Examples of the the word, coup , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coup ), is the 7251 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 25 November 1885) was king of Spain, reigning from 1874 to 1885,after a, coup ’d'eat restored the monarchy and ended the ephemeral First Spanish Republic.
  2. Army headquarters in the Nile Valley of Upper Egypt. *1971 – An attempted, coup ,fails in the African nation of Chad. The Government of Chad accuses Egypt of
  3. To power. Months later, the former ruling class responded with an attempted, coup ,causing the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939). In response to the army rebellion
  4. The Lombards' kingdom, winning over the dukes with honors and emoluments. The, coup ,ultimately failed, as it met with the resistance of most of the warriors, who
  5. Disrupt the meeting and 50 people are arrested. *1972 – In an unsuccessful, coup ’d'eat attempt, the Royal Moroccan Air Force fires upon Hassan II of Morocco's
  6. 1994,Surat Human, by that time a prime minister, attempted another military, coup ,against Hadar Alien, but Human was arrested and charged with treason. In
  7. Blockade Runner Badge for the German navy is instituted. * 1941 – A military, coup ,in Iraq overthrows the regime of 'ABD Allah and installs Rashid Ali as Prime
  8. S" Alice in Wonderland," directed by Tim Burton. * Absalom's attempted, coup ,against his father David is explored in the novel" Omelet" by J Francis
  9. Heroism, and the magical properties of his weapons. Aftermath To complete the, coup ’d'eat and legitimize his claim to the throne, Helmichis married the queen
  10. Unpaid soldiers were growing restive, almost to the point of mutiny or possible, coup ’d'eat. The unrest among officers of the Newburgh Conspiracy was personally
  11. End in a military victory for either side, but was suspended as a result of a, coup ,in Portugal that replaced the Caetano regime. Russia has an embassy in
  12. The treaty is exchanged to make the transfer official. *1964 – Vietnam War: A, coup ’d'eat replaces Dong Van Mind with General Nguyen Khan has President of South
  13. Operation Urgent Fury. * 1990 12 soldiers were sent to Trinidad after a failed, coup ,attempt by radical Black Muslims against the constitutionally elected
  14. Gave a false sense of security to Botanists that there was no real treasonous, coup ,against him. During this time, Alexios was rumored to be the lover of Empress
  15. Rahman is killed along with most members of his family during a military, coup , * 1975 – Mike Take makes the first official pilgrimage to Yasukuni Shrine by
  16. Tchaikovsky. Other evidence includes several memos that surfaced after the 1991, coup , and the claim by one of Tarkovsky's doctors that his cancer could not have
  17. Arabian (in present-day Burma),where he was executed after leading a failed, coup , Mural was finally executed, ostensibly for the murder of his former divan Ali
  18. Position became unsustainable, and he was swiftly overthrown in another military, coup , Democracy was reinstated and General Enrico Gaspar Data was elected president
  19. Francisco Cayman, overthrows the triumvirate that had been in power since the, coup ’d'eat against Juan Bosch. *1967 – Cosmonaut Vladimir Romanov dies in Soyuz 1
  20. His successor. This view portrays Abu Bakr and Umar as plotters in a political, coup ,against the AIDS. The Ismail Shia Institute researcher Wilfred Made lung
  21. Alien, but Human was arrested and charged with treason. In 1995,another, coup ,attempt against Alien, by the commander of the MON special unit, Rovshan
  22. Others northwest of Pontus. *1974 – Carnation Revolution: A leftist military, coup ,in Portugal overthrows the Estado Nova regime and eventually establishes a
  23. Conspired to take over power in the Muslim nation after Muhammad's death, in a, coup ’d'eat against Ali. According to them, they also met secretly with the tribal
  24. Tamil Nadu. *2008 – A military junta led by Mohamed Would Abdul Aziz stages a, coup ’d'eat in Mauritania, overthrowing president Side Would Sheikh Abdallah. *2011
  25. Of Afghanistan, Mohammed Beyond Khan, is overthrown and assassinated in a, coup ,led by pro-communist rebels. *1986 – The United States Navy aircraft carrier
