Examples of the the word, reload , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reload ), is the 12942 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pistol. The alternatives are a replaceable cylinder, a speed loader which can, reload ,all chambers at once, or a moon clip that holds a full load (or even half of
  2. Century, breech-loading weapons were designed, which allowed the rifleman to, reload ,while undercover, but defects in manufacturing and the difficulty in forming a
  3. Vision, keeps the ejection port open to allow the use of stripper clips to, reload ,the rifle, and eliminates any chance of the scope striking one's brow during
  4. And anvil which hold a percussion cap of the type use in cap lock firearms. To, reload ,a fired case, the pin is removed, allowing the anvil to slide out; a percussion
  5. A hunting weapon: early firearms were fairly inaccurate and took a long time to, reload ,; thus a hunter of dangerous animals such as wild boar could easily have been
  6. Was for Upton's men to rush across the open field without pausing to fire and, reload , reaching the earthworks before the Confederates could fire more than a couple
  7. The day, so that his musketeers were widely known for their firing accuracy and, reload ,speed: three times faster than any contemporary rivals. Carl von Clausewitz and
  8. Zhugenu-payne. JPG|Chinese repeating crossbow with pull lever and automatic, reload ,magazine Image: Lianne. JPG|Chinese Loan Nu (連弩),multiple shot crossbow
  9. The previous resource and forward respectively. * A refresh or reload button to, reload ,the current resource. * A stop button to cancel loading the resource. In some
  10. Code in a profound way. It goes on to suggest that to re-grok code is to, reload ,the intricacies of that portion of code into one's memory after some time has
  11. Executable. USPS can also be interpreted on-the-fly, reducing the time taken to, reload ,changes. Regardless of whether the JSP compiler generates Java source code for
  12. Strong hand. In modern firearms' terminology this is often called a" New York, reload ," after the practice of New York Police Department officers carrying second (
  13. Front or flank, fire broadsides with pistols and muskets and then retreat to, reload ,and reform. However, Gustavus Adolphus used light cannons (reengineered to
  14. The weapon's range, accuracy,or magazine size; or decrease its recoil and, reload ,time. Not all modifications are available to all weapons; for example, a rocket
  15. The arquebusiers in three lines. After each line fired, it would duck and, reload ,as the next line fired. The bullets were able to pierce the Takeda cavalry
  16. Resembles a web browser, complete with back and forward buttons, and often, reload ,buttons. Most also contain an address bar into which the file or directory path
  17. These were referred to as" transient" programs. On completion, CP/M would, reload ,the part of the CCP that had been overwritten by application programs — this
  18. Cover system, in which players can duck behind cover to avoid enemy fire and, reload ,his weapon. There are three stages, each consisting of three areas and a boss
  19. Development of firearms, an important limiting factor was the time it took to, reload ,the weapon after it was fired. While the user was reload ing, the weapon was
  20. A target area quickly, but with lower accuracy and requiring a longer time to, reload , They are fragile compared to artillery guns, but are inexpensive and easy to
  21. To mean individual shots by two or three guns because of the time necessary to, reload ,such primitive artillery. These were believed to shoot large arrows and
  22. To 17 or, in some cases, over 25 rounds of ammunition) and ability to rapidly, reload ,by simply removing the empty magazine and inserting a loaded one. Revolvers are
  23. Loading the resource. In some browsers, the stop button is merged with the, reload ,button. * An address bar to input the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of
  24. Pistols such as the Colt M1911,especially in circumstances where, reload ,time and higher cartridge capacity are deemed important. Patents Elisha Collier
  25. To engage rimless cartridges. Another product known as a" speed strip" cannot, reload ,a completely empty revolver as rapidly as a speed loader, but is less expensive
  26. Into the 1920s. Of 1931 further improved the torpedo armament by storing its, reload ,torpedoes close at hand in the superstructure, allowing reload ing within 15
  27. To go back to the previous resource and forward respectively. * A refresh or, reload ,button to reload the current resource. * A stop button to cancel loading the
  28. To escape from Surridge's home. Unfortunately for Almond, he had forgotten to, reload ,his gun after having cleaned it earlier that same night, and V kills him. Finch
  29. And reload ing. Since there is no reciprocating action needed to eject and, reload ,the shells, doubles are more compact than repeating designs such as pump action
  30. Cartridges are highly labor-intensive to produce. Some shooters desiring to, reload ,for obsolete rimfire cartridges alter the firearm in question to function as a
  31. The WCS was write-protected after loading, and system resets did not require a, reload ,of the WCS. In Europe the WCS was often referred to as WON (Write Once Memory
  32. Crank. It is often cited as the first machine gun. By changing cylinders to, reload ,(an early example of a speed loader),the gun was fired and reload ed to fire a
  33. Bullet, the Chastest had a maximum effective range of some with a short, reload ,time. The artillery was equipped with rifled, muzzle-loaded Lafitte" 4-pounder
  34. The gun crews simply rotated the turret away from potential hostile fire to, reload , Further, the momentum of the rotating turret proved to be so great that a
  35. The" Maxim gun" used the recoil power of the previously fired bullet to, reload ,rather than being hand-powered, enabling a much higher rate of fire than was
  36. Fully automatic weapon, making use of the fired projectile's recoil force to, reload ,the weapon. Nonetheless, the Gatling gun represented a huge leap in firearm
  37. Are mounted on M860 semi-trailers, which are towed by M983 Hearts. Missile, reload ,is accomplished using an M985E1 truck with a crane on the back. This crane is
  38. Applications. Their lower ammunition capacities and relatively longer, reload ,times compared to autoloading pistols are the main reasons for the switchover
  39. a. m., the shooters moved to the center of the library, where they continued to, reload ,their weapons at a table midway across the room. Harris noticed a student
  40. Allowed all six bow torpedo tubes to be reload ed faster than a Type VIC could, reload ,one tube. The Type XXI could fire 18 torpedoes in under 20 minutes. The class
  41. The breech-loaders were cheaper to produce and both easier and faster to, reload , but could take less powerful charges than cast bronze guns. Generally, the
  42. Effect on enemy forces. The weapon's disadvantage was the long time it took to, reload ,a launcher, in contrast to conventional guns which could sustain a continuous
  43. Set, using the final registers, offsets and addresses chosen during the, reload ,phase. The assembly-generation snippet may be just a string; in which case, a
  44. Alter the firearm in question to function as a center fire, which allows them to, reload , Often it is possible to reform cases from similarly sized ammunition which is
  45. To Caldwell that the practice of marching in formation, firing,and stopping to, reload , made the Union soldiers easy targets, and that a concerted bayonet charge
  46. Grips. Also, modern semi-automatic pistols take only a few seconds to, reload , At best, the technique is only effective at extremely close ranges of five to
  47. Part of their cargo onto a canal-owned boat to reduce their draft, transit,and, reload ,at the other end of the canal. Alternatives The main alternative is travelling
  48. Gun offered a rapid and continuous rate of fire without having to manually, reload ,by opening the breech. The original Gatling gun was a field weapon, which used
  49. The target point will have a certain amount of time (however long it takes to, reload ,and re-fire the guns) to run away or take cover between volleys. In addition
  50. Serve as interim storage areas, since the typical objective is to unload and, reload ,vessels as quickly as possible. Where capacity is sufficient a single wharf

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