Examples of the the word, claimant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( claimant ), is the 7261 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Actor and writer Deaths *1550 – Richard Plantagenet, British bricklayer and, claimant ,to the House of Plantagenet *1603 – Mehmed III of the Ottoman Empire (b. 1566
  2. Was incorporated into the Empire and made a province. Titivates III, Arsacid, claimant ,to the Armenian throne and Roman client, had been disinherited and forced to
  3. Of China. *1392 – Nanboku-chō: Emperor Go-Kameyama abdicates in favor of rival, claimant ,Go-Komatsu. *1431 – Henry VI of England is crowned King of France at Notre Dame
  4. Greenwald, American film director/producer * 1944 – Melvin Summer, American, claimant , to the Howard Hughes estate *1948 – Danny Strafing, American musician (
  5. He had many internal opponents and felt the need to appoint his own kingly, claimant , Claire IV. By his end, however,the dynamics of rulership in Francis had
  6. Tort duty - (ex depicts) Damages in tort are generally awarded to place the, claimant ,in the position that would have been taken had the tort not taken place.
  7. Ourselves with our people and with Latin America. " Dais Tiering was a vocal, claimant ,to the rights of Hispanics and Mexican Americans, and he remains a major figure
  8. Be entitled to any consequential losses. These are the lost profits that the, claimant ,could have been expected to make in the period whilst the factory was closed
  9. Of presenting at least two generations of heirs. The only other possible, claimant ,as heir was Costumes Agrippa, who had been exiled by Augustus in AD 7,his
  10. Taken place. Damages for breach of contract are generally awarded to place the, claimant ,in the position in which he would have been had the contract not been breached.
  11. Of current reigning King Juan Carlos of Spain. *Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, claimant ,to the title of the head of House of Bourbon Two Sicilian. *Alfonso John Romero
  12. Damages General damages, sometimes styled hedonic damages, compensate the, claimant ,for the non-monetary aspects of the specific harm suffered. This is usually
  13. Under a claim of adverse possession. Adverse possession requires that the, claimant ,file it against a party that holds title to the property. They filed that suit
  14. Costs required to rebuild the factory and replace the damaged machinery. The, claimant ,may also be entitled to any consequential losses. These are the lost profits
  15. If the transaction were a" bad bargain ", tort gives a better result for the, claimant , If in the above example Mary had overpaid, paying £750 for the watch, her
  16. Of the Congo) Other people Alfonso *Alfonso de Santa Maria de Bragança,2nd, claimant , in line to the Portuguese throne. *Alfonso,1st Duke of Organza, son of John I
  17. Guilford Dudley, consort of Lady Jane Grey (b. 1536) * 1554 – Lady Jane Grey, claimant ,to the English throne (b. 1537) *1571 – Nicholas Throckmorton, English
  18. Of Daenerys Targaryen, the last scion of House Targaryen in exile and another, claimant ,to the Iron Throne. Daenerys's adventures showcase her growing ability as she
  19. English politician (b. 1162) *1460 – Richard Plantagenet,3rd Duke of York, claimant ,to the English throne (killed in battle) (b. 1411) * 1460 – Edmund, Earl of
  20. The Concilia movement, the bishops at the Council of Pisa had deposed the two, claimant ,popes and elected a third pope, claiming that in such a situation, a council of
  21. Example a factory which was burnt down by the negligence of a contractor. The, claimant ,would be entitled to the direct costs required to rebuild the factory and
  22. Is itself listed, it is not possible to see the original which lies beneath. A, claimant ,for the oldest building is a former merchant's house in Higher Street, now a
  23. A uniquely irregular fashion, he had crowned as Augusta instead of the rightful, claimant ,to the title, his wife Irene Domain. Lassen was the effective
  24. American actress (b. 1897) *1958 – Otto Witty, German acrobat and, claimant ,to the Albanian throne (b. 1868) *1965 – IKEA Amato, Japanese politician (
  25. 1966. Sartre Kama, a leader in the independence movement and the legitimate, claimant ,to the NATO chief ship, was elected as the first president, re-elected twice.
