Examples of the the word, coward , in a Sentence Context
The word ( coward ), is the 12946 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Do to Liza if she got hold of her, and the other people tell Liza. Liza, a ", coward ," according to the third-person narrator, is frightened because Mrs Blackstone
- Choice, and to do anything else would have resulted in his being exposed as a, coward ,and losing his respected status in society, or being shot for desertion. When
- Safety from accidental death has become so valuable to her that she becomes a, coward , cowering from all possible risk, seeing shelter in a hospital, and is only
- Status in society, or being shot for desertion. When he could act like a, coward ,with impunity, he invariably did. Flash man surrendered to fear in front of
- Scout, Bowen presents Kelly as a womanizer, heavy drinker, and something of a, coward , Like Flash man, Kelly is a victim of his own legend, and is often dragged into
- Foreign Office memo on the subject described Pius as" the greatest moral, coward ,of our age. " The Vatican did not officially recognize Pavelić's regime. Pius
- And ignorance. In seventh grade, a gym teacher called him a" physical, coward ," for being afraid to dive headfirst and somersault over a gymnastics vaulting
- Deny Paris any sort of valor, owing to the common conception that Paris was a, coward ,and not the man his brother Hector was, and Achilles remained undefeated on the
- Next. He staged an alarming outburst, screaming at me, calling me a fool and a, coward , accusing me of throwing away my career because I couldn't get on with a
- For his return, he realizes he's made a huge mistake. He admits that he's a, coward ,and cannot face her, so Suzuki, Sharpless and Kate break the news to her. She
- He cannot ignore. Ultimately he realizes he cannot face his lover if it is as a, coward , Narrow lives according to an ethical code that demands that he act in a way
- Carnegie and other millionaires. Republicans mocked Bryan as indecisive, or a, coward , a point spoofed by the Bryan-like Cowardly Lion in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
- Kent refers to Oswald as:" ... nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward , panda, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch ..." Its use as an insult is
- The couplet:: He that on such quest would go must know not fear or failing: To, coward ,soul or faithless heart the search were unavailing. Taking a gradualism view of
- To confront her brother and demand what is legally hers, she brands him a, coward , and, despite living together, they are estranged as husband and wife. Sean is
- Attack on the Earl of Leicester. He is presented as an atheistic, hypocritical, coward , a" perpetual Dictator ", terrorising the Queen and ruining the whole country
- He is" a guy who got five deferments from the Vietnam War. Clearly,he's a, coward , He wouldn't go when it was his time to go. And now he is a chicken hawk. Now
- Of the Flash man series and the Disc world character Renewing is an inveterate, coward ,with a talent for languages who are always running away from danger, but
- Scrutinized. Some testimony was presented suggesting that he was drunk and a, coward , but since none of this came from army officers,Reno's conduct was found to
- Further weakened because he opposed a cease-fire with Israel and called Sadat a, coward ,for giving up after one Israeli counteroffensive. Gaddafi also believed that
- Kemp is a thoroughly incompetent scientist, as well as an opportunistic, coward , He continually criticizes Griffin for his experiments with monocane, and
- Claiming responsibility for both victories, Antony also branded Octavian as a, coward ,for handing over his direct military control to Marcus Vilnius Agrippa
- List. In May 2011,McKellen called Sergey Obtain, the Mayor of Moscow, a ", coward ," when he refused to allow gay parades in the city. Charity work In April 2010
- As a warrior, and his troops are just as incompetent. Rodney is at heart a, coward ,; he is terrified of fighting and often pretends to be good at slaying dragons
- Marry a Gypsy. Although Esmeralda does not love him, and in fact believes him a, coward ,rather than a true man - unlike Phoebes, he failed in his attempt to rescue her
- To the front. Himmelstoß later joins them at the front, revealing himself as a, coward ,who shirks his duties for fear of getting hurt or killed, and pretends to be
- Himself without appearing servile. As he admitted in the Papers, Flashman was a, coward , who would flee from danger if there was any way to do so, and on some
- Video blog in which he said that he wanted to slap Deck and called Deck a, coward , At the San Bernardino stop of Rock the Bells, Raekwon approached Burden with
- On the power of conscious choice to alter one's past karma:" It is the, coward ,and the fool who says this is his fate. But it is the strong man who stands up
- And (in Mickey's memory) said," I thought I raised a man. I see I raised a, coward ,instead. You can come back to Oklahoma and work the mines with me. " Mantle
- Sarnoff). " Olivier thought Series a humbug, a buffoon, a blackguard,a, coward , 'a bloody awful part' until Tyrone Guthrie said he would never succeed in the
- Ascolta un ditto anchor/" Listen, just one word ..." ) but, cursed by Silva as, coward , Errant keeps his oath and stabs himself in the heart. (Trio with Silva: E '
- The publication of Tom Brown's Schooldays with its portrayal of Flash man as a, coward ,and bully spoiled his satisfaction. * Flashman's Lady (1977): 1843-1845. The
- Of chaos ". He was beaten by his father, who Cruise described as a bully and, coward , Cruise attended Robert Hopkins Public School for grades three, four,and five.
- And at my birth The frame and huge foundation of the earth Shaped like a, coward , " — Henry IV, Part 1,Act 3,scene 1). In the late 19th century the Cyprus
- To stand and show fight by his subordinate, and was 'rumbled' for a complete, coward , He had been trying to surrender the colors, not defend them. Happily for him
- Of the crew while they were all alive. He is a fussy, bureaucratic,neurotic, coward ,who, by failing to replace a drive plate properly, is responsible for the Red
- That it is Helena. At the same time, two lords in the army expose Parolees as a, coward ,and a villain, and he falls out of Bertram's favor. Meanwhile, false
- One who said you walked on the moon, when you didn't" and called Aldrin" a, coward , and a liar, and a thief. " Aldrin then punched Libel in the face. Beverly
- A rift between him and Hemingway, who spread a rumor that Dos Passes was a, coward ,for leaving Spain. Martha Bullhorn went on to join him in Spain. Like Hadley
- Hide him, so that he is not killed. Rain complies, though she thinks the man a, coward , especially when he tells her that he does not carry pistol cartridges, but
- He has done for the love of Cleopatra, Antony reproaches her for making him a, coward , but also sets this love above all else, saying " Give me a kiss; even this
- Brands Kemp a traitor, vowing to kill him. Despite the death threat, Kemp is no, coward , and actively assists and advises Dye in quest to find and apprehend the
- Syria wants freedom,”“ Anyone who kills his people is a murderer and a, coward ,” and“ the people want an end to the regime. ”
- Promised that its cocaine products would" supply the place of food, make the, coward ,brave, the silent eloquent and render the sufferer insensitive to pain. " By
- He is portrayed as a hypocritical womanizer, a deceitful tyrant, and a, coward , The protagonist of this novel, Mr Cleveland, is the illegitimate son of
- Face will always haunt me, torturing me endlessly. " He admits that he is a, coward ,and cannot face her, and quickly leaves as Suzuki and Kate enter from the
- A highly empathetic and imaginative personality (as well as a self-professed, coward ,), Marks continually acted on the rarely expressed premise that agents in
- Appropriate, Assoud explains that" A rabbit is a term for a bad person and, coward , And I, Assoud, will finish off the Jews and eat them. " Before Nahoul's death
- Strafing" convict" ) or adjectives (phage" coward ly" → Failing ", coward ,"),always producing masculine nouns. In Irish, nouns ending in -or/-emir and
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