Examples of the the word, gunman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gunman ), is the 12944 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Relationships, Berlusconi made a gesture towards the journalist imitating a, gunman ,shooting. On 6 November 2008,two days after Barack Obama was elected the
  2. Missionaries were killed in their hospital in Jibla, Yemen in December 2002. A, gunman , apprehended by the authorities, said that he did it" for his religion. "
  3. The Virginia Tech Massacre killed 32 people and maimed many others before the, gunman , Seung-Hui CHO, committed suicide. It became the deadliest shooting on a school
  4. 5 March: Three people killed in Tel Aviv when a Palestinian, gunman ,opened fire on two adjacent restaurants. An Israeli woman was killed in
  5. Organization in 1994. Khan was assassinated in a Manhattan hotel by an Arab, gunman ,in November 1990,after concluding a speech warning American Jews to emigrate
  6. To the Grey Wolves. According to Agra, the plan was for him and the back-up, gunman ,Oral Celia to open fire in St. Peter's Square and escape to the Bulgarian
  7. A prominent exiled opponent of Rene was shot and killed by an unidentified, gunman ,on the doorstep of his London home. Hoareau's supporters claimed the
  8. Capital of Pyongyang. *2000 – Italy pardons Mehmet Ali Agra, the Turkish, gunman ,who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981. *2002 – The United States
  9. Mass-production of the Blue Streak missile is canceled. * April 16 – The, gunman ,David Pratt shoots South African Prime Minister Henrik Keyword in Johannesburg
  10. Live on TV. * April 17 – WPC Yvonne Fletcher is shot and killed by a secluded, gunman ,leading to a police siege of the Libyan Embassy in London. * April 19 – Advance
  11. For his life but I shot him anyway. ". Graham was convicted of murder as the, gunman ,who shot Squash and sentenced to life imprisonment. Presidential candidate
  12. Overthrows the government in Fiji. *2007 – West roads Mall massacre: A, gunman ,opens fire with a semi-automatic rifle at an Omaha, Nebraska mall, killing
  13. On 28 April 1996 in the incident now known as the Port Arthur massacre, lone, gunman , Martin Bryant shot and killed 35 people (including tourists and residents)
  14. Was leaving an election rally in Rawalpindi when she was assassinated by a, gunman ,who shot her in the neck and set off a bomb, killing 20 other people and
  15. Disease (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy). *2006 – Capitol Hill massacre: A, gunman ,kills six people before taking his own life at a party in Seattle's Capitol
  16. City, and General Santos City. *2008 – Northern Illinois University shooting: a, gunman ,opened fire in a lecture hall of the DeKalb County, Illinois university
  17. On a school campus as well as the deadliest shooting carried out by a single, gunman ,in United States history. * August 22, 2008 – Somali Pirates hijack German
  18. For convincing De Niro to play Johnny Boy. Scorsese himself plays the, gunman ,who shoots at Charlie and Johnny Boy from Michael's car. Reception The film
  19. January 18 – Seung-hui CHO, Korean-born American Virginia Tech massacre, gunman ,(d. 2007) ** Asia Irish Mohamed, Tanzanian long distance runner * January
  20. Christians as well as Muslims in Lebanon. In 2002,a currently unidentified, gunman ,killed Bonnie Penned Wither all at a prenatal clinic in Simon, Lebanon. She had
  21. Michelangelo computer virus begins to affect computers. *2008 – A Palestinian, gunman ,shoots and kills 8 students and critically injures 11 in the library of the
  22. Of a conspiracy. " Although the Committee was" unable to identify the other, gunman ,or the extent of the conspiracy," it made a number of further findings
  23. Oswald acted alone in assassinating Kennedy (this view is known as the lone, gunman ,theory). The Commission could not ascribe any one motive or group of motives
  24. Since 1967. *22 January: Two women killed by a Fatah (Al-Aqsa Brigades), gunman , in Jerusalem. The Israeli army kill West Bank head of the Izzeddin al-Assad
  25. Being inundated by movie fans, Cagney sent out a rumor that he had hired a, gunman ,for security. The ruse proved so successful that when Spencer Tracy came to
  26. Massacre, in which dozens of Palestinians at prayer were massacred by a, gunman ,in the West Bank city of Hebron, was perpetrated by a one-time JDL member who
  27. The game in high school, however no video games whatsoever were found in the, gunman ,'s dorm room, and there is no evidence that he ever played Counter-Strike.
