Examples of the the word, sh , in a Sentence Context
The word ( sh ), is the 12958 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- It is very impractical or impossible to type š and ž, they are substituted with, sh ,and ZH in some written texts, although this is considered incorrect. Otherwise
- I, y it is KTS, otherwise germinated k. IPA: & respectively * ch: like Engli sh , sh ,; ch in church is also permitted but not preferred. IPA: & respectively * g:
- Correspond to the written letters in sequence. Examples are ‹ ch ›, ‹ Rh ›, ‹, sh , › in Engli sh , or the ‹ Dutch IJ › (note that ‹ IJ › is capitalized as ‹ IJ ›
- Such as ‹ ch › (, or ), ‹ GH › (silent, or ), ‹ pH › (), ‹ Rh › (), ‹, sh , › (), ‹ TH › (or),‹ WH › (). ‹ H › is silent in a syllable rime, as in ah
- Semitic root NHS- ', meaning " to rise" ( cf. Arabic NASA'a—ś merged with ", sh ," in Arabic and most non-South Semitic languages). In all Romance languages
- Features from other programming languages including C, sh ell scripting (, sh ,), AWK,and used. The language provides powerful text processing facilities
- Used to refer to the combination of original signs (UDC 861/862,abbreviation, sh ,). Furthermore, the ISO 639 standard designates the Bosnian language with the
- anyone alphabet, linguists have devised systems such as the s like" ch ",", sh ,"," TH ", and " ZH" are used to extend the alphabet, and some letters and
- Is written as ê; elsewhere as e. Schwa is always written as e. * ZH, ch,and, sh ,can be abbreviated as ẑ, ĉ,and ŝ (z, c,s with a circumflex). However, the
- And retroflex, a " round" vs." sh arp" distinction (analogous to s vs, sh ,) which was never made in Korean, and which was even being lost from southern
- These less" scientific" tend to avoid diacritics and use digraphs (like, sh ,and km). These are usually more simple to read, but sacrifice the definiteness
- The name is also descriptive of what it did, ba sh ing together the features of, sh , CSH and a sh . History Brian Fox began coding Ba sh on January 10, 1988 after
- Ship contains four grapheme (s, h,i, and p) but only three phonemes, for, sh , is a digraph; conversely, a single grapheme can represent multiple phonemes, or
- Unix sh ells have been the Bourne sh ell and the C sh ell. The Bourne sh ell, sh , was written by Stephen Bourne at AT&T as the original Unix command line
- It is used when viewing packages with the package manager. The do inst., sh ,file is a sh ell script which is run at the end of the installation of a package
- Containing the" x" ( for example, México,Ximénez, Xavier,Arab). The ", sh ," sound was dropped and in most, but not all, cases accompanied by a change of
- Were allowed to vary from language to language. For example, the sound (the, sh ,in sh oe) was originally represented with the letter ‹ c › in Engli sh , but with
- Postalveolar sibilants (, written x, and,written TX),sounding like Engli sh , sh ,and ch. There are two palatal stops, voiced and unvoiced, as well as a palatal
- With a -r. To find a given final: #Remove the initial consonant. ZH, ch,and, sh ,count as initial consonants. #Change initial w to u and initial y to me. For
- Some written texts, although this is considered incorrect. Otherwise, the h in, sh ,represents a voiceless glottal fricative, as in Pa sh a (pas-'ha); this also
- By the Spaniards at the time of the conquest was pronounced originally with a ", sh ," sound as opposed to current pronunciation and transcribed with an" x" as
- Appear only in foreign proper names and loanwords, but may be substituted with, sh ,or ZH if and only if it is technically impossible to produce accented letters
- Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne sh ell (, sh ,). Released in 1989,it has been distributed widely as the sh ell for the GNU
- And Italian, which do not have that distinction. From s, z,c come the digraphs, sh , ZH, ch by analogy with Engli sh sh , ch. Although this introduces the novel
- Keywords, syntax and other basic features of the language were all copied from, sh , Other features, e. g., history,were copied from CSH and a sh . Ba sh is a POSIX
- Finally after the vowel i if another vowel, palatal approximate or consonant s, sh , h, f or w follows. In kanji readings, the diphthong sou and a are today
- 3 from the letters U-Z and the five word symbols form nine digraphs (ch, gh, sh , TH, wh, ed,er, ou, and ow) and the letter w. Letters and numbers
- Familiar with German spelling, Roman sh orthography borrows from German: The ", sh ," sound, for example, is written in the German fa sh ion," sch" ( see "
- Distinction. From s, z,c come the digraphs sh , zh, ch by analogy with Engli sh , sh , ch. Although this introduces the novel combination ZH, it is internally
- Reliant on diacritical marks such as" š" for the sound equivalently written, sh ,in Engli sh . Other systems (e.g. the Bahá'í orthography) are intended to help
- French are written in Beninese languages, whereas the consonants written NG and, sh ,or ch in Engli sh are written ŋ and c. However, digraphs are used for nasal
- The scientific systems, and may lead to ambiguities,e.g. whether to interpret, sh ,as a single sound, as in ga sh , or a combination of two sounds, as in gas house.
