Examples of the the word, stallion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stallion ), is the 12959 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be bred again during her next cycle. It is considered safe to breed a mare to a, stallion ,of much larger size. Because of the mare’s type of placenta and its attachment
  2. In nature. Mares signal estrus and ovulation by urination in the presence of a, stallion , raising the tail and revealing the vulva. A stallion , approaching with a high
  3. The foal does not have to travel. * AI allows more mares to be bred from one, stallion , as to ejaculate may be split between mares. * AI reduces the chance of
  4. Stables of Seville and was a highly trained and loyal war horse, not a foolish, stallion , The name in this instance could suggest that the horse came from the Bahia
  5. Will be a success in its chosen discipline. The offspring, or " get ", of a, stallion ,are often excellent indicators of his ability to pass on his characteristics
  6. Paralysis (HYPE),which is caused by an autosomal dominant gene linked to the, stallion ,Impressive. It is characterized by uncontrollable muscle twitching and
  7. Parent. Because stallion s can produce far more offspring than mares, a single, stallion ,can have a greater overall impact on a breed. However, the mare may have a
  8. With a derogatory meaning). *Irish Caitlin" girl" is masculine, while stail ", stallion ," is feminine. *Slovenian deckle" girl" is neuter, while its cognate Della "
  9. Profit and how realistic those motivations may be. Choosing breeding stock The, stallion ,should be chosen to complement the mare, with the goal of producing a foal that
  10. Is fertile and has successfully" settled" ( i.e. impregnated) mares. A, stallion ,may not be able to breed naturally, or old age may decrease his performance.
  11. Race team is the Calling Rampant (" prancing horse" ) black prancing, stallion ,on a yellow shield, usually with the letters S F (for Scuderia Ferrari),with
  12. Several times with a stallion that will not breed to her, usually with the, stallion ,being presented to the mare over a barrier. Her reaction to the teaser, whether
  13. Male donkey) and a mare. A related hybrid, the Ginny, is a cross between a, stallion ,and a jenny (female donkey). Most other hybrids involve the zebra (see
  14. Of the Tuha-na-Cremm Crouch - a sacred Bull, a spear, an oak, a ram and a, stallion ,- which will restore the land. Together with new allies Goff anon (a blacksmith
  15. Not disguise her divinity among the horses of King Onion. Poseidon became a, stallion ,and covered her. She bore a daughter Despoil (: the" Mistress" ), whose name
  16. With a stud fee that is in the typical range for quality breeding stock. As a, stallion ,'s career, either performance or breeding, improves,his stud fee tends to
  17. The lethal BED allele, meaning both parents carry one copy of the gene. The, stallion ,King P-234 has been linked to this disease. There is a DNA blood test for this
  18. Foals of outstanding quality. Mare owners also look into the question of if the, stallion ,is fertile and has successfully" settled" ( i.e. impregnated) mares. A
  19. Charge from two to three thousand dollars for a breeding to a new or unproven, stallion , to several hundred thousand dollars for a breeding to a proven producer of
  20. Reduces the chance of spreading sexually transmitted diseases between mare and, stallion , * AI allows mares or stallion s with health issues, such as sore hocks which
  21. Other, which therefore reduces breeding accidents, such as the mare kicking the, stallion , * AI opens up the world to international breeding, as semen may be shipped
  22. And Mississippi State University is that the sire line of the great foundation, stallion ,Polo Buena is implicated as the origin of the disease. As of May 9,2007
  23. With one handler controlling the mare and one or more handlers in charge of the, stallion , Multiple handlers are preferred, as the mare and stallion can be easily
  24. Yet avoids having the weaker qualities of either parent. Generally,the, stallion ,should have proven himself in the discipline or sport the mare owner wishes for
  25. Ways to" cover" or breed the mare: *Live cover: the mare is brought to the, stallion ,'s residence and is covered" live" in the breeding shed. She may also be
  26. Ambushed and captured during a smuggling run, Syn purchased the great black, stallion ,Gehenna from gypsies and raced to their rescue. A suit of clothing borrowed
  27. Female. ) Though many horse owners may simply breed a family mare to a local, stallion ,in order to produce a companion animal, most professional breeders use
  28. Continents to mares that would otherwise be unable to breed to a particular, stallion , * A mare also does not have to travel to the stallion , so the process is less
  29. Gods surrounded by an incomplete wall attributed to a Hrimthurs riding the, stallion ,Svadilfari, according to Gylfaginning. Valhalla is located within Asgard. Odin
  30. Horse four years old and older. Some people, particularly in the UK, refer to a, stallion ,as a" horse ". * male horse of any age. However, Australian Thoroughbred
  31. Male donkey) and a mare. A related hybrid, a Ginny, is a cross between a, stallion ,and a jenny (female donkey). Other hybrids include the horse, a cross between
  32. Free return" or" NFF" - allowing the owner to have a free breeding to their, stallion ,the next year. However, this is not offered for every breeding. Covering the
  33. Mares or stallion s with health issues, such as sore hocks which may prevent a, stallion ,from mounting, to continue to breed. * Frozen semen may be stored and used to
  34. In the presence of a stallion , raising the tail and revealing the vulva. A, stallion , approaching with a high head, will usually nicker, nip and nudge the mare, as
  35. Live" in the breeding shed. She may also be turned out in a pasture with the, stallion ,for several days to breed naturally ('pasture bred' ). The former situation
  36. The registration of foals resulting from the use of frozen semen after the, stallion ,'s death, although other large registries accept such usage and provide
  37. In addition, foals bred via AI of frozen semen may only be registered if the, stallion ,'s sperm was collected during his lifetime, and used no later than the calendar
  38. Is toward permitting use of frozen semen after the death of the stallion . A, stallion ,is usually trained to mount a phantom (or dummy) mare, although a live mare
  39. Mare and intended stud will be cleaned. The mare will then be presented to the, stallion , usually with one handler controlling the mare and one or more handlers in
  40. Her * Mare transport, care,and board if the mare is bred live cover at the, stallion ,'s residence * Veterinary bills to keep the pregnant mare healthy while in foal
  41. A few days following foaling Stud fees are determined by the quality of the, stallion , his performance record, the performance record of his get (offspring),as
  42. Overall trend is toward permitting use of frozen semen after the death of the, stallion , A stallion is usually trained to mount a phantom (or dummy) mare, although a
  43. To breed to a particular stallion . * A mare also does not have to travel to the, stallion , so the process is less stressful on her, and if she already has a foal, the
  44. Old Billy—again, one of many" Billy" horses—foaled circa 1880; Traveler,a, stallion ,of unknown breeding, known to have been in Texas by 1889; and Peter McCue
  45. Pregnancy, and successful foaling. Terminology The male parent of a horse,a, stallion , is commonly known as the sire and the female parent, the mare, is called the
  46. To breed. * Frozen semen may be stored and used to breed mares even after the, stallion ,is dead, allowing his lines to continue. However, the semen of some stallion s
  47. And Babies. One well-known legend about El Cid describes how he acquired the, stallion , According to this story,Rodrigo's godfather, Pedro El Grande, was a monk at
  48. In charge of the stallion . Multiple handlers are preferred, as the mare and, stallion ,can be easily separated should there be any trouble. The Jockey Club, the
  49. Over live cover, and has a very similar conception rate: * The mare and, stallion ,never have to come in contact with each other, which therefore reduces breeding
  50. The mare is usually boarded at the stud. She is" teased" several times with a, stallion ,that will not breed to her, usually with the stallion being presented to the

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