Examples of the the word, dissipate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dissipate ), is the 12951 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Energy per time; energy per byte accessed),Energy efficiency, Heat to, dissipate , *Packaging density (e.g., realistic number of bytes per volume unit) Data
  2. To the fuselage by parallel 'V' struts with a single angled shock absorber to, dissipate ,landing loads, and two ca storing nose wheels on straight shock absorbing legs
  3. Point, and during this storage sulfur components developed during fermentation, dissipate , Though it is the cool fermenting that defines lager, the main technical
  4. As storing it as CNG. Unlike propane, if a spill occurs LNG will evaporate and, dissipate ,harmlessly because it is lighter than air. Propane is much more commonly used
  5. Normally in childhood. Nevertheless, this depression eventually began to, dissipate , as he began to find solace in the Memoirs of Jean-François Harmonies and the
  6. For friction belt drives is given by: MA \franc \franc. Chains and belts, dissipate ,power through friction, stretch and wear, which means the power output is
  7. To support his claims to marry the queen. All these proceedings did little to, dissipate ,suspicions against Mary among the populace. Abdication and imprisonment in
  8. Heating issues, allegedly caused by insufficient cooling and inability to, dissipate ,the heat efficiently. To address the heat problem, later Apple III's were
  9. Efficient heating mechanism. All waves except Alfvén waves have been found to, dissipate ,or refract before reaching the corona. In addition, Alfvén waves do not easily
  10. Equilibrium: gas throughout the canister has had enough time to interact to, dissipate ,inhomogeneities and anisotropies. The situation is quite different in the big
  11. Their windows slightly when the vehicle is parked in order to let the moisture, dissipate , and it is now common for cars to have rear-window defrosters to solve the
  12. 2.5 megawatts. (By comparison, the largest power transistor can only, dissipate ,about 1 kilowatt. ) Names In many cases manufacturers and the military gave
  13. One can frequently find that atoms or molecules in the excited states, dissipate ,their energy in the absence of any external source of photons. This is not
  14. Motherboards nearly always include heat sinks and mounting points for fans to, dissipate ,excess heat. CPU sockets A CPU socket or slot is an electrical component that
  15. With an air burst, the fission products rise into the stratosphere, where they, dissipate ,and become part of the global environment. Because Little Boy was an air burst
  16. An alpha emitter, to ionize air, allowing the 'static cling' to more rapidly, dissipate , Toxicity Being relatively heavy and positively charged, alpha particles tend
  17. For every watt delivered to the load, the amplifier itself will, at best, dissipate ,another watt. For large powers this means very large and expensive power
  18. Power rating of a resistor is not the same as the power that it can safely, dissipate ,in practical use. Air circulation and proximity to a circuit board, ambient
  19. Power delivered to it (as computed above) greatly exceeds its ability to, dissipate ,heat (specified by the resistor's power rating). This may be due to a fault
  20. Excellent photoprotectant. Older and more widespread sunscreen chemicals cannot, dissipate ,the energy of the excited state as efficiently as melanin, and,therefore, the
  21. Known as a sun tan. The purpose of melanin is to absorb UV radiation and, dissipate ,the energy as harmless heat, blocking the UV from damaging skin tissue. UVA
  22. Indicated that residues of the type of explosives found on the wreckage would, dissipate ,completely after 2 days of immersion in seawater (almost all recovered
  23. Is because the dark matter can only interact gravitationally, and thus will not, dissipate , The gas, however,can quickly contract, and as it does so it rotates faster
  24. Of ventilation in the cramped housing of the smaller unit and the inability to, dissipate ,heat generated by the newer drive, which could damage the circuit board. CDZ
  25. This analytical separation between the Basic Code and fiqh is necessary to, dissipate ,confusion around the term sharia. " Revival of the religion Simultaneously with
  26. Auditing," a two-person question-and-answer therapy designed to isolate and, dissipate ,engrams (or" mental masses" ). An auditor addresses questions to a subject
  27. Or refract before reaching the corona. In addition, Alfvén waves do not easily, dissipate ,in the corona. Current research focus has therefore shifted towards flare
  28. Impact-Resistant doors Impact Resistant doors have rounded stile edges to, dissipate ,energy and minimize edge chipping, scratching and denting. The formed edges are
  29. Moon, which would require an unfeasible extended atmosphere of the Earth to, dissipate ,the energy of the passing Moon, The prevailing hypothesis today is that the
  30. It is possible to make on the chip, and the heat that the chip can, dissipate , Advancing technology makes more complex and powerful chips feasible to
  31. Back to the photosphere. Alfvén waves can carry enough energy, but do not, dissipate ,that energy rapidly enough once they enter the corona. Waves in plasmas are
  32. Some distance through the solar atmosphere before turning into shock waves that, dissipate ,their energy as heat. One problem with wave heating is delivery of the heat to
  33. Energy over long distances through wires. Wires have resistance and so, dissipate ,electrical energy at a rate proportional to the square of the current through
  34. Also included 256 KB RAM as a standard configuration. To allow the computer to, dissipate ,heat, the base of the Apple III was made of heavy cast aluminum, which
  35. These artificial reefs not only provide a surfing location, but also, dissipate ,wave energy and shelter the coastline from erosion. Ships such as Self 1 that
  36. Can carry large amounts of energy from the photosphere into the corona and then, dissipate ,it as heat. Another problem with wave heating has been the complete absence
  37. Ideal inductor" has inductance, but no resistance or capacitance, and does not, dissipate ,or radiate energy. However, real inductors have resistance (due to the
  38. Below, are typically rated as 1/10,1/8,or 1/4 watt. Resistors required to, dissipate ,substantial amounts of power, particularly used in power supplies, power
  39. Combats and tentative charges were the typical pattern. If the affair did not, dissipate ,before, one side might find enough courage to mount a sustained attack, driving
  40. Its adjacent large, open parking lot across the street, which might absorb and, dissipate ,some force, and protect the occupants of nearby non-federal buildings.
  41. Within the planet's Roche limit. Most rings were thought to be unstable and to, dissipate ,over the course of tens or hundreds of millions of years, but it now appears
  42. Sheet will normally identify the maximum power that each element may safely, dissipate , The method of anode cooling is dependent on the construction of the tube
  43. S surface by 10–20 %. It would take at least ten years for those aerosols to, dissipate , which would account for the extinction of plants and phytoplankton, and of
  44. Tension and disturbance in the individual, prompting the use of ego defenses to, dissipate ,the psychic energy of these unmet and mostly unconscious needs into other forms
  45. And CT imaging equipment may use a focused cathode and a rotating anode to, dissipate ,the large amounts of heat thereby generated. They are housed in an aluminum
  46. Amplifying element is switched off altogether half of the time, and so cannot, dissipate ,power. A single class-B element is rarely found in practice, though it has been
  47. Of TRY, but early scheduling conflicts caused interest in the project to, dissipate , The series was released in North America by Software Sculptors, who released
  48. Speed, however,the wake at the bow begins to build up faster than it can, dissipate , and so it grows in amplitude. Since the water is not able to" get out of the
  49. Is energized with direct current, a diode is often placed across the coil to, dissipate ,the energy from the collapsing magnetic field at deactivation, which would
  50. Finding. #Rapid Fading (transistorizes): Wave forms of human language, dissipate ,over time and do not persist. A hearer can only receive specific auditory

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