Examples of the the word, sage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sage ), is the 7250 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Herbes de Provence, tarragon,rosemary, marjoram,lavender, thyme,fennel, and, sage , Fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as fish and meat, can be purchased either
  2. We should not abandon our appointed role without sufficient reason. The Stoic, sage ,will never find life intolerable and will complain of no one, either God or
  3. With the associated soft-leaved, drought deciduous, scrub community of Coastal, sage ,scrub, found below the chaparral biome. Chaparral covers 5 % of the state of
  4. Additional divisions" ( SD 2:247). They are said to have been cursed by the, sage ,Vasishtha to be born again and again (cf BP 4:24,4; SD 2:247-8). " Every fire
  5. Of Church and State. He had a strong influence on Voltaire who called him" LE, sage ,Locke ". His arguments concerning liberty and the social contract later
  6. Mystical circle at the end of the 13th century, but credited to the Talmudic, sage ,Simon bar Rocha, cf. Zohar. The Zohar proved to be the first truly" popular
  7. Saltimbocca alley Roman - Veal cutlet, Roman-style; topped with raw ham and, sage ,and simmered with white wine and butter * Cardiff alley Giulia - artichokes
  8. After meeting and repairing Robot, Crono and his friends find Gaspar, an old, sage ,at the End of Time, who helps them acquire magical powers and travel through
  9. Colin) linked the practice to a statement in the Talmud that the Mishna, sage ,Rabbi Akiva would sway so forcefully that he ended up at the other side of the
  10. Is going to hunt. It can range in appearance from a mossy oak pattern to a, sage ,brush pattern for hunters of large mammals. Waterfowl hunters can have
  11. Zamora sage of the 4th generation, see Judah III (Nest'ah II).: For the Zamora, sage ,of the 6th generation, see Judah IV (Nest'ah III). (In modern Hebrew, it
  12. Five years there came a bouncing new son.: Alas, the dear child of master and, sage ,: After attaining half the measure of his father's life chill fate took him.
  13. The lesson that by not asking about the horses, Confucius demonstrated that a, sage ,values human beings over property; readers of this lesson are led to reflect on
  14. The Lizard islands. His forge was moved there by the poets. The first-century, sage ,Apollonian of Than is said to have observed," there are many other mountains
  15. He'Acid. Key Achim on Ora ch Chain and parts of Yore De'ah, by the Sephardi, sage ,Yaakov Chief Safer (Baghdad and Jerusalem,1870–1939) is similar in scope
  16. Mth July 24 On This Day in Canada ----: For the Zamora, sage ,of the 1st generation, see Judah II (Nest'ah I).: For the Zamora sage of the
  17. In the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and several Purana's, the story begins with a, sage , Kamila, whose intense meditation has been disturbed by the sixty thousand sons
  18. Based upon the Seder Slam Rabbi of Rabbi Rossi Ben Half, a 2nd century CE, sage , Thus, adding 3760 before Rosh Hashanah or 3761 after to a Julian or Gregorian
  19. Assumption of Confucius as a godlike figure and considered him as the greatest, sage , but simply a human and mortal Quantum and Buddhism The 3rd and 4th centuries
  20. Confucianism is a philosophical school developed from the teachings of the, sage ,collected in the Analects of Confucius. It is a system of moral, social
  21. Who meditates on walls, the absence of self and other, the oneness of mortal and, sage , and who remain unmoved even by scriptures are in complete and unspoken
  22. For one would do for others as one would do for oneself. " – Moi *"The, sage ,has no interest of his own, but takes the interests of the people as his own.