  28. 2009 – Over 100 New Zealand Police officers begin a 40-hour siege of a lone, gunman ,in Napier, New Zealand. Births *1328 – Louis VI the Roman, Duke of Bavaria (d.
  29. 13 – Pope John Paul II is shot and nearly killed by Mehmet Ali Agra, a Turkish, gunman , as he enters St. Peter's Square in Vatican City to address a general audience
  30. Building. 1997 observation deck shooting On February 24, 1997,a Palestinian, gunman ,shot seven people on the observation deck, killing one, then fatally wounded
  31. Vast has chosen to carry. Also known as The Humanoid Typhoon, he is a wandering, gunman ,with a 60 billion double dollar bounty on his head. Every town he passes
  32. Fall 150 ft. into the water and die. * 1980 – In Nor co, California,five masked, gunman ,hold up a Security Pacific bank, leading to a violent shoot-out and one of the
  33. Niki Lauda suffers serious burns in the German Grand Prix. * August 2 – A, gunman ,murders Andrea Wilburn and Stan Far and injures Priscilla Davis and Gus Gavel
  34. Stop communist infiltration into South Vietnam begins installation. *1969 – A, gunman ,attempts to assassinate Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. *1970 – The Boeing 747
  35. Poly technique Massacre (or Montreal Massacre): Marc Levine, an anti-feminist, gunman , murders 14 young women at the Cole Poly technique in Montreal. * December 10 –
  36. In Moscow, Russian anti-corruption journalist Vladislav Listed is killed by a, gunman , * March 2 – Nick Lesson is arrested for his role in the collapse of Baring's
  37. II was shot and critically wounded by Mehmet Ali Agra, a trained expert Turkish, gunman ,who was a member of the militant fascist group Grey Wolves. The assassin used a
  38. Are approached by Blondie (" The Good," Clint Eastwood),a mysterious lone, gunman ,who challenges the hunters to the draw, which he wins with lightning speed.
  39. Of the DeKalb County, Illinois university resulting in 6 fatalities (including, gunman ,) and 18 injuries. Births *1468 – Johann Werner, German mathematician (d. 1522
  40. License plates near Lenin. *17 January: 2002 Bat Mitzvah massacre: An armed, gunman ,killed six and wounded 33 in a Bat Mitzvah celebration in Madera. The al-Aqsa
  41. 60,000 people protest against the government of Mikheil Saakashvili. *2011 – A, gunman ,murdered five people, injured eleven, and committed suicide in a mall in the
  42. Show him to be devious, such as in" The Last Word: Part 2" when he stuns the, gunman ,using a large array of flashguns. Other recurring characters Sam Black (
  43. Forty people. The IDF initially claimed it was responding to an attack by Hamas, gunman ,hiding in the compound, but upon reexamination, said that an" errant shell had
  44. Pregnant daughter was injured. An Israeli policewoman is killed when a, gunman ,opened fire at a bus stop in the Névé Yaakov residential neighborhood in
  45. 1984 – dispute with Libya after a policewoman is shot dead in London by a, gunman ,from within the Libyan embassy. * 1988 – further dispute with Libya over the
  46. 7 March: Five Israeli teenagers were killed and 23 injured when a Palestinian, gunman ,penetrated a school in the Gush Katie settlement of Among. Hamas gunmen
  47. Has also worked in front of the camera with Miller's Crossing as a coldblooded, gunman , The Stand as a dimwitted hitman, John Carpenter's Body Bags in an unusual
  48. Poly technique Massacre (or Montreal Massacre): Marc Levine, an anti-feminist, gunman , murders 14 young women at the Cole Poly technique in Montreal. *1991 – In
  49. This is the person they are assigned to track. Nicholas D. Wolf wood A superb, gunman , almost equal to Vast himself, and arguably the most skilled human being with a
  50. Killed 2 Israelis at the ticket counter of El Al Airlines at LAX. Although the, gunman ,was not linked to any terrorist group, the man was upset at U. S. support for

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