Examples of the the word, coincidence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coincidence ), is the 7248 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is thought to have been on the same flight, although this may have been a, coincidence , While in the United Arab Emirates, Nami purchased traveler's checks presumed
  2. Area ellipses, the fact that these two numbers exactly agree, is considered a ", coincidence , " (Though many such coincidental agreements are found between the
  3. Henge, is the more significant alignment, and the midsummer alignment may be a, coincidence ,due to local topography. As well as solar alignments, there are proposed lunar
  4. Of what art should be like. The value of art Tolstoy defined art (and by no, coincidence ,also characterized its value) as the following:" Art is a human activity
  5. Systems (context) interact in the gamma band frequency via temporal, coincidence , A number of studies have shown that activity in primary sensory areas of the
  6. Theologians such as Karl Rather and Hans von Balthasar. Rather pointed out the, coincidence ,between the Person of Christ and The Word of God, referring to which state that
  7. The only possibly objectionable feature that all causal loops share is that, coincidence ,is required to explain them. " Existence of infinite causal chains David Hume
  8. As a business. Limitations of a barter economy Need for presence of double, coincidence ,of wants: For barter to occur between two people, both would need to have what
  9. With parabolic, the genetic tendency of human beings to find patterns in, coincidence , this allows the discovery of conspiracy in any significant event. Another
  10. The ", not " ye" ( archaic form of" you" ). Homo glyphs occur also by, coincidence , For example, Finnish tie means" road "; the pronunciation is tie, unlike
  11. Him as he stumbles from one crime scene to another. The role and legitimacy of, coincidence ,has frequently been the topic of heated arguments ever since Ronald A. Knox
  12. Systems would have already come to an end. Thus, Dice explained away the rough, coincidence ,between large dimensionless numbers constructed from the constants of physics
  13. Emil Post (1936) and Alan Turing (1936–7,1939) Here is a remarkable, coincidence ,of two men not knowing each other but describing a process of men-as-computers
  14. Arrangements and mechanisms - bonded through affinity, necessity and historical, coincidence ,- which in a given field, make up how we know what we know ". The term provides
  15. Between Luther's anti-Jewish writings and modern antisemitism are no, coincidence , because they derived from a common history of Rudeness, which can be traced
  16. Is a power of A: A A1,B A2 A · A, and finally I A3 = A · A · A. This is not a, coincidence , but rather one of the starting points of a deeper understanding of (finite)
  17. Revolutionary plans for Russia in a nearby apartment. Tom Stoppard used this, coincidence ,as a premise for his play Travesties (1974),which includes Tiara, Lenin,and
  18. So sometimes when the show appeared on then-current events, it was a, coincidence , as episodes were delayed by several months. In other cases there was direct
  19. Coincide. History and prehistory may not offer a time and place for a distinct, coincidence , as may be the case for proto-Italic, in which case the protolanguage is only
  20. The death of the British author C. S. Lewis, who also died on 22 November. This, coincidence ,was the inspiration for Peter Kreeft's book Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog
  21. A private room, the five plotters swore an oath of secrecy on a prayer book. By, coincidence , and ignorant of the plot, Father John Gerard (a friend of Catesby's) was
  22. In private homes. The reason for the style being so widespread in Brazil is its, coincidence ,with the fast growth and radical economic changes of the country during
  23. Hand them in until well over a week later, on 8 June. # It seems too much of a, coincidence ,that Marlowe's death occurred only a few days after his arrest, apparently for
  24. Newton sent him a letter describing his circumstances, and a ship found him by, coincidence , Newton claimed the only reason he left was because of Polly. While aboard the
  25. Constructed from the constants of physics and the age of the universe,a, coincidence ,which had inspired Dirac's varying-G theory. Dice later reasoned that the
  26. By another priest, emerged from his priest hole the next day. Trials By, coincidence , on the same day that Garnet was found, the surviving conspirators were
  27. Of Aristotle's conception of" chance" it might be better to think of ", coincidence ,": Something takes place by chance if a person sets out with the intent of
  28. More so than any attempt to sound hackish," said Camp. " That was a fortunate, coincidence , of course, that the name should pack a backwoods' connotation. But it’s a godly
  29. The origin of physical concepts, as we humans perceive them, and that the happy, coincidence ,that mathematics and physics were so well-matched, seemed to be" unreasonable
  30. Article: It would be somewhat surprising if the MAP alignments were a complete, coincidence , but the anti-Copernican implications suggested by Kraus would be far more
  31. Throughout Haiti, the country's mountainous terrain, and the devastating, coincidence ,of four storms within less than four weeks, valley and lowland areas throughout
  32. In that year,2 April was at Easter. The birth of an emperor at Easter time is a, coincidence ,likely to provoke comment, but there was no such comment documented in 747
  33. Between 1950 and 1965—book ended by Fashion and Red Beard—and that it is not a, coincidence ,that this phase corresponds almost exactly to the time that he and Minute
  34. Learning processes. This is supported by the fact that acetylate Cyclades are, coincidence ,detectors, meaning that they are activated only by several signals
  35. If you let a coin fall, and it falls, the next time it is just by an infinite, coincidence ,that it will fall again the same way; hundreds of other coins on other hands
  36. Also be able to fully enjoy the unraveling of the mystery. Plausibility and, coincidence ,For series involving amateur detectives, their frequent encounters with crime
  37. Which generally resulted in the total abolition of monarchy. It was no, coincidence ,that the United Kingdom was spared the wave of revolutions that occurred in
  38. San Sub FYI returned to Burma in 1988 to take care of her ailing mother. By, coincidence , in the same year, the long-time military leader of Burma and head of the
  39. Notice how the numbers in the third values-column are constant. This is no mere, coincidence , In fact, if you start with any polynomial of degree n, the column number n + 1
  40. From the names of the group of ministers is a folk etymology, although the, coincidence ,was noted at the time and could possibly have popularized its use. The group
  41. Describes these unfortunate events as follows:" It is perhaps more than a, coincidence ,that between the seventh and the thirteenth holders of that office, only one
  42. Money so that other state funds could be freed up and used for rearmament. This, coincidence ,enabled Freemasons to wear the forget-me-not badge as a secret sign of
  43. Alphabet language appears in non-readable form (the only exception is, coincidence , when the sender and receiver use the same encoding scheme). Therefore, for
  44. Bosschaert dynasty which continued until the mid-17th century. It may not be a, coincidence ,that this trend coincided with a national obsession with exotic flowers which
  45. Same day, as did the death of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World. This, coincidence ,was the inspiration for Peter Kreeft's book Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog
  46. A court of judgment itself for trials of political importance, and it is not a, coincidence ,that 6000 is the number both for the full quorum for the assembly and for the
  47. Of the facing sides of South America and Africa is obvious, but is a temporary, coincidence , In millions of years, slab pull and ridge-push, and other forces of
  48. Interview with Than (2007),Paper stated that:“ I think it is an intriguing, coincidence ,that warming trends have been observed on a number of very diverse planetary
  49. 10^\, \text. It is commonly believed that this matching is unlikely to be a, coincidence , and is often quoted as one of the main motivations to further investigate
  50. Phenomenon, simply described from two different reference frames, it is not a, coincidence ,that the angle of annual aberration of the Sun is equal to the path swept by

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