Examples of the the word, barn , in a Sentence Context
The word ( barn ), is the 7249 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- I'm going to nip it, suck it and tuck it. Why should I look like an old, barn ,yard dog if I don't have to? " And" It takes a lot of money to look this
- In all finishes, and visually to be a part of the wall, a disguised door. A, barn ,door is a door characteristic of a barn . They are often/always found on barn s
- Its displays of seed art, butter sculptures of dairy princesses, the birthing, barn , and the" fattest pig" competition. One can also find dozens of varieties of
- A ‘ walking Mort’ relates how she was forced to agree to meet a man in his, barn , but informed his wife. The wife arrived with her“ five furious, sturdy
- He saw were façades. Theoretically, Henry doesn't know that he has seen a, barn , despite both his belief that he has seen one being true and his belief being
- Lord Bullingdon returns to England and challenges Barry to a duel. Inside a, barn , where the duel is held, a coin flip gives Bullingdon the privilege of shooting
- Consists of four residential buildings with wooden walls and tin roofs, and a, barn , One of the buildings was restored in 1977,and another in 2007. From 1968 to
- Surrender, saying " I prefer to come out and fight "; the soldiers then set the, barn ,on fire. As Booth moved about inside the blazing barn , Sergeant Boston Corbett
- The soldiers then set the barn on fire. As Booth moved about inside the blazing, barn , Sergeant Boston Corbett shot him. According to Corbett's later account, he
- David Herold, in a tobacco barn on the Virginia farm of Richard Garrett. The, barn ,was set on fire in an attempt to force them out into the open. Herold
- Tawny field, looking up at and crawling towards a gray house on the horizon; a, barn ,and various other small outbuildings are adjacent to the house. This tempera
- Depictions of the nativity in art. Nativity scenes are traditionally set in a, barn ,or stable and include Mary, Joseph,the child Jesus, angels,shepherds and the
- 772 gram stony meteorites strikes the earth near Wilburn, Wisconsin damaging a, barn , *1915 – Foundation of the British Women's Institute. *1922 – General election
- They were kept in an overcrowded lock-up, before being moved to a more spacious, barn ,on Monday morning. Among the soldiers and military police, six were killed
- Was sold at auction along with sugar and cotton found in Tobias Knight's, barn , for £2,238. Governor Spots wood used a portion of this to pay for the operation
- Similar to a barn -raising where a neighbor comes and helps a family build their, barn , and, in turn, that family goes and exchanges the favor, helping him build his.
- A part of the wall, a disguised door. A barn door is a door characteristic of a, barn , They are often/always found on barn s, and because of a barn 's immense size (
- Animal Farm ". The Seven Commandments of Animalism are written on the wall of a, barn , The most important is the seventh," All animals are equal. " All the animals
- A veterinarian or a specialized equine dentist. If horses are kept inside in a, barn , they require regular daily exercise for their physical health and mental
- But Booth remained inside. Corbett was positioned near a large crack in the, barn ,wall. He saw Booth moving about inside and shot him with his Colt revolver
- Some new material including the musical numbers" Han AR en man, han AR ETT, barn ," (" He's a Man,He's a Child" ) and" Glow MIG on Du Kan" (" Forget Me
- 541-page manuscript of Dracula, believed to have been lost, was found in a, barn ,in northwestern Pennsylvania during the early 1980s. It included the typed
- This last structure is now in the Patton Gallery in Newcastle; the shell of the, barn ,remains in Alternate, near Amble side (see
- Shed for foaling, or they may remove a wall between two box stalls in a small, barn ,to make a large stall. In the milder climates seen in much of the southern
- Against other horses in the same age group. When an early foal is desired, barn ,managers will put the mare" under lights" by keeping the barn lights on in
- In the same short article as the Guttier cases),is the case of Henry and the, barn ,façades. In the thought experiment, a man, Henry,is driving along and sees a
- Magic),the Pennsylvania German magical system of" hex work" *Hex sign,a, barn ,decoration originating in Pennsylvania Dutch Country of the Northeastern United
- On paper tape was still tucked into the case. PDP-1 #44 was found in a, barn ,in Wichita, Kansas in 1988,apparently formerly owned by one of the many
- Guggenheim lent them the down payment for the wood-frame house with a nearby, barn ,that Pollock converted into a studio. There he perfected the technique of
- Other words are almost identical to their Scottish equivalents, e. g., kirk and, barn , In addition, the word by, meaning " village" or" town ", occurs in many
- Deuterium's absorption cross-section for thermal neutrons is 0.52 millibars (, barn ,10−28 m2,mill 1/1000),while oxygen-16's is 0.19 millibars and oxygen-17
- Of a barn . They are often/always found on barn s, and because of a, barn ,'s immense size (often) doors are subsequently big for utility. A French door
- The body from a former student whose cousin had discovered the animal in his, barn , where it had succumbed to poison left out for rodents. The taxidermist
- Millay Colony for the Arts on the seven acres (2.8 ha) around the house and, barn , which they ran until Norma's death in 1986. Mary Oliver herself went on to
- The regiment surrounded Booth and his accomplice, David Herold, in a tobacco, barn ,on the Virginia farm of Richard Garrett. The barn was set on fire in an attempt
- In the United States, a non-purebred cat is sometimes referred to in slang as a, barn ,or alley cat, even if it is not a stray. Cats come in a variety of colors and
- Bridge – Tied arch bridge – Tile – Timber frame – Timber piles – Timber – Tithe, barn ,– Tripoli Union – Taxonomy – Topping out – Torn – Tirana – Tore Especial –
- He had returned to Hollywood and entered the movie industry. He chummed with, barn ,stories and pioneer aviators at Rogers Airport in Los Angeles, getting to know
- To teach herself to play the piano at age 11. She also played the organ in a, barn ,behind her parents' house and studied the violin. She soon began writing her
- Soldiers caught up with the fugitives, who were hiding in Garrett's tobacco, barn , David Herold surrendered, but Booth refused Conger's demand to surrender
- Cooley (Daniel von Bergen),because he needs the money. They escape from the, barn ,where they were sleeping, which the authorities have set on fire, and continue
- Necrosis. The Brooklyn Historic Railway Associations (BRA) shop, trolley, barn , and offices are located in Red Hook, Brooklyn,New York, on the historic Beard
- With a moat, a wall, and a hedge. Also, beyond the middle gate is a good, barn , and a stable of cows, and another for oxen, these old and ruinous. Also beyond
- Sold. Radio, and broadcasting, became a popular source of entertainment, and ", barn ,dance" shows featuring country music were started all over the South, as far
- Is desired, barn managers will put the mare" under lights" by keeping the, barn ,lights on in the winter to simulate a longer day, thus bringing the mare into
- She was only the third woman to win the poetry prize. The couple built a, barn ,(from a Sears Roebuck kit),and then a writing cabin and a tennis court.
- Mirror the gender of that noun, so that one says," Hall Mar! " But," halt, barn , " Like in other languages, the grammatical gender of an impersonal noun is
- Refrigeration. Temperatures are regulated by opening and closing vents in the, barn ,as needed. Cranberries destined for processing are usually frozen in bulk
- 1868) are based on this period. Alcott renovated the property, moving a, barn ,and painting the home a rusty olive color, as well as tending to over six acres
- While he has seen one, and the perception he based his belief on was of a real, barn , all the other barn -like buildings he saw were façades. Theoretically, Henry
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