Examples of the the word, cory , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cory ), is the 12952 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Not limited to, danios, guppies,White Cloud Mountain Minnows, neon tetras, and,Cory, catfish. All of these are non-aggressive fish that cohabitate easily with
- Erythronium propellant (Minnesota dwarf trout lily) Escobar minima (Nellie, cory , cactus ) Escobar robbinsorum (Cochise pincushion cactus) Escobar need
- Top fin. They grow to about 2.5 inches, making them a smaller member of the, cory , family. Feeding Julia Cory's are scavengers and omnivores that will eat food
- Ramillosa is a rare species of cactus known by the common names bunched, cory , cactus and whisker bush. It is native to the border region between Texas in the
- Of the family Callichthyidae. Its common names include peppered cat, pepper,Cory, or salt & pepper Cory. It originates from the lower Paraná River basin and
- Subfamily),and are commonly referred to as corporates, cories, or,Cory, catfish. Taxonomy The name Corridors is derived from the Greek Kory (helmet)
- Cave fish, bristlenose catfish, channel catfish, common Alec, convict cichlids, cory , catfish,gar, jaguar cichlid, ocellate river stingray, piranha,red-bellied
- Her. Sixty-years-later, after the suicide of his father, a young man named, cory , the grandson of Regina and George, and his girlfriend Elaine, along with a
- Its common names include peppered cat, pepper Cory or salt & pepper, cory , It originates from the lower Paraná River basin and coastal rivers in Uruguay
- Fish species * Bro chis spenders, the emerald catfish, emerald bro chis, emerald,Cory, green catfish, or short body catfish, a tropical freshwater fish species *
- Has appeared on a stamp in Brazil. This species is sometimes called the emerald, cory , Bro chis were separated from corridors catfish by their longer dorsal fins with
- In an albino form and a black form. Like many Corridors species,Sterba's, cory , is a shoaling catfish, and thus should ideally be kept in groups of 5 or more.
- Described by Warren E. Burgess in 1982. It is also known as Adolfo's, cory , The fish will grow in length up to 2.2 inches (5.7 centimeters). It feeds on
- Details; they thus may or may not refer to an described taxon. For example,a, cory , catfish was known as Corridors cf. Reynolds, meaning that it resembles but is
- Minima) is a rare species of cactus known by the common names Nellie, cory , cactus,Nellie's pincushion cactus, birdfoot cactus, and others. It is a very
- Of the Corridors genus. In fact, the fish commonly identified as the" emerald, cory ," is usually actually Bro chis spenders. They can be told apart from Corridors
- S beak) Cornelia boat (pal ode nigua) Coryphantha Camilla (bunched, cory , cactus ) Branches Ricardo (Puerto Rico helmet orchid) Proteinuria amanuensis
- Brazil and thus, wild caught fish prefer soft, acidic water. However,Sterba's, cory , is a hardy fish and tank bred specimens have adapted to a wider range of water
- Offense. The emerald catfish (Bro chis spenders),emerald bro chis, emerald,Cory, green catfish, or short body catfish is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to
- Near Cairo Cinemas and Monclova. This cactus may grow alongside the bunched, cory , cactus (Coryphantha Camilla),another threatened cactus species.
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