Examples of the the word, brainstorming , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brainstorming ), is the 12947 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Coined the term sexual harassment:" Eight of us were sitting in an office ..., brainstorming ,about what we were going to write on posters for our speak-out. We were
  2. Solving by providing the team with a common means for communicating ideas and, brainstorming , Additionally, collaborative software may support project management functions
  3. By Cosby's stories when Cosby guest-hosted The Tonight Show. Tariff wrote a, brainstorming ,memo that simply read" MTV cops," and later presented the memo to series
  4. Available in Germany at the time, The name was the result of a brief, brainstorming ,session, which started with Keith exhorting his team to" use their imagination
  5. Mood. Lastly positive mood can help us in situations where heavy thinking and, brainstorming ,is involved. Positive mood has also been proven to show negative effects on
  6. Been established to guide the future of the GIMP interface. A user interface, brainstorming ,group was created for GIMP, where users of GIMP can send in their suggestions
  7. Political consultant Wolf was involved in Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election bid, brainstorming ,with the president's team about ways to reach female voters. During Al Gore's
  8. A method to collectively prioritize options, for example ideas generated from a, brainstorming ,session within a workshop. This approach is described as“ multi-voting” and
  9. Had a novel approach to planning strategy as well, holding what might be called, brainstorming ,sessions before each battle to discuss tactics. They frequently used unexpected
  10. Can also act as catalysts for creative problem-solving, for example by, brainstorming ,or referring to settlement options generated in analogous mediation experiences
  11. Sense of humor. One colleague from the Salk Institute described him as" a, brainstorming ,intellectual powerhouse with a mischievous smile .... Francis was never
  12. Designed entirely by Van de Ven (although he used some ideas from joint, brainstorming ,sessions with Pick). Later on he designed many more successful rides and new
  13. Leonard claims that he coined the phrase" Human Potential Movement" during a, brainstorming ,session with Murphy, and popularized it in his 1972 book" The Transformation:
  14. It and he angrily tells them how to do it correctly. However, after an early, brainstorming ,stage, and despite being non-believers, they agreed that Jesus was" definitely
  15. Categories are then subdivided. Ishikawa's method identifies" causes" in, brainstorming ,sessions conducted among various groups involved in the manufacturing process.
  16. Personal, family,educational, and business situations, including note taking, brainstorming ,(wherein ideas are inserted into the map radially around the center node
  17. Provide additional insight into process behavior. Causes can be derived from, brainstorming ,sessions. These groups can then be labeled as categories of the wishbone. They
  18. Of an episode begins on a Thursday, with the show's writing consultants, brainstorming ,with Parker and Stone. Former staff writers include Pam Brady, who has since
  19. Ideas in a radial, graphical,non-linear manner, mind maps encourage a, brainstorming ,approach to planning and organizational tasks. Though the branches of a mind map
  20. Tank, founded in 2008 and based in Rabat. Its acts as a laboratory of ideas,a, brainstorming ,platform and a creator of debates. It came to life in order to contribute to
  21. O'Reilly Media vice president, created the phrase" Web 2.0" during a, brainstorming ,session during 2003. This then became the name for the Web 2.0 Summit run by
  22. Metallica. He got the name" Metallica" from a friend, Ron Quinton, who was, brainstorming ,names for a heavy metal fanzine he was creating, and Metallica was one of the
  23. And Hatfield first met. Ulrich talked to his friend Ron Quinton, who was, brainstorming ,names for a fanzine. Quinton had proposed the names Megalomania and Metallica.
  24. Is an event when programmers meet to do collaborative test writing, a kind of, brainstorming ,relative to software testing. Listening Programmers must listen to what the
  25. Storage or transmission * Class-Responsibility-Collaboration card, used as a, brainstorming ,tool in the design of object-oriented software * Cross Racing Championship
  26. Source over which food is grilled. The term" Brazier" was the result of a, brainstorming ,session with the franchisee's advertising agency. The" Brazier" name has
  27. Created in the United Kingdom in the late 1960s. In about 1970 the BBC had a, brainstorming ,session in which it was decided to start researching ways to send closed
  28. Generating ideas. Some researchers have concluded that the statement is false (, brainstorming ,is not effective),while others uncovered flaws in the research and determined
  29. Social network analysis, dynamic network analysis, link analysis, and, brainstorming , to sort through problems they face. Military intelligence may explore issues
  30. Moore reprising their roles as the Retries in a short sketch presented as the, brainstorming ,of Van Dyke (guest-starring as himself) and the writers of Mary McKinnon's (
  31. Steve Marty from Info com in 1984. In 1986, he participated in a week-long, brainstorming ,session with the Lucasfilm Games team for the game project, an experimental
  32. McCaffrey recalls, his mother asked him what he thought of dragons. She was, brainstorming ,about their" bad press all these years ". The result was a" technologically
  33. Through the book Applied Imagination. In the book, Osborn not only proposed the, brainstorming ,method but also established effective rules for hosting brainstorming sessions.
  34. Mediation process early where urgency exists, to narrow the issues, to commence, brainstorming ,of solutions and to prepare the parties. Mediation in business and in commerce
  35. His autobiography),arose from Tessa Watts, a colleague of his, when they were, brainstorming ,business ideas. She suggested Virgin - as they were all new to business - like
  36. More creative and less concrete techniques. See lateral thinking, mind mapping, brainstorming , and creative problem-solving. Influence * It has been translated into several
  37. The teams should think and plan together informally and do some joint, brainstorming , which can be thought of as“ dialogizing” or“ prenegotiating. ” The two sides
  38. Knowledge and modelling systems have been used for centuries in learning, brainstorming , memory, visual thinking, and problem-solving by educators, engineers
  39. In the Team: One of the major applications of Paper Prototyping is, brainstorming ,in the development team, to collect and visualize ideas on how an interface
  40. To cover up the alien abduction. While Ed, Doris,and Riedenschneider are, brainstorming ,defense strategies, Ed confesses to the murder. Riedenschneider blows him off
  41. Doctor, Andrew Stanton and Joe Raft. One of the ideas that came out of the, brainstorming ,session was a film about monsters. " When we were making" Toy Story" Pete
  42. The prism design was inspired by a photograph that Jorgenson had seen during a, brainstorming ,session with Powell. The artwork was created by their associate, George Hardin.
  43. The lake in his book The Black Swan, regarding a meeting he was to have for a, brainstorming ,session for the United States Department of Defense. He refers to it as" fake
  44. Publishers. Peter recalls," We were trying to write a song for her, and we were, brainstorming ,for some musical direction that seemed to suit her. I was driving home when I
  45. A humorous drawing sketched out by Kevin Eastman during a casual evening of, brainstorming ,with his friend Peter Laird. Using money from a tax refund together with a loan
  46. Multiple studies have been conducted to test Osborn’s postulation that, brainstorming ,is more effective than individuals working alone in generating ideas. Some
  47. Hierarchies presented with more linear visual cues. This orientation towards, brainstorming ,encourages users to enumerate and connect concepts without a tendency to begin
  48. The brainstorming method but also established effective rules for hosting, brainstorming ,sessions. Brainstorming has become a popular group technique and has aroused
  49. Theme of absence was reflected in the ideas produced by his long hours spent, brainstorming ,with the band. Jorgenson had noted that Roxy Music's Country Life was sold in
  50. Of the Frankfurt Chess Tigers e. V. and an advocate of this variant, started a, brainstorming ,process for selecting a new name, which had to meet requirements of leading

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