Examples of the the word, copying , in a Sentence Context

The word ( copying ), is the 7253 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Paris When Monet traveled to Paris to visit the Louvre, he witnessed painters, copying ,from the old masters. Having brought his paints and other tools with him, he
  2. Would be devoted to musical theory, another to writing counterpoint, an hour, copying ,down the same from dictation, and another hour of literary study. During the
  3. And recordable CDs are an alternative to tape for recording music and, copying ,music albums without defects introduced in compression used in other digital
  4. Enemy recovering 'blinds' ( artillery shells which failed to detonate) and, copying ,the fuse. The first proximity fuses were designed to detonate about above the
  5. Monastery of Vivarium (established around 540),stressed the importance of, copying ,texts. St. Benedict of Núria, in his Regular Monachorum (completed around the
  6. Omitted a word or line—and to comment about the text. When later scribes were, copying ,the copy, they were sometimes uncertain if a note was intended to be included
  7. Of the time led to an increase in the demand for books, and a new system for, copying ,books appeared. The books were divided into unbound leaves (special),which
  8. While occasionally a mark-and-sweep is performed, and even more rarely a full, copying ,is performed to combat fragmentation. The terms" minor cycle" and" major
  9. Meaning that scribes, over the centuries, have introduced many mistakes while, copying ,the original version),while in addition the Greek and Hebrew versions differ
  10. This on a system's performance depends on the application. For example, when, copying , data from an optical drive to a hard drive (such as during software
  11. Specifies the sequence of the amino acids within proteins. The code is read by, copying ,stretches of DNA into the related nucleic acid RNA in a process called
  12. Copyright owners have the exclusive statutory right to exercise control over, copying ,and other exploitation of the works for a specific period of time, after which
  13. Symbol. The Old Persian text was copied and deciphered before the recovery and, copying ,of the Elam ite and Babylonian inscriptions had even been attempted, which
  14. Was the first important cave of the Mahayana phase. The sculptors were probably, copying ,wooden prototypes, or wanted stable supports, so they included one central
  15. Accurate. Copyright is exclusive statutory rights to exercise control over, copying ,and other exploitation of the works for a specific period of time. The
  16. Company (HBC) He arrived in Churchill (now in Manitoba) and was put to work, copying ,the personal papers of the governor of Fort Churchill, Samuel Serene. The next
  17. Simplicity (the three object color sets are implicitly constructed during the, copying ,process),but the disadvantage that a (possibly) very large contiguous
  18. Drawing on any material he could find. He had attempted to improve his style by, copying ,the drawings of his favorite comic strip artists from the newspapers where he
  19. Or all-in-one (AIO) printers. Most MFPs include printing, scanning,and, copying ,among their many features. Consumer and some commercial printers are designed
  20. Addresses adjacent to the allocated buffer. Most commonly this occurs when, copying ,strings of characters from one buffer to another. Basic example In the
  21. Is construed to be commercial, but there is no general rule permitting such, copying , Indeed, making one complete copy of a work, or in many cases using a portion of
  22. North Africa, and the unit was the first to feature the" shark mouth" logo, copying ,similar markings on some Luftwaffe Messerschmidt Bf 110 twin-engine fighters.
  23. The concept is sometimes not well-defined; however in Canada, private, copying , for personal use has been expressly permitted by statute since 1999. In
  24. English). This meant that later copyists tended to be inconsistent in their, copying ,of final -e and this for many years gave scholars the impression that Chaucer
  25. Returned. The general idea was that simple disk copy programs were incapable of, copying ,the errors. When one of these errors was encountered, the disk drive (as do
  26. Fluid, the distinctive-smelling solvent used in a Band machine, a type of, copying ,machine *Band, large smoked fish in Chad, see Fishing in Chad *Band Carina, a
  27. Repaying the debt from her housekeeping budget, and also from some work she got, copying ,papers by hand, which she did secretly in her room, and took pride in her
  28. For Apple, because Tech had reverse-engineered the Monitor ROM rather than, copying ,it and had licensed Apple soft BASIC from its creator, Microsoft. Apple had
  29. Becoming president and stating that the country will not" burden itself by, copying ,foreign ideology, and wants neither Capitalism, Communism,nor Socialism ". On
  30. Reports about the secret negotiations quickly followed. China Issues of, copying ,of software and films for unauthorized distribution in China has become an
  31. To see introduced. Fair use and fair dealing Copyright does not prohibit all, copying ,or replication. In the United States, the fair use doctrine, codified by the
  32. Hack 'em then other disk backup programs were released was true drive to drive, copying ,possible. One could then (in theory at least) unplug the C64 itself from the
  33. Forms of note-taking, and the interrelation between reading and writing from, copying ,and translating to composing new texts. Under the heading of" materials," his
  34. Manuscripts of the same work (original lost) using groups of distinctive, copying ,errors. * Ethology. Compares animal species using behavioral traits presumed
  35. Domenico Vivaldi. Starting from 1574 he worked as a reproductive engraver, copying ,works of 16th century masters such as Federico Morocco, Tintoretto,Antonio
  36. More fundamental than the written one, and presumably mistakes had been made in, copying ,the text over the generations. The primary Biblical text for early Christians
  37. The Persian and Elam ite scripts by bridging the gap with planks, subsequently, copying , the Elam ite inscription. He was then able to find an enterprising local boy to
  38. ROM would not be available, and nothing could be seen. This was solved by, copying ,the character ROM into RAM. This had two benefits; the standard typeface could
  39. Restrictions which forbid loan, inter-library loan, open-shelf access, and, copying , of more than 10 % of a document by library users. The
  40. Is literally, the right to copy, though in legal terms" the right to control, copying ," is more accurate. Copyright is exclusive statutory rights to exercise
  41. Is a hardware-accelerated windowing system which can scroll windows without, copying ,data. Mix is not supported on the later Amiga systems based on 68040 or 68060
  42. Scriptures being the primary means of publishing, was also engaged in, copying ,the writings of the Bad. ` Abdul’Baha also took an interest in the art of
  43. It may therefore occasionally be necessary to perform a full mark and sweep or, copying ,garbage collection to reclaim all available space. In fact, runtime systems for
  44. And the UK regularly stock tapes and DVDs of dubious provenance, while consumer, copying ,adds to the problem. The availability of illegal copies of movies on the
  45. The fair use doctrine, codified by the Copyright Act of 1976 as, permits some, copying ,and distribution without permission of the copyright holder or payment to same.
  46. Self-glorification of Hammurabi by memorializing his wisdom and justice. Its, copying ,in subsequent generations indicates that it was used as a model of legal and
  47. The same mnemonic MOV refers to a family of related opcodes to do with loading, copying ,and moving data, whether these are immediate values, values in registers, or
  48. Formalized and institutionalized. As such, many players learn" by ear ", by, copying , the baselines from records and CDs, and by playing in a number of bands. Even
  49. Booted directly and did not use standard DOS formats. This discouraged the, copying ,or modifying of the software on the disks and improved loading speed. Apple DOS
  50. Their exclusive rights to others. Initially copyright law applied to only the, copying ,of books. Over time other uses such as translations and derivative works were

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