Examples of the the word, slum , in a Sentence Context
The word ( slum ), is the 12956 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The landmark case Berman v. Parker (348 U. S. 26),upholding the federal, slum ,clearance and urban renewal program. * November 23 – The Dow Jones Industrial
- Tilbury and Coventry Cathedral; spend a lot of time with demolition gangs on, slum ,clearance sites; and listen to the whole of Britten's War Requiem nearly every
- Commons and argued for the rejection of an amendment that would have hindered, slum ,clearances. He also spoke in support of the Slum Clearances Bill which provided
- Population of 170,000 people, was thought to be Africa's second largest, slum , However, recent census results have shown that Kiera is indeed much smaller
- Southward to the main commercial district. Harari,Asia's second largest, slum ,is located in central Mumbai and houses 800,000 people. With a literacy rate of
- To address the problems of slum development. Many planners are calling for, slum ,improvement, particularly the Commonwealth Association of Planners. When urban
- Built several hospitals, and many new schools. He also cleared out, slum ,dwellers for new development projects—some for the benefit of the Suharto
- In the world after New York City. Infrastructure projects In 2008 the work of, slum ,upgrading and sanitation began with funding from the Growth Acceleration
- Is addressing the problem, having initiated a program to replace the, slum ,with a residential district consisting of high rise apartments, and relocating
- Many buildings around the town hall square and Barclay Square. The historical, slum ,area called Supplies (Soup Town) is located on the bank of river Major
- Of poverty and crime and was responsible for the clearing of the actual London, slum , Jacob's Island, that was the basis of the story. In addition, with the
- Then $1.00 per day. Unemployment rates are high. Persons living with HIV in the, slum ,are many, as are AIDS cases. Cases of assault and rape are common. There are
- And wash-houses, sanitary act, medical officer for health, district nurse, slum ,clearance, purpose-built ambulance, X-ray medical diagnosis, school of tropical
- These people lived in Whitechapel, Wapping, Stepney and Lime house, generally in, slum ,conditions. In the winter of 1683–4 a frost fair was held on the Thames. The
- Many are in fact a synergetic synthesis of both. Chinatowns can range from, slum ,ghettos to modern sites of up-to-date development. In some, recent investments
- And cramped housing for much of the population. While gradual improvements and, slum ,clearance began in the late 19th century, the building of the groundbreaking
- Stricter safety measures and improve service; proposed federal loans for urban, slum ,clearances (not enacted); organized the Federal Bureau of Prisons;
- Schools, cultural and educational opportunities. In EPCOT, there will be no, slum ,areas because we won't let them develop. There will be no landowners and
- Briefly overtook Dublin the largest city in Ireland (though Dublin's massive, slum ,population was difficult to ascertain compared to that of more upmarket Belfast
- S experiences as a medical student doing midwifery work in Lambert, a London, slum , The novel is of the school of social-realist" slum writers" such as George
- Public housing estates. New Towns such as Tin Shoo Was may gain notoriety as a, slum , However, other new towns also contain private housing estates and low density
- Forested location. However, Batman Begins has it located in a densely populated, slum , In The Dark Knight, the modern Richard J. Daley Center is suggested as the new
- The largest slum in Asia. However, the state's policy of giving free houses to, slum ,dwellers has been mired in controversy ever since it was introduced by the Shiv
- Dealt with all the Garnets in the present day being moved from their East End, slum ,to the New town of Heel Hempstead, and the adjustments and changes that
- Council houses were built on new suburban estates to rehouse families from, slum ,clearances. Mass private house building also took place, with the process
- The Sent claims to have played a central role in the emancipation of 500,000, slum , dwellers in the Harari area of Mumbai, the largest slum in Asia. However, the
- Of 500,000 slum dwellers in the Harari area of Mumbai, the largest, slum ,in Asia. However, the state's policy of giving free houses to slum dwellers
- Whose wife is murdered in northern Kenya. Much of the filming was in the Kiera, slum , Most new Hollywood films are nowadays screened at Nairobi's cinemas. Up until
- 5 million in 2025,and will be below 4 million in 2015. Kiera Slum The Kiera, slum ,in Nairobi, with an estimated population of 170,000 people, was thought to be
- Activists such as Jock in Putnam are working for better living conditions for, slum ,dwellers. Malaysia Many of Malaysia's squatters live on land owned by Karate
- 1918–1926) and Torsion (1917–1925). City Hall was constructed in the former, slum ,area of Via,from 1931 to 1950. The municipality of Baker was incorporated into
- Magaña is the Largest suburb in the whole district, and is also considered a, slum , * Rigatoni (South Beach) is a beachfront suburb with very beautiful, sandy
- At 766,311 in 1931. From then the population began to decrease rapidly, due to, slum ,clearance and the increased building of social housing over spill estates by
- Filmed over 36 days on-location in Hoboken, New Jersey (the docks, workers ', slum ,dwellings, bars,littered alleys, rooftops ). And some of the labor boss's
- Work in Lambert, a London slum . The novel is of the school of social-realist ", slum ,writers" such as George Missing and Arthur Morrison. Frank as it is, Maugham
- One fifth of its inhabitants live in neighborhoods known as favelas (, slum ,), where housing is not regulated. In the favelas,15 % of the population are
- By related poor hygiene are prevalent. A great majority of people living in the, slum ,lack access to healthcare. The Government is addressing the problem, having
- Average of 64.5 %. However, the city has the fourth-highest population of, slum ,dwellers among major cities in India, with about 820,000 people (18.6 % of its
- Planning resources and strategies are needed to address the problems of, slum ,development. Many planners are calling for slum improvement, particularly the
- With Pay Act. The Housing Act 1938 provided subsidies aimed at encouraging, slum ,clearance, and maintained rent control. Relations with Ireland When Chamberlain
- Reactor, he would still prefer a home near a nuclear power plant than in a, slum ,on Love Canal or near" a Union Carbide plant producing methyl thiocyanate" (
- As Craighill, Niddrie, Pilton, Muirhouse, Piershill and Sight hill, linked to, slum ,clearances in the Old Town. There were estates built in North Edinburgh in the
- Maugham had first met Earle in 1928. Earle was a young man from the London, slum ,area of Bermondsey, and he had already been kept by older men. He proved a
- Is being rapidly renovated, undergoing a slow transformation from the historic, slum ,into a prestigious high-class neighborhood. The active community embodied by
- In India, with about 820,000 people (18.6 % of its population) living in, slum ,conditions. The majority of the population in Chennai are Tamils. Tamil is the
- Party. The construction of She Kip Ma Estate in 1953 followed a massive, slum ,fire, and marked the beginning of the public housing estate program designed
- Out of ten Haitians live on less than US$2 a day. Cite Solar,Haiti's largest, slum ,in the capital of Port-au-Prince, has been called" the most dangerous place on
- Devoted reformer. As a congressman, LaGuardia represented an ethnically diverse, slum ,district in East Harlem and, although barred from important committee posts
- That Kiera is indeed much smaller than originally thought. Most of Kiera, slum ,residents live in extreme poverty, earning less than $1.00 per day.
- Perfectly the public’s tastes. The aim is to allow the very rich to come and, slum ,it in a fashionable district, Montmartre. The extravagant setting – the garden
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