  26. Appeal. For example, in Doyle v Colby (Ironmongers) Ltd 1969 2 QB 158,the, claimant ,appealed (successfully) on the basis that, although he won in the court below
  27. Can be sent to prison. In practice this rarely happens as the cost on the, claimant ,of bringing these proceedings is significant and in practice imprisonment is
  28. 3-week operation on Gaza - Operation Cast Lead Births *1390 – Anne de Mortimer, claimant ,to the English throne (d. 1411) *1571 – Johannes Kepler, German astronomer (
  29. That the charge must have been much more serious. Asiatics had been a, claimant ,to the throne in the chaos following Caligula's death and a co-consul with the
  30. Or harm to the plaintiff. Damages in tort are awarded generally to place the, claimant ,in the position in which he would have been had the tort not taken place.
  31. 1966. Sartre Kama, a leader in the independence movement and the legitimate, claimant ,to the NATO chief ship, was elected as the first president, re-elected twice
  32. The town of Pisa, Italy,where the council that elected Alexander V as a third, claimant ,was held. To end the schism, in May 1415,the Council of Constance deposed John
  33. Irene of Constantinople (Pope Leo III did not consider her a legitimate, claimant ,to the Byzantine throne because she was a woman). Reinhard says that
  34. As asbestos related injuries. Special damages compensate the, claimant ,for the quantifiable monetary losses suffered by the plaintiff. For example
  35. Roman Emperor, while the rest of Spain mostly adhered to the French Bourbon, claimant , Philip V. Following the fall of Barcelona on 11 September 1714,the" special
  36. Blake, American musician and songwriter (b. 1887) *1984 – Anna Anderson, claimant ,to the throne of Russia (b. 1896) * 1984 – Julio Cortana, Argentine writer (
  37. Which are generally revealed on payment of a substantial sum of money to the, claimant , Scientific basis Nutrition science indicates that fasting for extended periods
  38. Is not easily quantifiable, and depends on the individual circumstances of the, claimant , Judges in the United Kingdom base the award on damages awarded in similar
  39. Army of Charles Edward Stuart, son of James Francis Edward Stuart, the Jacobite, claimant ,to the British throne. It is sometimes claimed that, ironically,the song was
  40. Angus MacFadden as Robert,17th Earl of Bruce, son of the elder Bruce and, claimant ,to the throne of Scotland, he is inspired by Wallace's dedication and bravery.
  41. Seventeenth century. Bishops of Brandenburg * 1221–1222: Ludolph von Schaerbeek, claimant , but not enthroned * 1221–1222: Eichmann von Bernstein, counter- claimant ,also
  42. Iran and pledged the substantial support of his Banzai followers to a rival, claimant ,to the throne,Zaman's older brother, Mahmud Shah. The clans of the chiefs
  43. Courts will assess each claim on its own particular facts and therefore if one, claimant ,recovers more quickly than another, the damages will be reflected accordingly.
  44. Mth February 15 On This Day in Canada ---- Events *1649 – The, claimant ,King Charles II of England and Scotland is declared King of Great Britain, by
  45. Actions. Special damages can include direct losses (such as amounts the, claimant ,had to spend to try to mitigate problems) and consequential or economic losses
  46. On the evidence. The appellant in the new case can be either the plaintiff (or, claimant ,), defendant,third-party intervene, or respondent (appealed) from the lower
  47. Damages Compensatory damages, called actual damages, are paid to compensate the, claimant ,for loss, injury,or harm suffered as a result of (see requirement of
  48. Was a" good bargain" contract generally gives a better result for the, claimant , As an example, Neal sells Mary a watch for £100. Neal tells Mary it is an
  49. Schism and immorality, finding him guilty on all counts. The last remaining, claimant ,in Avignon, Benedict XIII, refused to resign and was excommunicated. Martin V
  50. Association can represent the collective interests of consumers; however, each, claimant , must be individually named in the lawsuit. On January 4,2005,President Chiral

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