
  45. A major kind of community of plants on a given continent *biome-type:, grouping ,of convergent biomes or formations of different continents; defined by
  46. On the islands, a variety of settlers made their home on the islands. This, grouping ,of people from various backgrounds included pirates, refugees from the Spanish
  47. Second digit in ascending order. In depth While there is a general geographic, grouping ,to the zones, many exceptions exist for various political and historical
  48. Supported the liberal notion of free trade between the colonies – in the first, grouping ,of state MPs,17 of the 35 were free-traders. Some historically declare the
  49. Subgroup. * Igor M. Diakonoff (1996) subdivides Afroasiatic in two, grouping ,Berber, Cushitic,and Semitic together as East-West Agrarian (ESA),and
  50. Who were" apostles" before them. The founders or senior leaders of a church, grouping ,may be referred to as the apostles, and they may have been ordained by

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