Examples of the the word, informational , in a Sentence Context

The word ( informational ), is the 7265 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Documents and other texts which are considered as official rules and not only, informational , but which do not affect over the wire data. The border between standards track
  2. Finder of a different 64-byte collision before January 1,2013. In 2011 an, informational ,RFC was approved to update the security considerations in RFC 1321 (MD5) and
  3. Is) one of the most prestigious documentary, educational,business and, informational ,competitions in the U. S; (it is) the oldest of its kind in North America and
  4. Communication Fields in Egypt Press Egypt has long been the cultural and, informational ,center of the Arab world, and Cairo is the region's largest publishing and
  5. Subway Online" system. Streetcar and bus stops do not yet have, informational ,displays; customers can receive this information through an SMS-based
  6. Statistics To be completed soon: Notes Egypt has long been the cultural and, informational ,center of the Arab world, and Cairo is the region's largest publishing and
  7. SIR Video co-founder. As an accomplished author of numerous sex guides and, informational ,books on various sexual taboos, Violet Blue wrote and released The Adventurous
  8. In 2006. He also voiced himself on a 2005 episode of The Simpsons, narrating an, informational ,video about restraining orders. Busy appeared in the 2006 Turkish nationalist
  9. RFCs like Domain Name System Structure and Delegation (RFC 1591). Some, informational ,RFCs form the subseries for your information (FYI). While rarely added to
  10. Risk is the likelihood that something bad will happen that causes harm to an, informational ,asset (or the loss of the asset). A vulnerability is a weakness that could be
  11. Vulnerability is a weakness that could be used to endanger or cause harm to an, informational ,asset. A threat is anything (man made or act of nature) that has the
  12. More widely among parachutists. Carl Cornish continued to publish films and, informational ,magazines on BASE jumping until his death in 1984 after a BASE-jump off of the
  13. Réel)," he said before the Society d'Anthropologist, asserting that it was an, informational ,gap only. The other theory had been a gap in nature, that,because of the ice
  14. Is visible in the Holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, where most, informational ,signage is written in Arabic, English and Urdu, and sometimes in other
  15. To synchronize across the network to exchange RTP-MIDI telegrams. This part is, informational ,only, and it is not required. RTP-MIDI is included in Apple's Mac OS X since
  16. Edward Fred kin in the Fred kin Finite Nature Hypothesis has suggested an, informational ,basis for Einstein's hypothetical algebraic system. If physical reality is
  17. Length. Not only are hole information signs critical, but way-finding signs and, informational ,signs can make a good course great, and the absence of these can make a good
  18. This translation is widely used in official documents, academic communities, informational ,industries, etc. However, the civil broadcasting industries sometimes use ".
  19. Additions making the country one of the leading in the region in terms of, informational ,development. Telephone The current Uzbek telephone system is both antiquated
  20. Products and services that benefit the travel industry. Through the use of its, informational ,and other resources, IATAN provides a vital link between the supplier community
  21. Dealing with ideological, financial,military and political, judicial, informational , and social affairs. In turn, the Males Alisha and these seven committees
  22. In the near future. Communications Egypt has long been the cultural and, informational ,center of the Arab world, and Cairo is the region's largest publishing and
  23. Productivity, cost,effectiveness of the countermeasure, and the value of the, informational ,asset being protected. Risk is the likelihood that something bad will happen
  24. Cash machines and Citibank's data centers, in which a nybble was the basic, informational ,unit. A full byte (octet) is represented by two hexadecimal digits; therefore
  25. In culture. The virion hypothesis states that TSE's are caused by a replicable, informational ,molecule (which is likely to be a nucleic acid) bound to PRP. Many TSE's
  26. In 2000,and 65,000 (optimally compressed) petabytes in 2007 (this is the, informational ,equivalent to every person exchanging 6 newspapers per day). * Computer
  27. It was followed by a companion to the series, The Confederation Handbook,an, informational ,book containing data about the universe of the Night's Dawn trilogy. Hamilton
  28. Rapidly) can cause difficulties for their opponents, bidding systems are both, informational ,and strategic. It is this mixture of information exchange and evaluation
  29. The focus of German public addresses weaker topics, as especially the Rights of, informational ,self-determination. This is a new topic in the context of surveillance of
  30. Or retrieve it from a computer network. Some computer kiosks provide a free, informational ,public service, while others serve a commercial purpose (see mall kiosk).
  31. And the development of an information-based economy, the so-called, informational ,revolution. In a post-industrial society, manufacturing is relocated to
  32. Application transition RFC 4038,Application Aspects of IPv6 Transition, is an, informational ,RFC that covers the topic of IPv4 to IPv6 application transition mechanisms.
  33. From the early 1990s,a derivative style building on biotechnology rather than, informational ,technology. In these stories, people are changed in some way not by mechanical
  34. Immediate-short term turbulence, and the ability of fund managers to identify, informational ,asymmetries, factors giving rise to the downfall of the fund were established
  35. Successfully been identified and authenticated then it must be determined what, informational ,resources they are permitted to access and what actions they will be allowed to
  36. STD 1: Internet Official Protocol Standards. Status" informational " An, informational ,RFC can be nearly anything from April 1 jokes over proprietary protocols up to
  37. Television station. GMU-TV is an award-winning leader in educational, informational ,and public interest programming. The unit offers a broad spectrum of content
  38. As might be expected. In the case of a black hole, the insight was that the, informational ,content of all the objects which have fallen into the hole can be entirely
  39. Power, reward power, legitimate power, expert power, referent power, and, informational , power. A leader can use several tactics to influence others within an
  40. An Internet Standard, STD 1: Internet Official Protocol Standards. Status ", informational ," An informational RFC can be nearly anything from April 1 jokes over
  41. As Nickelodeon or Disney Channel to channels such as E!, HBO,etc. As well as, informational , news, European and Asian channels. Financial Sector Guatemala City's banking
  42. At a multidisciplinary level, connections can be made between thermodynamic and, informational ,entropy, although it took many years in the development of the theories of
  43. Chem informatics (also known as chemo informatics): The use of computer and, informational ,techniques, applied to a range of problems in the field of chemistry. Closely
  44. Officials and other criminals. It was decided to create three sections:, informational , organizational, and a unit to combat counter-revolution and sabotage. Upon the
  45. Selected interests. The Temple also makes available to members a variety of, informational ,resources for individual reference as desired. The central of these resources
  46. Emotion (such as fear),one-sided or two-sided arguments, and other types of, informational ,content. # The Audience, including a variety of demographics, personality
  47. Includes requirements for captioning of multimedia products such as training or, informational ,multimedia productions. Captioning or video descriptors must be able to be
  48. Unaccompanied. There is a cafeteria, a gift shop, exhibits,and a half-hour, informational ,film. The number of open seats varies from case to case; for important cases
  49. Founded in 1988. The organisation's primary work is production of a quarterly, informational ,newsletter. The NTF also maintains a list of ITF medical advisors, and
  50. Of the name on signs and other physical media still read Århus, official, informational , websites have effectively altered occurrences of Århus to Aarhus. Furthermore

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