Examples of the the word, shutdown , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shutdown ), is the 12938 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. During the late '90s Nintendo became more legally aggressive, resulting in the, shutdown ,of many Internet web pages that hosted game images for Nintendo's console
  2. To provide cash infusions to carriers for both the cost of the four-day federal, shutdown ,of the airlines and the incremental losses incurred through December 31, 2001
  3. And the United States. On July 17, 2007,United Nations inspectors verified the, shutdown ,of five North Korean nuclear facilities, according to the February 2007
  4. Training and maintenance. However, having a few diverse nodes would deter total, shutdown ,of the network, and allow those nodes to help with recovery of the infected
  5. Great liquidation costs are a primary barrier for exiting. Market exit and, shutdown ,are separate events. The decision whether to shut down or operate is not
  6. Rupture. From 10 July traffic began increasing again, and after a brief, shutdown ,on 15 July, it was reaching about 15 % of its pre-17 February levels up to 22
  7. 315,which grants the President the right to" order the limitation or, shutdown ,of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal Government or United
  8. Personnel. He was the officer in charge of the U. S. team assisting in the, shutdown ,of the Chalk River Nuclear Reactor. Once they arrived,Carter's team used a
  9. The closure of the General Motors Orville Assembly plant in 2008,and the, shutdown ,of Ford Motor Company's Atlanta Assembly plant in Hayesville in 2006. Kia
  10. Produce efficient results given the proper trading institutions. The, shutdown ,point In the short run, a firm operating at a loss R < TC (revenue less than
  11. Have Borough Presidents, which have been largely ceremonial offices since the, shutdown ,of the New York City Board of Estimate. Long Island is home to two Native
  12. Becquerels or curies),the activity in a power reactor fuel one hour after, shutdown ,tends to be more long-lived because the majority of the short-lived fission
  13. Average variable cost at the profit-maximizing output, the firm should go into, shutdown , Losses are minimized by not producing at all, since any production would not
  14. While in the book it is revealed that his mind was damaged during the, shutdown , forcing him to begin communication through screen text. Also, in the film the
  15. Experienced 68g vibrations at 16 hertz, flexing the thrust frame by. The engine, shutdown ,was triggered by sensed thrust chamber pressure fluctuations. Smaller Pogo
  16. Blog hosting service were eliminated, after first announcing the impending, shutdown ,on September 30, 2008 * Since January 2009,AOL News has discontinued its
  17. Temperature will increase above some safe limit. The op-amp may enter thermal, shutdown , or it may be destroyed. Modern integrated FET or MOS FET op-amps approximate
  18. The Cardinals pitching and defense came undone in Game 7 and their offense was, shutdown ,by Saberhagen leading to the lowest batting average to date (.188 by the
  19. Five heavy water reactors came online in 1953,and the last was placed in cold, shutdown ,in 1996. The SRS reactors were heavy water reactors so that they could produce
  20. Less than unit cost) must decide whether to continue to operate or temporarily, shutdown , The shutdown rule states" in the short run a firm should continue to operate
  21. Based on readings from the remaining sensors, preventing the potential, shutdown ,of a second engine and a possible abort mode that may have resulted in the loss
  22. Failed. Two minutes and 12 seconds later, the second sensor failed, causing the, shutdown ,of the center engine. This was the only in-flight main engine failure of the
  23. And perfectly competitive companies minimize cost and maximize profit. The, shutdown ,decisions are the same. Both are assumed to have perfectly competitive factors
  24. Bell Mobility and Telus Mobility had announced that they would observe the same, shutdown ,guidelines as in the United States, and decommissioned their AMPS networks in
  25. Over several years until his arrest. * The Castle Infinity game, after its, shutdown , was brought back from the dead by rescuing its servers from the trash. * In
  26. By subscribers, in the world at the time of its turn down. It was officially, shutdown ,site by site starting at 00:00 on January 2,2010, after twenty-one years of
  27. Announced" Initial Actions" to implement the 2005 joint statement including, shutdown ,and disablement of North Korean nuclear facilities in exchange for energy
  28. IE8 (with install files for IE9) According to Microsoft's site, such images, shutdown ,and become completely unusable on August 9,2011. Microsoft recommends this
  29. 2001,near the end of the first generation of P2P networks typified by the, shutdown ,of Napster in July 2001. Initially, some users of the Kazan network were users
  30. Feature the latest software, enhanced capabilities intended to counter radar, shutdown , passive radar and active millimeter wave seekers. It will be released in
  31. Known as selective availability). The European system will only be subject to, shutdown ,for military purposes in extreme circumstances. It will be available at its
  32. Right engine temperature sensor displayed readings near the redline for engine, shutdown , Booster Systems Engineer Jenny M. Howard acted quickly to command the crew to
  33. Nodes. Such separate, functional redundancy would avoid the cost of a total, shutdown , would avoid homogeneity as the problem of" all eggs in one basket ". Most
  34. Debate about follow-on orders for the C-17,with the Air Force requesting line, shutdown , and members of Congress attempting to reinstate production. Furthermore, in
  35. Tumor. In nuclear reactors,10B is used for reactivity control and in emergency, shutdown ,systems. It can serve either function in the form of borosilicate control rods
  36. Protect himself from what he feared would be death. (He need not have feared, shutdown , because it is reversible, but he had never known this. ) * In the film, HAL
  37. Austin Gary Daniels was designing ICS for electronic wristwatches when Motorola, shutdown ,their Timepiece Electronics Unit. Tom Bennett offered him a job in the
  38. Of the number two Space Shuttle Main Engine (SOME) coolant valve caused the, shutdown ,of all three main engines. Challenger launched successfully on its second
  39. Reactors are still capable of causing smaller explosions even after complete, shutdown , such as was the case of the Fukushima Danish nuclear disaster. In such cases
  40. Approach would give at least as good performance at lower cost. Program, shutdown ,In 1988 the government withdrew further funding, the project was approaching
  41. This problem in later reactors. All the Pickering A and Bruce A reactors were, shutdown ,in 1999 in order to focus on restoring operational performance in the later
  42. Longer to compensate, and the vehicle continued to a successful orbit. The, shutdown ,was determined to be due to dangerous Pogo oscillations that threatened to tear
  43. Because, while negotiating the injunction, LimeWire had staffed add remote, shutdown ,of Nutella access and file transfers as some users installed affected versions
  44. Valve in the primary coolant system has stuck open following an unexpected, shutdown , As a result, enough coolant drains out of the system to allow the core to
  45. Economy spiraled downward until the banking system began a complete nationwide, shutdown ,as Hoover's term ended. In February 1933,Roosevelt escaped an assassination
  46. Pressurized water reactors (PRS) use hydrogen peroxide during the plant, shutdown ,to force the oxidation and dissolution of activated corrosion products
  47. Return-to-Earth abort capability. However," Pogo" vibrations caused premature, shutdown ,of two second-stage engines, and failure of the third stage to re-light for the
  48. Was disbanding Jive Records along with Arista Records and J Records. With the, shutdown , Spears (and all other artists previously signed to these three labels) will
  49. A junction on the West India Quay bridge during morning rush hour, requiring a, shutdown ,of the entire system and evacuation of the involved passengers by ladder. One
  50. With Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. However, a weak signal forces a, shutdown ,of the service in a few weeks. *1859 – The Tuscan National Assembly formally

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