Examples of the the word, scalable , in a Sentence Context
The word ( scalable ), is the 12948 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Macintosh System versions, including,Geneva, Monaco and New York, with, scalable , Truetype outline fonts. For compatibility with older systems, Apple shipped
- From the commonly used points, lines,and polygon area location symbols of, scalable ,vector graphics as the basis of the vector model of area attribute rendering.
- Entirely new format, which he worked on under the name Bass (because it was a, scalable ,font format, and you can scale a fish, and perhaps as in Bass-o-matic 76 from
- By such a government. The core innovation in Freenet 0.7 is to allow a globally, scalable ,dark net, capable (at least in theory) of supporting millions of users.
- Framework enabling SPAN devices to promote interoperable, stable,and, scalable ,wireless mesh networking. This standard is composed of two parts: low-rate SPAN
- Operating system kernel. At the time it was released, it was the world's most, scalable ,Linux-based computer, supporting up to 64 processors in a single system node.
- And inspired the development of distributed hash tables, which are much more, scalable ,but support only exact-match, rather than keyword, search. To address the
- SIP is a peer-to-peer protocol, thus it requires only a simple (and thus, scalable ,) core network with intelligence distributed to the network edge, embedded in
- Drawback of DNA and protein arrays is that they are neither reconfigurable nor, scalable ,after manufacture. Digital microfluidic has been described as a means for
- Several minor improvements to Windows 3.0 (such as display of Teletype, scalable ,fonts, developed jointly with Apple),but primarily consisted of bug fixes and
- 2000 – Microsoft International, Inc. a software company specializing in highly, scalable ,MTA (PMDF) and Directory Services. * July 2000 – Gridware, a software
- To display well at one particular size, whereas PostScript typically uses, scalable ,Type 1 fonts. Newer versions of dips support output of scalable fonts with a
- Were delivered by special order to some customers. A smaller, less, scalable , implementation followed, called Origin 300. In November 2002,SGI announced a
- Model and Workplace Shell. Novel provided desktop manager components and, scalable ,systems technologies from UNIX System V. Sun contributed its Total
- At specific point sizes, and PostScript is a vector (outline) description, scalable ,over a wide range, the mix of TeX and PostScript does introduce some minor
- Specialized input/output processors could be used in the system, providing, scalable , I/O. A 1088 node KSR1 could have 510 I/O channels with an aggregate in excess
- Load-balance in case of a skewed data set, all the spatial indices are more, scalable ,in terms of the number of hops traversed and messages generated while searching
- Encapsulate packets of various network protocols. Introduction MPLS is a highly, scalable , protocol agnostic, data-carrying mechanism. In an MPLS network, data packets
- HOSTS. TXT file unsustainable; it became necessary to implement a more, scalable ,system capable of automatically disseminating the requisite information. At the
- Novel derived IPA from Xerox Network Systems' IDP protocol. But IPA was not, scalable ,enough for large networks such as the internet and as such, IPX usage decreased
- Then in the stationary phone network. In 2008,G.711.1 codec, which has a, scalable ,structure, was standardized by ITU-T. The input sampling rate is 16 kHz. Modern
- But it was designed to be capable of handing advanced, fault-tolerant and, scalable ,hardware—for instance computers with up to 32 CPUs and 64 GB's RAM, with
- Typically uses scalable Type 1 fonts. Newer versions of dips support output of, scalable ,fonts with a bit of tweaking. TeX's variants such as PDF TeX produce PDF files
- Infinite nor free, it is becoming essential to crawl the Web in not only a, scalable , but efficient way, if some reasonable measure of quality or freshness is to be
- Problem. This has led to the development of more complex but more, scalable ,algorithms for use in large networks. Interior routing mostly uses link-state
- Fusion, a software company based in Portland, Oregon *BRIG Fusion, a highly, scalable ,parallel file system *Loop fusion, a compiler optimization which replaces
- Freelander 2 (LR2) prototypes. The new hybrid system is being designed as a, scalable ,and modular system that could be applied across a variety of Land Rover models
- Of traffic routed through the Nutella network, making it significantly more, scalable , If the user decides to download the file, they negotiate the file transfer. If
- Image editor in Aviary (application suite) * Phoenix Network Coordinates,a, scalable ,mechanism for Internet distance (round-trip latency) estimation Education
- Multilingual hello world program, Sun demonstrated a Java hello world based on, scalable ,vector graphics, and the XL programming language features a spinning Earth
- Edits and data consistency. As of version 10.5,all system icons are, scalable ,up to 512×512 pixels, to accommodate various places where they appear in larger
- Fonts) which are typically stored as vector graphics, and as such are, scalable ,to any size. Examples of these vector formats for characters are Postscript
- To be NP-complete. However, beyond this theoretical significance, efficient and, scalable ,algorithms for SAT that were developed over the last decade have contributed to
- Tungsten in a process known as bremsstrahlung-conversion. X-ray radiators are, scalable ,and have deep penetration comparable to Co-60,with the added benefit that the
- Biochip design. Therefore, digital microfluidic offers a flexible and, scalable ,system architecture as well as high fault-tolerance capability. Moreover
- Clusters In 1984,DEC launched its first 10 Bit/s Ethernet. Ethernet allowed, scalable ,networking, and VAX cluster allowed scalable computing. Combined with Decent and
- Bit/s Ethernet. Ethernet allowed scalable networking, and VAX cluster allowed, scalable ,computing. Combined with Decent and Ethernet-based terminal servers (LAT)
- Microsoft's Active Directory, the new directory service architecture, as less, scalable ,or reliable than its own Novel Directory Services (NDS) alternative. Windows
- It can move the work from the server to the client, making a web solution more, scalable ,with the number of users/clients. *If a standalone program (like Google Earth
- Is a blessing in the Worms Major, a Hebrew prayer book from 1272 (with a, scalable ,image online at the indicated reference; described extensively in Brakes,2004
- By name instead of a physical location allowed the Apple III to be more, scalable , Apple SOS also allowed the full capacity of a storage device to be used as a
- Such devices, produced by standard lithography techniques, may point the way to, scalable ,quantum computing tools. An improved version was made in 2006. In 2009
- Benevolent - the internet is both a mass and a personal medium, flexible and, scalable , The internet enables a way of communication which was impossible to be
- Historic ballpark entirely and building a similar, but larger and more modern, scalable ,facility nearby. These proposals are now effectively moot as a result of the
- Less secure) URIs for users to refer to. Scalability A network is said to be, scalable ,if its performance does not deteriorate even if the network is very large. The
- For providing simple source authentication that is flexible, lightweight,and, scalable , Recent Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) activities include MADRID (
- Application base. IRIS was a leader in Symmetric Multi-Processing (SMP), scalable , from 1 to greater than 1024 processors with a single system image. IRIS used
- Filesystem which leverages industry-standard commodity hardware to build highly, scalable , non-stop storage systems. * GRAMPS -" Genealogical Research and Analysis
- Of particle board. The intended result is flexible, adaptable home furnishings, scalable ,both to smaller homes and dwellings as well as large houses. Not all furniture
- Integrated R10000 allowed SGI to produce a system, the Origin 2000,eventually, scalable ,to 1024 CPUs using its NUMA link cc-NUMA interconnect. The Origin 2000 begat the
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