  23. Ancient Greece. Confucianism represents the collected teachings of the Chinese, sage ,Confucius, who lived from 551 to 479 BCE. His philosophy concerns the fields of
  24. Laws and rules. While he supported the idea of government by an all-powerful, sage , ruling as an Emperor, his ideas contained a number of elements to limit the
  25. Anchovies * Solfeggio - fried fish marinated in wine, garlic,lemon juice and, sage , typical of Mongolia * Bacall Frito - morsels of salt cod dipped in flour
  26. Contain messianic allusions, which makes the entire book a pronouncement of the, sage ,Messiah. Eccles 1:1 reads“ The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king
  27. And philosophy of biology. Epictetus (Greek:; AD 55 – AD 135) was a Greek, sage ,and Stoic philosopher. He was born a slave at Metropolis, Phrygia (present day
  28. Was already a second Adar added before the regular Adar. In another pas sage ,a, sage ,is reported to have counseled" those who make the computations" not to set
  29. Examples of North American monofloral honeys are clover, orange blossom, sage , Tupelo, buckwheat,fire weed, and sour wood. Some typical European examples
  30. But are otherwise rare in German meals. Other herbs and spices like basil, sage , oregano, and hot chili peppers have become more popular in recent times.
  31. Zamora sage of the 1st generation, see Judah II (Nest'ah I).: For the Zamora, sage ,of the 4th generation, see Judah III (Nest'ah II).: For the Zamora sage of the
  32. According to tradition, it was written around the 6th century BC by the, sage ,Nazi (or Lao Tau," Old Master" ), a record-keeper at the Zhou Dynasty court
  33. Tamil, and the overnight burning of this last offering. # According to one, sage , each of the Patriarchs instituted one prayer: Abraham the morning, Isaac the
  34. Heavens, but Confucius stressed the development of LI through the actions of, sage ,leaders in human history. His discussions of LI seem to redefine the term to
  35. A cream-colored solid. Some varieties of honey, including Tupelo, acacia,and, sage , crystallize less regularly. Honey may be heated during bottling at
  36. Believed that Chinese society should be modeled around that of the early, sage ,king Shen Long, a folk hero which was portrayed in Chinese literature as "
  37. Only been from mice and rat studies. Sylvia elegant, also known as pineapple, sage , is widely used in Mexican traditional medicine, and has been found in single
  38. King Horror I (530–571). The text assigns its invention to the Persian, sage ,Wuzurgmihr (Persian) Buzarjumihr/Bozorgmehr, who was the minister of King
  39. Conversation was droll and frank, and Solon and the Athenians took to him as a, sage ,and philosopher. His rough and free discourse became proverbial among Athenians
  40. Et de Dame, Virelyas, Rondeaux (1402) * Le Live DES fans et banners MERS Du, sage ,Roy Charles V (1404) Contemporary scholarship *The standard translation of
  41. Offs Critical. Crete has a rich variety of indigenous herbs including common, sage , rosemary, thyme,and oregano. Rare herbs include Cretan distant.
  42. Genesis to continue his instructions, but the declining strength of the, sage ,being unequal to the task, two of his most learned disciples, Chrysanthius and
  43. Albeit in the mid-16th century, it is based on the words of the Talmudic, sage ,Hanna:" Come, let us go out to meet the Queen Sabbath" ( Talmud Shabbat 119a
  44. Lilac, olive,jasmine, the ash tree, teak,snapdragon, sesame,psyllium, garden, sage , and a number of table herbs such as mint, basil,and rosemary. Characteristics
  45. Stimulate the immune system, such as echinacea, licorice,ginseng, astragalus, sage , garlic, elderberry,and hyssop, as well as honey although further research is
  46. And remains more discussed than enacted. Indian epic Mahabharata written by, sage ,Vassar talks about concepts what is called today Virtual reality
  47. Anchovies * Solfeggio - fried fish marinated in wine, garlic,lemon juice and, sage , typical of Mongolia * Bacall Frito - morsels of salt cod dipped in flour
  48. Events. In Islamic mysticism, however,Elijah is associated closely with the, sage ,Third. One legend reported that Elijah and Third met together every year in
  49. Maiden, and its magic proves equally profound. It is the gift the eternal, sage ,leaves behind when he departs Saliva at the advent of Christianity. Kumquats or
  50. Saltimbocca alley Roman - Veal cutlet, Roman-style; topped with raw ham and, sage ,and simmered with white wine and butter * Cardiff alley Giulia - artichokes

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