Examples of the the word, ingenuity , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ingenuity ), is the 12940 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And left, Shockley explained that his goal was" the application of scientific, ingenuity ,to the solution of human problems. " Shockley argued that the higher rate of
- More or less expensive. HERO System products and players are notorious for the, ingenuity ,and complexity of their power constructions. Tasks are resolved using three
- Lawrence Friedman has explained what happened next::" Nevada, in a burst of, ingenuity , built an economy by exploiting its sovereignty. Its strategy was to legalize
- America in the 1980s,more and more people were forced to rely on their own, ingenuity ,in order to simply exist on the fringes of Honduran society. Employment
- Technology and science, and their entwined realizations in human artistry and, ingenuity , It was founded by David Hildebrand Wilson and Diana Drake Wilson (husband and
- Bar Wars" episodes, the Cheers gang almost always lost to Gary's superior, ingenuity , though they managed to trick him into missing the annual Bloody Mary contest
- Heat engines and photovoltaics. Solar energy's uses are limited only by human, ingenuity , A partial list of solar applications includes space heating and cooling
- The cotton gins. Although Whitney's demonstration of 1801 appeared to show the, ingenuity ,of interchangeable parts, Merritt Roe Smith concludes that Whitney's
- One day on the Acropolis of Athens, to push him off. But Athena, who favors, ingenuity , saw him falling and arrested his fate by changing him into a bird called after
- 1968. Captain Mainspring says" We have one invaluable weapon in our armory:, ingenuity ,and improvisation ", to which Private Fraser replies" That's two. " In
- Of his cult were adapted to Rome as well. Extraordinary strength, courage, ingenuity , and sexual prowess with both males and females were among his characteristic
- He is shot at by miners and arrested for stealing a gold shipment. Perry's, ingenuity ,and the distraction of a bank robbery allow him to escape. When Perry returns
- Living at a classified address under a new identity. Through a combination of, ingenuity ,and luck, Lightman escapes and enlists Mack's help in begging Fallen (John
- When traders brought multigene from Mexico. Due to the varying climate, some, ingenuity , was needed for agriculture to be successful. The climate in the southwest
- Far away as possible, have drawn in the coveted part, and with great skill and, ingenuity ,tricked their pursuers, pretending that they no longer possessed what they were
- Of Knowledge and wrote for it a series of popular manuals. He showed remarkable, ingenuity ,in inventing and solving chess problems and designed an inexpensive pocket
- Which is a way to more easily move pieces of structures into place. Eiffel's, ingenuity ,and brilliance allowed him to design and build some of the world's most famous
- Sounds like some unique hybrid of the Velvet Underground mated with much of the, ingenuity ,of Ago McGovern Can, if any parallel can be drawn. " At the end of the article
- Renewable energy technologies are being rapidly improved. So innovation and, ingenuity ,give us the ability to constantly increase the efficiency of renewable energy
- It likely that this was Tubman's group. Her dangerous work required tremendous, ingenuity ,; she usually worked during winter months, to minimize the likelihood that the
- With any of the established forms of action. Lawyers had to engage in great, ingenuity ,to shoehorn their clients' claims into existing forms of action. Code pleading
- The America500 Birthday Vision was inspired to explore humanity's spirit of, ingenuity ,by celebrating your community story to open local windows to worldwide origins.
- Became the whodunit (or whodunit, short for" who done it? "),where great, ingenuity ,may be exercised in narrating the events of the crime, usually a homicide, and
- In strength of character, depth of emotion, level of originality, and, ingenuity , of motivic and tonal manipulation. " He also completed his Septet (Op. 20) in
- Version we see today, the use of bhangra beats shows the complexity and, ingenuity ,of hip-hop in North America and how artists gain inspiration from all different
- Line:" After practicing to the full the bigness of Aeschylus, then the painful, ingenuity ,of my own invention, now in the third stage I am changing to the kind of
- The Ring was unique in the extent to which they were employed, and in the, ingenuity ,of their combination and development. Any important subject in the Ring is
- Accomplished in the face of huge difficulties. These Hannibal surmounted with, ingenuity , such as when he used vinegar and fire to break through a rockfall. According
- No purpose but to negate the gains provided to society by technology, labor, ingenuity , determination and progress. An important corollary to these conclusions is
- Opera was an imaginary monarch of a remote period and cannot by any exercise of, ingenuity ,be taken to be a slap on an existing institution. " G. K. Chesterton compared
- And Infantrymen. The LAW Engineering Corps achieved what was seen as a feat of, ingenuity ,during the conflict where they converted a number of UH-1 helicopters into
- Headquarters at last! " A British secret agent who always survived through, ingenuity ,despite being ineffectual-looking and short-sighted appeared as 'The Man From
- May counterbalance, or even overbalance, the beneficial effects of publicizing, ingenuity ,and rewarding inventors. Name "/NP"> industrialization"/> Watt's monopoly may
- Pseudos offers to impersonate Locus and talk his way out of the mess but, his, ingenuity , flagging,he ends up merely telling the Captain that Philip has disappeared
- That the WBS is not overly prescriptive of methods, allowing for greater, ingenuity ,and creative thinking on the part of the project participants. For new product
- He has no connection. He misses his wife who is in Paris, and he uses all his, ingenuity ,and resourcefulness to persuade the city bureaucracy to allow him to leave.
- Engine burn was later required for a minor course correction. Considerable, ingenuity ,under extreme pressure was required from the crew, flight controllers, and
- That surround the archipelago, and it has shown that through the Filipinos ', ingenuity ,and creativity, they have created several transport forms that are distinctive
- Sieges. The Siege of Syracuse from 214 BC onwards was marked by Archimedes ', ingenuity ,in inventing war machines that made it impossible for the Romans to make any
- Leading to the siege of Syracuse from 214 BC onwards. During this siege the, ingenuity ,of Archimedes' machines defeated all Roman attacks. The essence of Hannibal's
- The mechanical arts. He was an apt scholar and showed striking evidence of, ingenuity , Walking on the seashore, he picked up the spine of a fish. According to Ovid
- Director stated in an interview that the purpose of the museum is to honor the, ingenuity ,of the inventor and the hard work of the employees and to" separate the weapon
- Is an independent-minded and self-reliant individual. He has something of the, ingenuity ,of Homer's Odysseus and much of the shrewdness of the farmer idealized in
- Song, drums,hip-hop,break-dance, spoken word, poetry,and sheer creative, ingenuity , Stepping features precise, synchronized,and complex rhythmic body movements
- Banjo-Tooie, and Conker's Bad Fur Day are possibly the best examples of this, ingenuity , all of which were developed by Rare. Games often also used plain colored
- Neither of them was ever an official of the Ministry of Works, and their, ingenuity ,did not benefit the world. When (authorities) employ personnel with no regard
- Chinese writers. Zhang received many posthumous honors for his scholarship and, ingenuity , and is considered a polymath by some scholars. Some modern scholars have also
- And drug abuse, rats are a popular choice due to their high intelligence, ingenuity , aggressiveness, and adaptability. Their psychology, in many ways, seems to be
- Or connected with Abraham. The subject is one which has exercised the, ingenuity ,of many savants, but it may be said that all the engraved stones fall into
- And fantasy, music and dance, narrative and spectacle, earthy dialogue and, ingenuity ,of stage presentation, integrating them into a dramatic discourse of melodrama.
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