- And Utilities (ICU) - a list of utilities and a description of the sh ell, sh , 160 utilities in total are specified. * System Interfaces (XSH) - contains
- Sound of the letter preceding them, as in the case of the" h" in Engli sh ", sh ," and" TH ". Types Among the types of diacritic used in alphabets based on the
- The end of utterances, before vowels, palatal approximate (y),consonants s, sh , h, f and w, and finally after the vowel i if another vowel, palatal
- Many American dictionaries (such as Merriam-Webster) use ‹ y › for IPA and ‹, sh ,› for IPA, reflecting common representations of those sounds in written Engli sh
- Of the package. Two files are commonly found there: slackness and do inst., sh , The slackness file is a simple text file which contains a description of the
- Rely on rapid alternation between similar but distinct phonemes (e.g., s and, sh ,), unfamiliar constructs in loanwords, or other features of a spoken language
- And the Spaniards, employing the letter x (which at that time represented a, sh ,and ch sound),spelled it Mexican. The Indians later referred to themselves as
- And sounds that would be written with a digraph in Engli sh (such as ", sh ," and" TH" ) are written with one rune. Words are separated by a dot rather
- This issue by using the 26-letter Latin alphabet with two digraphs, ch () and, sh ,() instead of Esperanto's ĉ and ŝ. The digraph EU, representing,as in
- Combinations of letters to represent single sounds, the way Engli sh does with ‹, sh ,› and ‹ NG ›, or single letters to represent multiple sounds the way ‹ x ›
- Would have dated after an Aramaic influence, the frequent use of the relative, sh ,(-ש) alongside A sh er (אשר),the Ut ending (ות-),the frequent use of the
- And southern China as well as Taiwan often mix up ZH and z, ch and c, and, sh , and s because their own home dialects often do not include retroflex initial
- An" h-convention ", which replaces ĉ, ĝ,ĥ, ĵ,ŝ, and ŭ with ch, gh, hh, jh, sh , and u, respectively. If used in a database, a program in principle could not
- Colonial Roman orthography. ) There are two digraphs for native sounds, ch and, sh ,; c is not used apart from unassimilated Engli sh loans and occasionally as a
- The orthography utilizes diacritics, which make digraphs such as Engli sh ch and, sh ,unnecessary. (Alternatively, Esperanto may be written with Engli sh -like
- Cat represents the single sound. In the word sh ip (pronounced),the digraph ‹, sh ,› (two letters) represents the sound. In the word ditch, the three letters ‹
- Series are related, and reminds the trained reader that many Chinese pronounce, sh , ZH, ch as s, z,c. In the x, j,q series, the Pinyin use of x is similar to
- Changes which have turned the x into j. The x was pronounced like an Engli sh , sh ,sound (voiceless postalveolar fricative) in medieval times——and this is
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