Examples of the the word, pertinent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pertinent ), is the 7267 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Act requires a court also to consider whether the following circumstances were, pertinent ,to the crime:: (a) that, at the time of committing the offense, or
  2. For jury service, in that they do not possess a satisfactory ability to ask, pertinent ,questions, or sufficient understanding of local government and the concept of
  3. RDA for a group can be calculated. Similarly, this is becoming more and more, pertinent ,to the growth of children, due to the majority of their exercise habits. The
  4. To Congress, obstruction of justice, and altering and destroying documents, pertinent ,to the investigation. His convictions were also overturned on appeal on similar
  5. Avoids the problem of self-absorption of emitted radiation. This problem is, pertinent ,to uranium or plutonium rods, in which only surface layers provide
  6. Of validity, meaning that in order to invalidate the patent, much more than ", pertinent ,questions" are required. To date, no generic manufacturer has been able to
  7. Concerned is held at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London to resolve, pertinent ,issues. These resolutions are formalized by an" Exchange of Notes ", or,since
  8. Quaternary structure of any protein given only its amino acid sequence and the, pertinent ,cellular conditions would be a monumental achievement. Although this ambitious
  9. Criticized frequently for censoring TV broadcasts, a charge he dismissed as not, pertinent ,because he was advertising a product on TV and was not impeding the print media
  10. Lewis explains that the word" can" must be viewed against the context of, pertinent ,facts relating to the situation. Suppose that Tim has a rifle, years of rifle
  11. And social and environmental impacts. Risk management is therefore particularly, pertinent ,for megaprojects and special methods and special education have been developed
  12. Loss of property and life. Examples of important natural hazards that are, pertinent ,to geology (as opposed those that are mainly or only pertinent to meteorology
  13. Designed to note what Internet sites the user visits and to present advertising, pertinent ,to the types of goods or services featured there. Adware is usually seen by the
  14. Can be made invisible except for a transparent user interface that requests, pertinent ,input from the user, displays results requested by the user, creates reports
  15. That are pertinent to geology (as opposed those that are mainly or only, pertinent ,to meteorology) are: Fields or related disciplines Regional geology By
  16. Whilst easy-to-use as a general calculation, it is limited in how accurate and, pertinent ,the data obtained from it can be. Generally, the index is suitable for
  17. Some difficulty that it maintained synagogues, schools,libraries, and other, pertinent ,institutions. Russians in Finland had come from two major waves. About
  18. With him at all times, hence,these Psalms contain concepts or ideas that are, pertinent ,at every stage and setting throughout life, deemed vital as part of day-to-day
  19. That that agency handles the lubrication. " Differences in managerial values as, pertinent ,to negotiations Four managerial values—objectivity, competitiveness,equality
  20. A part, as well as assembly notes, a list of required materials, and other, pertinent ,information. A U. S. mechanical engineer or skilled worker who creates
  21. Efficient subset of the environment variables passed to it and adds details, pertinent ,to the execution of the program. Simple Example The following CGI program shows
  22. The name, description and support contacts for each model as well as other, pertinent ,technical details. The MDS was developed at the Aristotle University in
  23. Fisher and Roger P. Greenberg write that," A reservoir of experimental data, pertinent ,to Freud's work currently exists and ... offers support for a respectable
  24. For details about the other municipalities in the metropolitan area, see the, pertinent ,articles. North of Stockholm Municipality: Järfälla, Solna, Täby, Sollentuna
  25. To subdivide religious people into sects. These issues are especially, pertinent ,in China for two reasons. First, it is a matter of current debate whether
  26. The French legation to the United States François Marcos, intended to gather, pertinent ,information on the American colonies. Jefferson's responses to Marcos' "
  27. There are eleven characteristics from the European Commission and Europol, pertinent ,to a working definition of organized crime. Six of those must be satisfied and
  28. Business, enabled by technology that consolidates and intelligently distributes, pertinent ,information about clients, sales,marketing effectiveness, responsiveness,and
  29. Of the Nepali Ambassadors and Head of Missions based in Europe and gave, pertinent ,directives to them to promote an economic diplomacy through utilization of
  30. Desire and struggle for happiness. This multi-platform project also includes, pertinent ,resources for audiences, including innovative toolkits in the areas of early
  31. Intelligence Tests and the Immigration Act of 1924” ( 1983),about the, pertinent ,records of the immigration committee and the Congressional Record, Mark
  32. Deadline set by Congress: * The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA),which reads in, pertinent ,part" Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the
  33. Studied these features; drawings that show these names are also included in the, pertinent ,Transactions volume. Names for atmospheric features are informal at present; a
  34. Widow of his deceased brother, if the latter died without issue. His terse and, pertinent ,letter to Origin impugning the authority of the part of the Book of Daniel that
  35. Condition that requires special attention, an additional, red tag with the, pertinent ,information is issued and worn with the dog tags. In the US Military, wearing
  36. We are inclined to select the best-fit value for rotation, subject to all other, pertinent ,experimental observations. If no value of the rotation parameter is successful
  37. For misrepresenting and for ignoring contemporary scientific research, pertinent ,to the subject of his book; and for attacking dead hypotheses and methods of
  38. Refuge. 66 Fed. Reg. 7660-01 (January 24, 2001). The regulation states, in, pertinent , part,as follows:" We will close the refuge to commercial fishing but will
  39. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, a book which contained some quite, pertinent ,arguments in favor of evolution. Huxley had also rejected Lamarck's theory of
  40. Stephen Jay Gould, reflecting the pre-eminence of each as a popularizer of, pertinent ,ideas. In particular, Dawkins and Gould have been prominent commentators in the
  41. Claimed 25 out of 27 accusations against Lomborg to be unsubstantiated or not, pertinent , A group of related scientists also published an article in 2005 in the Journal
  42. And became part of a general trend for increased federal regulations in matters, pertinent ,to public safety during the Progressive Era. The responsibility for examining
  43. Two years later) the bureau agreed to identify, review,and release all the, pertinent ,cases, and notify prosecutors about cases in which faulty testimony was given.
  44. Wilson recruited a team led by Colonel House to compile information deemed, pertinent ,in assessing Europe’s geopolitical situation. In early January 1918,Wilson
  45. The Orthodox Church, although Roman Catholicism and Latin influences were more, pertinent ,in Dalmatia. The West Slavs and the Croats and Slovenes do not share either of
  46. Singular nouns, actually do occur in European languages such as Russian. More, pertinent ,is the accusative plural in -in, which is derived through leveling of standard
  47. For a particular isotope of an element, with this number combined with the, pertinent ,element's symbol. IUPAC prefers that isotope symbols be written in superscript
  48. And being credited with superhuman status and powers. More commonly, and more, pertinent ,to recent history, leaders merely claim some form of divine mandate, suggesting
  49. Peer reviewed articles by anyone advocating for intelligent design supported by, pertinent ,experiments or calculations which provide detailed rigorous accounts of how
  50. Be discussed. Though this article attempts to feature a variety of subjects, pertinent ,to the culture of Canada, it is in no way exhaustive, and to gain a much deeper

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