Examples of the the word, numeral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( numeral ), is the 12955 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have been used in pre-schools and elementary schools as an aid in teaching the, numeral ,system and arithmetic. In Western countries, a bead frame similar to the
  2. Between values of adjacent digits. The value for any single digit in a, numeral ,depends on its position. Also, each position to the left represents a value ten
  3. Discussion, the olive branch was moved to the claws. The crew decided the Roman, numeral ,XI would not be understood in some nations and went with Apollo 11; they
  4. To Intel, which dominated in the market at the time, as " Superman ". The, numeral ," 5" refers to the fifth processor generation, which Intel introduced as
  5. For feminine gender, – то for neuter gender, and – те for plural. Adjective and, numeral ,inflection Both groups agree in gender and number with the noun they are
  6. Abacus evolved (Wilson, p. 16–41). Tally marks appear prominently in unary, numeral ,system arithmetic used in Turing machine and Post–Turing machine computations.
  7. Latin script, numeral s and other characters were appropriated. For example,the, numeral ," 3" may be used to represent the Arabic letter" ع ". There is no universal
  8. With one numeral in the least significant nibble (bits 0-3) and the other, numeral ,in the most significant nibble (bits 4-7). As an example, encoding the
  9. The abacus was in use centuries before the adoption of the written modern, numeral ,system and is still widely used by merchants, traders and clerks in Asia
  10. Typical edition. To judge by the Marietta printing of 1952,which omits the, numeral ," II" and the word" Papal ", the correction had already been made by then.
  11. Or unpack a packed BCD digit. Other logical operations are used to convert a, numeral ,to its equivalent bit pattern or reverse the process. BCD in Electronics BCD is
  12. Manufactured. Marked lines indicated units, fives,tens etc. as in the Roman, numeral ,system. This system of 'counter casting' continued into the late Roman Empire
  13. Of Pisa who had studied in Belief (Bougie),Algeria, promoted the Indian, numeral ,system in Europe with his book Fiber Abaci, which was written in 1202::" When
  14. The same symbol for zero in them, dated back as far as the 6th century CE. The, numeral ,system came to be known to both the Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi, whose
  15. Composed of two pieces or two parts and may refer to: Mathematics * Binary, numeral ,system, a representation for numbers using only two digits (usually,0 and 1)
  16. Of the rules for performing arithmetic computations using this type of written, numeral , For example, addition produces the sum of two arbitrary numbers. The result is
  17. In the introduction, BCD takes advantage of the fact that anyone decimal, numeral ,can be represented by a four bit pattern: Decimal: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Binary:
  18. Byte by taking advantage of the fact that four bits will represent the full, numeral ,range. BCD's main virtue is ease of conversion between machine-and
  19. The code breaking efforts at Bletchley as a whole. The" X" denotes the Roman, numeral ," ten ", as this was the tenth such station to be opened by the Secret
  20. With 3,3-6,and 6 makes Ì, Ò,decimal point, ⠌⠬⠨; 4-5 with the same makes Ä, numeral ,sign, ellipsis: ⠜⠼⠸ Form Braille can be seen as the world's first binary
  21. Of the moon. Immediately behind the birds, a line of craters form the Roman, numeral ,XV. The artwork is circled in red, with a white band giving the mission and
  22. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9). They are descended from the Hindu-Arabic, numeral ,system developed by Indian mathematicians, in which a sequence of numeral s such
  23. Replaced by Arabic numeral s in mathematical writings. Evolution of symbols The, numeral ,system employed, known as algorithm, is positional decimal notation. Various
  24. Of the patch symbolizing the Earth-orbital nature of the mission. The Roman, numeral ,VII appears in the South Pacific Ocean and the crew's names appear on a wide
  25. Place, the standard sampan has 5 plus 2,allowing use with a hexadecimal, numeral ,system. Instead of running on wires as in the Chinese and Japanese models, the
  26. Evolution of these terms in English and other languages. When referring to the, numeral ,0,British people would normally use bought, oh,or zero, although nil is
  27. Notation. Various symbol sets are used to represent numbers in the Hindu-Arabic, numeral ,system, all of which evolved from the Brahma numeral s. The symbols used to
  28. And for large numbers' no linear-time conversion algorithm is known (see Binary, numeral ,system). Disadvantages * Some operations are more complex to implement. Adders
  29. Group IA elements, with " A" representing the main group elements and Roman, numeral ," I" representing the first group within the main-group series. The alkali
  30. One significant place in the numbers a CPU deals with. The number of bits (or, numeral ,places) a CPU uses to represent numbers is often called" word size "," bit
  31. The shield-shaped emblem for the flight shows a large, three-dimensional Roman, numeral ,X sitting on the moon's surface, in Stafford's words," to show that we had
  32. Process used for solving problems, but the characteristics of the particular, numeral ,system strongly influence the complexity of the methods. The hieroglyphic
  33. With each decimal digit represented by its own binary sequence. In BCD,a, numeral ,is usually represented by four bits which, in general, represent the decimal
  34. To represent numbers internally. A few other computers have used more exotic, numeral ,systems like ternary (base three). Nearly all modern CPUs represent numbers
  35. As the digits for a radix 10 (" decimal) " positional notation; however, any, numeral , system based on powers of ten, e. g., Greek,Cyrillic, roman,or Chinese
  36. Each numeral is encoded into one byte, with four bits representing the, numeral ,and the remaining bits having no significance. *Packed: two numeral s are
  37. With an individual purpose. A digital computer represents data using the binary, numeral ,system. Text, numbers,pictures, audio,and nearly any other form of
  38. 1840s and is used to encode each letter of the Latin alphabet and each Arabic, numeral ,as a series of long and short presses of a telegraph key. Representations of
  39. No significance. *Packed: two numeral s are encoded into a single byte, with one, numeral ,in the least significant nibble (bits 0-3) and the other numeral in the most
  40. To use one of the following methods to encode a BCD number: *Uncompressed: each, numeral ,is encoded into one byte, with four bits representing the numeral and the
  41. Were first introduced into China),some Chinese mathematicians used Chinese, numeral ,characters as positional system digits. After the Qing dynasty, both the
  42. West. In the 10th century, Middle-Eastern mathematicians extended the decimal, numeral ,system to include fractions, as recorded in a treatise by Syrian mathematician
  43. Decimal representation refers exclusively, in common use, to the written, numeral ,system employing Arabic numeral s as the digits for a radix 10 (" decimal) "
  44. Since early modern times are 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Although the phrase" Arabic, numeral ," is frequently capitalized, it is sometimes written in lower case: for
  45. g., error or overflow). Uncompressed BCD consumes a byte for each represented, numeral , whereas compressed or packed BCD typically carries two numeral s in a single
  46. Following the spoken varieties, tends towards SO order, and rarely uses. *The, numeral ,system in CA is complex and heavily tied in with the case system. This system
  47. Digital computers used an electrical model of the common decimal (base ten), numeral , system to represent numbers internally. A few other computers have used more
  48. Specific to the Arabs. History Origins The digits 1 to 9 in the Hindu-Arabic, numeral ,system evolved from the Brahma numeral s. Buddhist inscriptions from around 300
  49. BTU ". The unit MBT was defined as one thousand BTU, presumably from the Roman, numeral ,system where" M" stands for one thousand (1,000). This is easily confused
  50. As positional system digits. After the Qing dynasty, both the Chinese, numeral ,characters and the Suzhou numeral s were replaced by Arabic numeral s in

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