Examples of the the word, veneer , in a Sentence Context
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- Appointed the Central Committee of UNIT, although the process was given a, veneer ,of legitimacy by being" approved" by a National Congress of the party. In
- Christian name María or if Mari is an early Basque attempt to give a Christian, veneer ,to pagan worship have remained speculative. Mari's consort is Sugar. This
- Is essentially the same type of villain—despite his name having only a thin, veneer ,of Communism or Marxism, being rather a suave philosopher steeped in ancient
- And cultural factors ". Chatterjee argues that" It is under the defeatist, veneer ,of his poetry that the positive side of Larkin's vision of life is hidden ".
- In the southwest of Stria. It can also refer to Historian Croats who adopted the, veneer ,of Italian culture as they moved from rural to urban areas, or from the farms
- View is criticized by climatologist Fran's de Waal, who refers to it as the ", veneer ,theory ". Dawkins has pointed out that he is only describing how things are
- Concrete, or brick. They may then be clad in an architectural covering (or, veneer ,), or left bare. In modern terms, the impost (or pier) is the topmost member
- In the oil boom years of the 1970s. Timber-related concerns include five, veneer ,plants and a large 50-year-old plywood factory in Port-Gentil, along with two
- Of heresies. Most of Medieval Western and Central Europe had a long-standing, veneer ,of Catholic standardization over traditional non-Christian practices, with
- Were packed with rubble, forming the wall's core. Walls were then covered in a, veneer ,of small sandstone pieces, which were pressed into a layer of binding mud.
- Religion. In short, it established an autocratic system under a republican, veneer , The first Italian president was General Joaquín Print, who served two terms
- Of medieval knights, namely the Arthurian cycle and the Grail theme, combine a, veneer ,of Christianity with traditions regarding the Celtic Otherworld. According to
- Civilizations survived until modernity—albeit modernity camouflaged under the, veneer ,of Islam and Arabic culture. " Even today, certain Abuse surnames including
- Masonry in use in industrialized nations and may be either weight-bearing or a, veneer , Concrete blocks, especially those with hollow cores, offer various
- However, manufacturing expanded considerably, notably the production of, veneer ,wood for De Mainland Mosquito bomber aircraft. On account of the U-boat threat
- Be only 8 % of the total volume of the crust. Sedimentary rocks are only a thin, veneer ,over a crust consisting mainly of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary
- And 1992 revealed 3 distinct water masses: *Aegean Sea Surface Water – thick, veneer , with summer temperatures of 21–26 °C and winter temperatures ranging from in
- Earlier itinerant entertainments, although their use of the term to provide a, veneer ,of respectability points to an early effort to cater variety amusements to the
- Are attached to the structural wall, as well as the mortar joints of the brick, veneer ,). There is typically an air gap between the brick veneer and the structural
- A dozen sawmills produced 516,000 cu m (18 million cu ft) of sawn logs and, veneer ,logs in 2003. The government is encouraging production of plywood and veneer .
- Where practical, steel reinforcements can be added. Veneer masonry A masonry, veneer ,wall consists of masonry units, usually clay-based bricks, installed on one or
- Robson, E. Somme, Parker Knoll and Styles & Meaning. The specialized wood, veneer ,used in the construction of the Mosquito was made by Rod dis Manufacturing in
- And even a red baby grand piano. Some more traditional materials like wood, veneer ,were used as highlights throughout the ship, especially in passenger corridors
- Ancient Egypt include columns, door lintels, sills,jambs, and wall and floor, veneer , How the Egyptians worked the solid granite is still a matter of debate. Dr.
- Skin - The front and back faces of the door are then covered with wood, veneer , thin plywood, sheet metal, fiberglass,or vinyl. The wooden materials are
- Lines of Joyce’s work the outlook of a serious Christian and that beneath the, veneer ,of the work lies a remnant of Catholic belief and attitude. Kevin Sullivan
- Veneer logs in 2003. The government is encouraging production of plywood and, veneer , Round wood removals were estimated at 2.8 million cu m (99.7 million cu ft)
- Leave a void where this modern secular ideology, sometimes under a religious, veneer , can take hold. Although both Hitler and Mussolini were anti-clerical, they
- It may indicate the depth of the Druid folk religion compared to the, veneer ,of Roman classical culture in the area, that " when in a certain village he had
- 1927 and 1943 so that Krill could hold a Dutch passport and could have a ", veneer ,of married respectability without sacrificing her autonomy. " Originally his
- Context the brick masonry is primarily decorative, not structural. The brick, veneer ,is generally connected to the structural wall by brick ties (metal strips that
- As a city was also intended to be a parable of capitalism stripped of its, veneer ,of bourgeois respectability, as it" arose to meet the needs and desires of the
- Joints of the brick veneer ). There is typically an air gap between the brick, veneer ,and the structural wall. As clay-based brick is usually not completely
- His loyalty to the new regime by drafting the statute, which added a legal, veneer ,to the purge. Signed into law by Hitler, Gürtner and Minister of the Interior
- Political prisoners. Political prisoners can also be imprisoned with no legal, veneer ,by extrajudicial processes. Some political prisoners need not be imprisoned at
- War” ( Dec,1936). “ This pamphlet tried to provide a theoretical, veneer ,for his concern with revolutionary practice. ” Mao started to separate from the
- Secluded house arrest. Political prisoners are also arrested and tried with a, veneer ,of legality where false criminal charges, manufactured evidence, and unfair
- Of stone masonry. *Sometimes river rock smooth oval-shaped stones is used as a, veneer , *This type of material is not favored for solid masonry as it requires a great
- Jurisdiction, not the Prince’s. Such an action would have ripped away the, veneer ,of Republican restoration as promoted by Augustus, and exposed his fraud of
- Had teams of dexterous young women ironing the (unusually thin) strong wood, veneer ,product before shipping to the UK. Wing spars were made by J. B. Heath and
- Behind are doing. After bad weather steep rocks are often found covered with a, veneer ,of ice (Vegas),which may even render them inaccessible. Crampons are
- Including plywood, oriented strand board and composite panels),laminated, veneer ,lumber (LVL) and other structural composite lumber (SCL) products, parallel
- Accumulates inside the air gap. Concrete blocks, real and cultured stones, and, veneer , adobe are sometimes used in a very similar veneer fashion. Most insulated
- Used for furniture making and flooring, timber frame buildings, and for, veneer ,production. Barrels in which red wines, sherry,and spirits such as brandy
- Real and cultured stones, and veneer adobe are sometimes used in a very similar, veneer ,fashion. Most insulated buildings that utilize concrete block, brick,adobe
- Among the external links below. Neck The neck is made of light wood, with a, veneer ,of hardwood (usually ebony) to provide durability for the fretboard beneath
- All. The incredible conquests of Alexander and the subsequent application of a, veneer ,of Greek city states to a base of Egyptian, Semitic,and Iranian populations
- More outlandish. However, in order to give the series as authentic a, veneer ,as possible, Geoffrey Hoyle, son of physicist Fred Hoyle and a noted science
- Usually tar paper) and weep holes can be left at the base of the brick, veneer ,to drain moisture that accumulates inside the air gap. Concrete blocks, real
- The most abundant basement rock that underlies the relatively thin sedimentary, veneer ,of the continents. Origin Granite is an igneous rock and is formed from magma.
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