Examples of the the word, abuser , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abuser ), is the 12945 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Early 1980s were typically forced into direct visual contact with the accused, abuser ,while in court. SRA allegations in the courts catalyzed a broad agenda of
  2. That shamed and humiliated the victim for the pleasure or gratification of the, abuser , The term had a strong sexual connotation, and the shame reflected on the
  3. Cease abuse" provisions). Some states also allow the court to order the, abuser ,to pay temporary support or continue to make mortgage payments on a home owned
  4. Abuse and legal issues Grammar began drinking at age nine and became a frequent, abuser ,of alcohol. In 1988,Grammar was arrested for drunk driving and cocaine
  5. Restitution" provisions). Some courts might also be able to order the, abuser ,to turn over any firearms and ammunition he or she has (" relinquish firearms
  6. Killer in all of us. He's the axe murderer,he's the spoiled child,he's the, abuser , he's the abused; he's the perpetrator,he's the victim,he's the gun
  7. Is frequently a woman or youth victim of a more physically powerful, abuser , In those situations gun rights advocates argue that the firearm arguably
  8. Person can get from such an order, and how the order will be enforced. When the, abuser ,does something that the court has ordered him or her not to do, or refuses to
  9. Baby, in a string of Central California towns for 20 years, was a sexual, abuser ,but failed to keep him away from children. In 1984,a Stockton police
  10. Make decisions about the care and safety of any children. Courts can order the, abuser ,to stay away from and have no contact with the children's doctors, daycare
  11. Gifts, be prohibited (" no contact" provisions). Courts can also order the, abuser ,to stop hurting or threatening someone (" cease abuse" provisions). Some
  12. Goal of the abuse excuse is to" put the victim on trial" and show that the, abuser ," had it coming ". Other responsibility deflection defenses There are more than
  13. Problems. An alcohol abuser is different from an alcoholic, an alcohol, abuser ,still have some ability to set a limit on their drinking. However, an alcohol
  14. Provisions),or to pay for medical costs or property damage caused by the, abuser ,(" restitution" provisions). Some courts might also be able to order the
  15. Is not the same thing as" Nazi racism" because Nazi racism extolled the, abuser ,and condemned the weaker and the abused. He describes speciesism as the
  16. The sexual abuse occurred outside the rituals, indicating the goal of the, abuser ,was sexual gratification rather than ritualistic or religious. In cases
  17. The allegations. Identifying actor Chuck Norris from a series of pictures as an, abuser ,; orgies at car washes and airports, children being flushed down toilets to
  18. Poor boy who made good, an extraordinary musical talent, a sinner and substance, abuser , and a religious man devoted to the Gospel and its music. At the meditation
  19. Storyline began in February 1993,with the story of wife beater and child, abuser ,Trevor Jordan (Bryan Murray). His wife, Mandy (Sandra Maitland) and
  20. In October 2009. On 16 March 2008 Carey revealed he was, for a long period,an, abuser ,of alcohol and cocaine. On 31 March 2008 Carey appeared on interview show
  21. Persons who, usually after direct personal initiation from another drug, abuser , begin to use socially nonaccepted, intoxicating drugs to gain euphoria. In
  22. Is frequently a woman or youth victim of a more physically powerful, abuser , In those situations gun rights advocates argue that the firearm arguably
  23. 1994 when expressing his views in favor of not extraditing the convicted child, abuser ,Fr. Brendan Smith to Northern Ireland on the RTE" Questions and Answers "
  24. Purcell has an active chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous which gives the alcohol, abuser ,new hope through the 12 step educational process to eliminating addiction.
  25. Was ever found to substantiate these accusations) * the mentally handicapped, abuser ,who suffered from Newman syndrome drank human blood in satanic rituals;
  26. Captured by Liverpudlian country western singer Conroy Bumps, a cruel animal, abuser ,who wishes to use Bruno in his performances. Sam and Max travel to Bumps '
  27. Five main factors that cause increased risk of an individual of becoming a drug, abuser ,: * Example of use of the substance in the immediate environment * A permissive
  28. Angeles and drew increasingly on rock influences. Earle had been a substance, abuser ,since an early age and was addicted to heroin for many years. By the time of
  29. And Dirk Jan left university, first for jail (DJ is a notorious Keynoter, abuser ,) and then to wander the globe and indeed space. As of November 2007,there are
  30. The world. Often a formal intervention is necessary to convince the substance, abuser ,to submit to any form of treatment. Behavioral interventions and medications
  31. Is only one subjectivity in the relationship, which would be both that of the, abuser ,and the abused. Conversely, of course, Sartre held sadism to be the effort to
  32. Still have some ability to set a limit on their drinking. However, an alcohol, abuser ,tend to be self-destructive and sometimes led to home violence or crimes due to
  33. The idea behind this was that even if a net split occurred, it was useless to an, abuser ,because they could not take the nickname or gain operator status on a channel
  34. Server administrators can at least easily recognize the IP address of any, abuser , it will be a meaningful address to them, and the administrators can deal with
  35. Disease. Rebecca Badger, a patient of Kevorkian's and a mentally troubled drug, abuser , had been mistakenly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. The report also stated
  36. Alcoholic herself. Among the aliens, Londo Dollar is at least a heavy, abuser ,of alcohol, mostly in the form of the Centauri national drink, Brivari (though
  37. The case of a higher profile, and thus more likely to stick to his original, abuser , Final illness In June 1995,following a string of international visits and
  38. Destroy the school bazaar where she got them. The adults mistake him as a child, abuser , and attack him in an angry mob fashion. He is then consoled by spirits saying
  39. Permanently disfiguring him. She soon learns that Coleridge is emotionally an, abuser , She loves the on-air performances, loves the puppets and their personalities
  40. S Republic of China. He has described the PRC as" the worst human-rights, abuser ,in the world," and compared the 2008 Beijing Olympics to the 1936 Berlin
  41. Voice actor *1959 – Peter Hugh McGregor Ellis, New Zealand convicted child, abuser ,* 1959 – Andrew Bailey, Bank of England officer *1961 – Doug Wickenheiser
  42. In Joplin, Missouri * Tony Alamo, religious evangelist, convicted child sexual, abuser ,and polygamist * John Whitby Allen, photographer and model railroading pioneer
  43. Surfacing that Sheehan had been less than keen to prosecute a serial child, abuser , Fr. Brendan Smith, due to its implications on the accountability of certain
  44. Past victimization to diminish the responsibility for their crimes. When the, abuser ,is the victim of the crime, as is often the case, the abuse excuse is sometimes
  45. Being, typically a child, in order to seek attention or sympathy for the, abuser , Description In Munchhausen syndrome, the affected person exaggerates or creates
  46. Sexual activities and additionally social and financial problems. An alcohol, abuser ,is different from an alcoholic, an alcohol abuser still have some ability to
  47. Who sought help rescuing a child named Mary Ellen Wilson from her cruel, abuser , Mary Connolly. After Mary Ellen's story was heard, and she was subsequently
  48. Order provisions All protective order statutes permit the court to order the, abuser ,to stay away from someone, their home, their workplace or their school (" stay
  49. He said Ike received intense negative publicity due to his portrayal as a wife, abuser ,in Tina's 1993 autobiographical movie What's Love Got to Do with It. In 1993
  50. To be" subordinated to the respect for the warlord, man of violence and female, abuser ,Muhammad, who murdered and accepted rape as a conquest technique. " Klein tale (

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