Examples of the the word, grill , in a Sentence Context

The word ( grill ), is the 12953 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Been cut into slices (or other pieces). Food to be grill ed is cooked on a, grill ,(an open wire grid with a heat source above or below),a grill pan (similar
  2. Are many traditional varieties of tacos: * Tacos de Asador (" spit" or ", grill ," tacos) may be composed of the following: care Masada tacos; tacos de
  3. A flat plate heated from below). Heat transfer to the food when using a, grill ,is primarily via thermal radiation. Heat transfer when using a grill pan or
  4. In 2008 SEA show. 2011 Facelift For 2011,the Subaru Forester gets a new, grill , and the AT receives a new exclusive rear spoiler. The naturally aspirated
  5. Cooked Chips. * In Serbia, popular potato chips are plain (salted),pizza, grill ,and ketchup flavored. The Chips company holds most of the Serbian potato chip
  6. Sometimes also a provoked, which is a piece of provolone cheese cooked on the, grill ,with oregano, are eaten first. Then comes the chairman (a kind of spiced
  7. Surface and braising in a pot. To braise on a grill , put a pot on top of the, grill , cover it, and let it simmer for a few hours. There are two advantages to
  8. Frying, and deep-frying. In addition, many cultures use grill s for cooking. A, grill ,operates with a radiant heat source from below, usually covered with a metal
  9. Form barbacoa. The word translates as" sacred fire pit. " The word describes a, grill ,for cooking meat, consisting of a wooden platform resting on sticks.
  10. Preparations, kidneys are combined with pieces of meat or liver, as in mixed, grill ,or mural Yerushalmi. Among the most reputed kidney dishes, the British steak
  11. Or less a readied Insignia. The main differences are the modified radiator, grill ,and the altered color of the passenger compartment illumination (blue instead
  12. Involtini of offal linked with guts scented with parsley and cooked on the, grill ,*Cartel late - a thin strip of puff pastry, made with flour, oil and white wine
  13. Of choices and styles that range from small diners offering simple short order, grill ,fare and the typical sports bars and decades old supper clubs to high-end
  14. Similar to a frying pan, but with raised ridges to mimic the wires of an open, grill ,), or griddle (a flat plate heated from below). Heat transfer to the food
  15. Owner for negligence. The chef may not recover. Storing rat poisoning above the, grill ,was negligent because it involved the risk that the chef might inadvertently
  16. Is cooked on a grill (an open wire grid with a heat source above or below),a, grill ,pan (similar to a frying pan, but with raised ridges to mimic the wires of an
  17. Bakery oven by putting a drip pan below the cooking surface rack of a barbecue, grill , as well as a baking sheet pan on top, combining two techniques simultaneously
  18. Garnished with guacamole, salsa,onions, and cilantro. Also prepared on the, grill ,is a sandwiched taco called multi (" little mule" ) made with meat served
  19. And Frank Allen Grammar, Jr., a musician and owner of a coffee shop and a bar &, grill ,called Greer's Place. His parents divorced when Grammar was two years old. He
  20. In a broth-filled pot for moist heat. To braise, put a pot on top of the, grill , cover it, and let it simmer for a few hours. There are two advantages to
  21. Open fire. In Argentina, an Amado (Spanish for" grill ed" ) is prepared on a, grill ,held over an open pit or fire made upon the ground, on which a whole animal or
  22. Option is grill ed pizza, in which the crust is baked directly on a barbecue, grill , Greek pizza, like Chicago-style pizza, is baked in a pan rather than directly
  23. Using a grill is primarily via thermal radiation. Heat transfer when using a, grill ,pan or griddle is by direct conduction. In the United States and Canada, when
  24. A barbecue is commonly referred to as a" barbecue "," barbecue grill ", or ", grill ,". In North Carolina, however," barbecue" is a noun primarily referring to
  25. Law students are that of the restaurant owner who stores rat poisoning above the, grill ,in his luncheonette. The story is that during the lunch rush, the can explodes
  26. Involtini of offal linked with guts scented with parsley and cooked on the, grill ,*Cartel late - a thin strip of puff pastry, made with flour, oil and white wine
  27. The first is that this method now allows for browning the meat directly on the, grill ,before the braising, and the second is that it also allows for glazing the meat
  28. For cooking at a barbecue is commonly referred to as a" barbecue "," barbecue, grill ,", or " grill ". In North Carolina, however," barbecue" is a noun primarily
  29. Estrella (owned by Kraft Foods) and OLD. The most popular flavors are salted, grill ,(onion flavored),sour cream & onion, and dill. Exotic flavors include sour
  30. It is possible to braise meat and vegetables in a pot on top of a, grill , A gas or electric grill would be the best choice for what is known as
  31. e. g., wheels,a" towel bar" handle and recessed handles),a protective, grill ,for the speaker (in direct radiating-style cabinets),metal or plastic
  32. Tires as standard equipment. Cosmetic changes included an updated mesh, grill ,with WRX badge and darker wheels. The WRX is also only available with 5-speed
  33. Very similar to some forms of roasting). For example, in a typical U. S. home, grill , food is cooked on a grate directly over hot charcoal, while in a U. S.
  34. Improving the bout and Sinai, and refining the armor by adding a metal, grill ,to the men (head piece) and thick cotton protective coverings to the vote (
  35. Grilling directly on the surface and braising in a pot. To braise on a, grill , put a pot on top of the grill , cover it, and let it simmer for a few hours.
  36. Flow out of the engine bay (later just" portholes" ). Air enters from the, grill ,into the engine bay and is pressurized by the radiator fan, and exits through
  37. To the CIA. Menu Border Bell In 1997,PepsiCo experimented with a new" fresh, grill ," concept, opening at least one Border Bell restaurant in Mountain View
  38. A clay oven in use for almost 5,000 years in India, is known for its ability to, grill ,meats to an" uncommon succulence" and for the puffy flatbread known as the
  39. The first is that this method now allows for browning the meat directly on the, grill ,before the braising, and the second is that it also allows for glazing the meat
  40. Pepper or garlic salt, lime and Worcestershire sauce, before being cooked on a, grill , The dish is traditional in the states of Sonora, Baja California, Baja
  41. Aboard U. S. Navy ships, due of the way greasy burgers slid across the galley, grill ,while the ship pitched and rolled. Other versions claim the term" slider "
  42. Meats and vegetables in a pot on top of a grill . A gas or electric charbroil, grill ,would be the best choices for what is known as barbecue-braising, or combining
  43. And double-glazing skill, Came home to find another gentleman's kippers in the, grill , So he sanded off his winkle with his Black & Decker drill. " The song "
  44. And fowl could be salted or dried, and could be cooked in stews or roasted on a, grill , Architecture The architecture of Ancient Egypt includes some of the most
  45. As a noun can refer to the meat, the cooking apparatus itself (the" Barbecue, grill ," or simply" Barbecue" ) or to a party that includes such food or such
  46. Boldly styled headlights with smoke-tinted lenses, a three-section mesh-type, grill , and distinguished new tail lamp clusters. Three trims levels are available:
  47. To cook, and can be basted much the same as grill ed foods. In some cases,the, grill ,can also function like a bakery oven by putting a drip pan below the cooking
  48. To braise meat and vegetables in a pot on top of a grill . A gas or electric, grill ,would be the best choice for what is known as barbecue-braising, or combining
  49. In the American south is one example along with the American style outdoor, grill ,fueled by wood, liquid propane, or charcoal along with soaked wood chips for
  50. Braising It is possible to braise meats and vegetables in a pot on top of a, grill , A gas or electric charbroil grill would be the best choices for what is known

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