Examples of the the word, turbulent , in a Sentence Context
The word ( turbulent ), is the 12949 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Airflow. Therefore, approximants fall between fricatives, which do produce a, turbulent ,air stream, and vowels, which produce no turbulence. This class of sounds
- Other but not narrowly enough or with enough articulatory precision to create, turbulent ,airflow. Therefore, approximants fall between fricatives, which do produce a
- Methods, and as such are almost universally employed for the detailed study of, turbulent ,flows, or any flow in which rapid velocity fluctuations are of interest. Laser
- And divided up the provinces of the empire between themselves. During this, turbulent ,period, Afghanistan had many temporary rulers until Dost Mohammad Khan's take
- Sometimes referred to as the Margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach. His restless and, turbulent ,nature marked him out for a military career; and having collected a small band
- Dust, gas bubbles, emulsions. Flows can be pulsating, oscillating,laminar or, turbulent , stationary or transient. This technique is fully non-invasive. Underwater
- Affected by circulation patterns in the global trade winds. Wind power and the, turbulent ,forces it creates can influence heat, nutrient,and biochemical profiles of
- Flow—these phenomena may be present in laminar flow as well. Mathematically, turbulent ,flow is often represented via a Reynolds decomposition, in which the flow is
- Though it could also be argued that they are a better representation of his, turbulent ,relationship with love itself and his general pessimism regarding human
- Six constituent republics in the new state. Their efforts proved key during the, turbulent ,period following Tito's death in 1980,and are today considered some of the
- With star formation. A comparison of emission line widths indicates that, turbulent ,or systematic velocities do not increase in the central cores of molecular
- Are" abrupt "; that is, they are sharp popping sounds with little friction (, turbulent ,airflow). The bilabial, dental,and lateral releases, on the other hand, are
- In New York City in 1970,one of the last surviving major participants in the, turbulent ,events of 1917. The local Russian Orthodox Churches in New York refused to
- Of art. Culturally, Rodin possessed a unique ability to model a complex, turbulent , deeply pocketed surface in clay. Many of his most notable sculptures were
- S successful business community. The next 15 years constituted one of the most, turbulent ,periods in Ecuador's century and a half as a nation. The Marxists fought
- May be slightly fabricated (that is, the air stream may become slightly, turbulent ,), which is reminiscent of fricatives. For example, the Spanish word Audi (
- Authority potentially weakened. He had several quarrels with his sons. The, turbulent ,duke Andrew was the second son of King Bela III and his first wife, Agnes of
- Reynolds number by Osborne Reynolds. Reynolds also experimented with laminar to, turbulent ,flow transition in 1883. By the late 19th century, two problems were identified
- Sum of an average component and a perturbation component. It is believed that, turbulent ,flows can be described well through the use of the Navier–Stokes equations.
- Without taking advantage of the steadiness of the flow field. Laminar vs, turbulent ,flow Turbulence is flow characterized by recirculation, eddies,and apparent
- Rapid variation of pressure and velocity in space and time. Flow that is not, turbulent ,is called laminar flow. Aerodynamics in other fields Aerodynamics is important
- Influence of being the language of government and accordingly underwent a, turbulent ,period of change in morphology, phonology and lexicon. The language of this
- To increase the lift as boundary layer transition activators (to keep attached, turbulent ,flow instead of laminar separation). Fast Catch boomerangs usually have three
- This time over Real Madrid in Athens. The late 1970s through to the 1980s was a, turbulent ,period for Chelsea. An ambitious redevelopment of Stamford Bridge threatened
- In 1989. 1989-1996 Said Mohamed Doha became president. His time in office was, turbulent , including an impeachment attempt in 1991 and a coup attempt in 1992. On
- And light characteristic of combustion. Turbulent Combustion resulting in a, turbulent ,flame is the most used for industrial application (e.g. gas turbines
- Still be dissipated. Lubricants to overcome friction need not always be thin, turbulent ,fluids or powdery solids such as graphite and talc; acoustic lubrication
- Of this time and afterward. Private life Debussy's private life was often, turbulent , At the age of 18 he began an eight-year affair with Blanche Easier, wife of a
- Interim basis until the end of the season. The summer 2006 off-season marked a, turbulent ,time as club president elections were held. Ramón Calderón became the new Real
- Over the next thirty years will be essential if China is to avoid an overly, turbulent ,transition to a democratic, middle-class-dominated polity. Some Chinese look
- A Federation, border disputes broke out among them, adding to the region's, turbulent ,history and conditions. Costa Rica's northern Guanacaste Province was annexed
- Westport, Connecticut,countryside. Marriages Area and Ball's marriage was, turbulent , and she initiated divorce proceedings in 1944,but returned to him before the
- Mid-2000s. Love's relationship with her daughter, Frances,has likewise been, turbulent , After a 2003 oxycodone overdose, Love temporarily lost custody of the
- United States Mint, a position he held until his retirement in 1805. After many, turbulent ,decades in law and politics, he was to recall the metallurgic skill learned in
- As many of the murders in her books are carried out with poison. Despite a, turbulent ,courtship, on Christmas Eve 1914 Agatha married Archibald Christie, an aviator
- In texts from Ala lakh from ca. 1750 BC. The city was destroyed again in the, turbulent ,period of 1650–1600 BC, by a Hittite king (Muesli I or Hattusili I). This is
- Then one era name or pengö. Legacy Empress Shōtoku's reign was exceedingly, turbulent , and she survived coup attempts by both Taliban Faramarz and Fujiwara no
- Are typically" noisy ": they are longer, lip- or tooth-sucking sounds with, turbulent ,airflow, and are sometimes called affricates. (This applies to the forward
- And was in a building in whose rafters lived fruit bats. The 1880s and 90s were, turbulent ,times for Cuba and the company. Emilio Bacardi, Don Facundo's eldest son, was
- Fantasy sports were fueled by the dot-com boom of the Internet, there was a, turbulent ,period when many of the high-flying Internet companies of the era crashed in
- A whole new segment of tourism has grown up around El Salvador's recent, turbulent ,past. Artillery fragments, battle photographs, combat plans, and mountain
- Act as tabulators, reducing flow separation by forcing the airflow to become, turbulent ,after it passes over the ridges. The rotating flying disc has a vertical
- FANS) combined with turbulence modeling provides a model of the effects of the, turbulent ,flow. Such a modeling mainly provides the additional momentum transfer by the
- The presence of eddies or recirculation alone does not necessarily indicate, turbulent ,flow—these phenomena may be present in laminar flow as well. Mathematically
- DNS),based on the Navier–Stokes equations, makes it possible to simulate, turbulent ,flows at moderate Reynolds numbers. Restrictions depend on the power of the
- Of the brine. Employing Arabs and Jews, it was an island of peace in, turbulent ,times. The company quickly grew into the largest industrial site in the Middle
- Tribesmen, who were accustomed to swimming easily in full armor across the most, turbulent ,streams. ... Thence the Britons retired to the River Thames at a point near
- Flow, the flow is unsteady. Turbulent flows are unsteady by definition. A, turbulent ,flow can, however,be statistically stationary. According to Pope: This roughly
- Informal designation of the Emperor in the Greek-speaking East. After the, turbulent ,Year of the four emperors in 69,the Fl avian Dynasty reigned for three decades.
- Period between Henry's accession and the birth of Eleanor's youngest son was, turbulent ,: Aquitaine, as was the norm, defied the authority of Henry as Eleanor's
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