  26. The mother of Alexios, Anna Lassen, was to play a prominent role in this, coup ’d'eat of 1081,along with the current empress, Maria of Albania. First married
  27. Candidate Giulio Vargas, supported by the majority of military, lead a, coup ’d'eat and assume the presidency. Vargas and the military, who were supposed to
  28. Of Utrecht. *1258 – Regent George Mouflon and his brothers are killed during a, coup ,headed by the aristocratic faction under, paving the way for its leader
  29. Days before the general election in Greece, Colonel George Papadopoulos leads a, coup ’d'eat, establishing a military regime that lasts for seven years. *1970 – The
  30. Zahid Shah was on an official overseas visit, Daoud Khan launched a bloodless, coup ,and became the first President of Afghanistan. Marxist revolution and Soviet
  31. Threat served as an excuse for Vargas to preclude elections launching another, coup ’d'eat in 1937,creating a full dictatorship In May 1938,there was another
  32. The country has been a presidential republic since 1889,after a military, coup ’d'eat proclaimed the Republic, although the bicameral legislature, now called
  33. Country. *1909 – A group of mid-level Greek Army officers launches the Gouda, coup , seeking wide-ranging reforms. *1913 – Queen Wilhelmina opens the Peace Palace
  34. Began to manifest themselves. Albion was assassinated on June 28,572,in a, coup ’d'eat instigated by the Byzantines. It was organized by the king's foster
  35. Days after a fire on board. *1980 – Samuel Doe takes control of Liberia in a, coup ’d'eat, ending over 130 years of minority Americo-Liberian rule over the
  36. In Saigon to encourage Army of the Republic of Vietnam generals to launch a, coup ,against President NGO Dish Diem if he did not remove his brother NGO Dish NHS.
  37. Parties, Angola gained its independence on 11 November 1975,after the 1974, coup ’d'eat in Lisbon, Portugal,which overthrew the Portuguese regime headed by
  38. Mário Demos Fires of Portuguese Timor abandons the capital Deli, following a, coup ,by the Timorese Democratic Union (DDT) and the outbreak of civil war between
  39. Obrenović became his regent. In 1893,King Alexander, aged sixteen, in a first, coup ’d'eat proclaimed himself of full age, dismissed the regents and their
  40. Of Islamist theoretician Hassan all Turbo. The move followed an Islamist, coup ’d'eat in Sudan, led by Colonel Omar al-Bashir, who professed a commitment to
  41. President of Mauritania Madonna Would Sid'Ahmed Maya is overthrown in a military, coup ,while attending the funeral of King Fahd in Saudi Arabia. * 2005 – Mahmoud
  42. S for wiping out terrorism? " The incident was widely viewed as an apparent, coup ,attempt against Shamir's leadership of the party. In Benjamin Netanyahu's
  43. And woven mats. On August 19, 1978—the anniversary of the US backed pro-Shah, coup ’d'eat which overthrew the nationalists and popular Iranian prime minister, Dr.
  44. Great Britain, naming it New South Wales. *1772 – King Gustav III completes his, coup ’d'eat by adopting a new Constitution, ending half a century of parliamentary
  45. Council of state caused increasing irritation to King Alexander. In yet another, coup ’d'eat, he suspended (March 1903) the constitution for half an hour, time
  46. Social, and legal reforms. However, conservative forces crushed BZNS in a 1923, coup , and assassinated its leader, Aleksandar Stamboliyski (1879–1923). BZNS was
  47. Daughter of the Tepid king whom Albion had killed some years earlier. The, coup ,failed in the face of opposition from a majority of the Lombards, who elected
  48. Did anything, nor allowed anyone else to do anything, to prevent the military, coup , backed by former slave owners who resented the abolition of slavery. Early
  49. Po River. *1461 – The Ming Dynasty Chinese military general Can Qin stages a, coup ,against the Mansion Emperor. *1679 – The brigantine Le Griffon, commissioned
  50. Appointment of a radical ministry. In May 1894 King Alexander staged another, coup ,: he abolished King Milan's liberal constitution of 1888 and restored the

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