Examples of the the word, parable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( parable ), is the 12939 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (Saying 76): This work's version of the, parable ,of the Hidden Treasure appears later (Saying 109),rather than immediately
  2. In only one of the Canonical gospels of the New Testament. According to the, parable ,illustrates the great value of the Kingdom of Heaven. It immediately follows
  3. To failures to use opportunities of doing good. He linked this with the, parable ,of the sheep and the goats (also in Matthew's Gospel),in which the grounds
  4. With Jesus answering the question," Who is my neighbor? ", by telling the, parable ,of the Good Samaritan, indicating that" your neighbor" is anyone in need.
  5. Other gospel accounts as a variation of the same event, it is likely that the, parable ,is not authentically set. Otherwise, the powerful message from the parable
  6. Pitfalls to avoid. Contained within Economic Sophists is the famous satirical, parable ,known as the" Candle makers' petition" which presents itself as a demand from
  7. John D. Males. The new creative approach Perhaps the most famous negotiation, parable ,involves an argument over an orange. The most obvious approach was to simply
  8. Action in attaining the kingdom of heaven" This interpretation of the, parable ,is the inspiration for a number of hymns, including the Swedish hymn Den
  9. Ironically, the world economy was endangered. The much-copied storyline was a, parable ,that was metaphorically interpreted in many ways at the outset of the
  10. 76. Narrative The brief Parable of the Pearl is as follows: Interpretation This, parable ,is generally interpreted as illustrating the great value of the Kingdom of
  11. Adjacent, Depictions There have been several depictions of the New Testament, parable ,in art, including works by Domenico Feet, John Everett Millie, and Jan Luke
  12. Is contingent on how we forgive others. Later, Matthew elaborates with Jesus ', parable ,of the unforgiving servant (). In this parable , forgiveness from the king (
  13. Of heaven (Hannah) in the EU'ran, verse 35 of Surah Al-Ra’d says," The, parable ,of the Garden which the righteous are promised! Beneath it flow rivers.
  14. And accuse the sinner on high. An additional understanding of Satan is from a, parable ,to a prostitute who is hired by the King (God) to tempt his son (a Jew).
  15. Man of Bethesda, the blind man of Jericho and the man who was born blind. The, parable ,of the blind men and an elephant has crossed between many religious traditions
  16. Bridge and not an end. " Eternal return The idea of eternal return occurs in a, parable ,in Section 341 of The Gay Science, and also in the chapter" Of the Vision and
  17. Truffaut directed his only film made outside France, the science fiction, parable ,Fahrenheit 451 in 1966 (see 1966 in film). American directors were regularly
  18. The stone refers to. New Testament scriptures In a Christian New Testament, parable , Jesus compared the Kingdom of Heaven to a" pearl of great price" in Matthew
  19. So he is available for a draft. The cost of conscription can be related to the, parable ,of the broken window. The cost of the work—in this case military service—does
  20. Desire that the other would do for them. This formulation, as indicated in the, parable ,of the Good Samaritan, emphasises the needs for positive action that brings
  21. There can hardly be a prior form of the episode not containing the present, parable , since this would leave the Pharisee's concerns of v 39 with no adequate
  22. Recorded in the other gospels, the question of the authenticity of the, parable ,receives a different answer ... John Holland, following Wilkens' ideas
  23. Mentions the depiction of a shepherd on Christian cups, calling to mind the, parable ,of the Good Shepherd and thus used as a symbol for Jesus. Clement of Alexandria
  24. The Parable of the Pearl (also called the Pearl of Great Price) is a, parable ,of Jesus. It appears in only one of the Canonical gospels of the New Testament.
  25. Perfect as it comes from the oyster. In the Gospel of Thomas A version of the, parable ,also appears in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas (Saying 76): This work's
  26. Judea. Samaritans appear briefly in the Christian gospels, most notable in the, parable ,of the Good Samaritan. In this parable , told to Jews, a Samaritan helps a
  27. Parable has been depicted by artists such as Domenico Feet. A version of this, parable ,also appears in the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas 76. Narrative The brief
  28. Appear in many cultural works. Some include: * The Grand Inquisitor,a, parable ,told by Ivan to Alysha in Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel The Brothers Karamazov (
  29. Both sides ended up with more. Neither agreement is particularly creative. The, parable ,of the orange becomes a story about creativity when both parties decide to
  30. Follows the Parable of the Hidden Treasure, which has a similar theme and the, parable ,has been depicted by artists such as Domenico Feet. A version of this parable
  31. May at the end be expressed explicitly in a pithy maxim. A fable differs from a, parable ,in that the latter excludes animals, plants,inanimate objects, and forces of
  32. People what they want, rather than what's good for them. Socrates uses the, parable ,of the ship to illustrate this point: the unjust city is like a ship in open
  33. The parable is not authentically set. Otherwise, the powerful message from the, parable ,located in this setting would likely be preserved elsewhere, too. However, if
  34. Matthew elaborates with Jesus' parable of the unforgiving servant (). In this, parable , forgiveness from the king (God) is conditional on the servant's forgiveness
  35. Few of this kind of story of cosmic explanation. For instance, the Buddhist, parable ,of the arrow warns against such speculations as" Is the world eternal or not
  36. A difference; other rhetorical comparative figures of speech, such as metonymy, parable , simile and synecdoche, are species of metaphor distinguished by how the
  37. Parables, which are a response to a question he is asked. After he tells the, parable , he returns the question to the individual. An existentialist reading of the
  38. To contain historical fact, poetry,idiom, metaphor,simile, moral fable, parable , prophecy, and wisdom literature. Thus, the Scriptures are never used for
  39. To cross over from one location to the other. Some scholars believe that this, parable ,reflects the intertestamental Jewish view of Hades (or Sheol) as containing
  40. Christ, and the pearl represents the Church. This interpretation would give the, parable ,a similar theme to that of the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and
  41. Spirit and desire. Similarly, a city has three parts – Socrates uses the, parable ,of the chariot to illustrate his point: a chariot works as a whole because the
  42. Mahagonny as capitalism Mahagonny as a city was also intended to be a, parable ,of capitalism stripped of its veneer of bourgeois respectability, as it" arose
  43. On nature and Biblical themes. Her story The Land of Far-Beyond is a Christian, parable ,along the lines of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, with modern children as
  44. Or seven-day week, namely,the interval between two Sabbaths. Jesus's, parable ,of the Pharisee and the Publican describes the Pharisee as fasting" twice a
  45. Commentator who suggested that The Lord of the Rings was an anti-communist, parable ,and identified the Dark Lord with Stalin. Tolkien retorted," I utterly
  46. By a prophet who used this form of writing to convey a divine message or, parable , On the other hand, the Talmud (in Tract ate Baba Basra 15a-16b) goes to great
  47. The Sea of Cortez, which he described in Chapter 11 as being" so much like a, parable ,that it almost can't be ". Steinbeck traveled to Mexico for the filming with
  48. The Two Debtors. As one commentator notes," Luke is the only one to record the, parable ,of the two debtors, and he chooses to preserve it in this setting ... If one
  49. Come to naught before Christ and His cross? A less common interpretation of the, parable ,is that the merchant represents Christ, and the pearl represents the Church.
  50. Points of ethics or theology. An example from the Babylonian Talmud (a, parable ,intended to discourage speculation about the universe before creation):

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