Examples of the the word, cabbage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cabbage ), is the 12943 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A specialty of the Castellini. Val D'Aorta * Zappa di Valentine - savoy, cabbage ,stew thickened with stale bread * Torino de rise alley Valdosta - rice cake
  2. Some common vegetables used in Chinese cuisine include BOK chop (Chinese, cabbage ,), Chinese Spinach (doo-doo),On Chop, Yu Chop, and Gaiman (Gullah).
  3. 386.1; peppers 156.7; cucumbers 61.5; cherries 18.2; watermelons 136.0;, cabbage ,72.7; apples 26.1; plums 18.0; strawberries 8.8. Mining and minerals Bulgaria’s
  4. Man is alone with his wife (Problem 17); the problem of the wolf, goat,and, cabbage ,(Problem 18); and the problem of" the two adults and two children where the
  5. Leftover vegetables from a roast dinner. The main ingredients are potato and, cabbage , but carrots, peas,brussels sprouts, and other vegetables can be added. The
  6. Include tomatoes, potatoes,onions, garlic,peppers, cucumbers,carrots, cabbage , mushrooms, spinach,zucchini, dried beans, fresh beans, plums,milk, paprika
  7. A specialty of the Castellini. Val D'Aorta * Zappa di Valentine - savoy, cabbage ,stew thickened with stale bread * Torino de rise alley Valdosta - rice cake
  8. Vegetable dish used in a variety of ways. It consists of pickled Chinese, cabbage , San CAI is a unique form of PAO CAI due to the material used and the method
  9. Baozi-Halal-label-2570. JPG|A package of halal-certified frozen food (steamed, cabbage ,buns) from Jiangsu province, China Image: Niuroumian. JPG|Lanzhou-style Beef
  10. Some of the many plants used in Haitian dishes include tomato, oregano, cabbage , avocado, bell peppers. A popular food is banana Pelee (banana'n Pete)
  11. As a light main meal, with boiled potatoes and bread. * Lachanodolmades:, cabbage ,rolls, stuffed with rice and sometimes meat, spiced with various herbs and
  12. That lived in the southern colonies. The diet of the uplands often included, cabbage , string beans, white potatoes, while most avoided sweet potatoes and peanuts.
  13. Swollen, nearly spherical shape); its origin in nature is the same as that of, cabbage , broccoli, cauliflower,kale, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts: They are
  14. The Old English terms Sociopath (mud month) and Kale-monath (named for, cabbage ,) as well as Charlemagne's designation Morning. In Finnish, the month is
  15. Food meets the requirements of Bishop Yisrael. Vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage , broccoli and cauliflower must be checked for insect infestation. The proper
  16. And other hot dishes. Commonly used vegetables include Korean radish, Napa, cabbage , cucumber, potato,sweet potato, spinach,scallions, garlic,chili peppers
  17. Growing seasons. The primary crops are potatoes, carrots,lettuce, and, cabbage , The Delta Junction area, about southeast of Fairbanks, also has a sizable
  18. Dressing (Gene Bicky-sauce),a commercial brand made from mayonnaise, white, cabbage , tarragon, cucumber,onion, mustard and dextrose. * Mammoet-sauce - mayonnaise
  19. Have been introduced, such as apples, strawberries,broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage , and carrots. In southern Greenland the growing season is mid-May through to
  20. Are informally known as the mustard, mustard flowers, the cruisers or the, cabbage ,family. The name Brassicaceae is derived from the included genus Brassier.
  21. Uses a distinctive fermentation process of preserving vegetables, most commonly, cabbage , Kimchi is said to relieve the pores on the skin, thereby reducing wrinkles and
  22. Introduced by earlier sailors – provided him meat and milk, wild turnips, cabbage , and black pepper berries offered him variety and spice. Although rats would
  23. Breeding throughout history. Some examples of calciferous food plants are the, cabbage , broccoli, cauliflower,turnip, rapeseed,mustard, radish,horseradish, cress
  24. Brussels sprouts: They are all bred from, and are the same species as, the wild, cabbage ,plant (Brassier operated). The taste and texture of kohlrabi are similar to
  25. Farmers cultivated many popular vegetables from the Brassier operated (wild, cabbage ,) by artificially selecting for certain attributes. Common vegetables such as
  26. Metro areas as Boston and New York) uses a thick, fried skin stuffed with, cabbage ,and usually bits of meat or seafood (such as pork or shrimp),but no egg. *
  27. Not undergo artificial selection, are relatively uniform in comparison. Wild, cabbage ,Early farmers cultivated many popular vegetables from the Brassier operated (
  28. The family contains well-known species such as Brassier operated (broccoli, cabbage , cauliflower, etc.),Brassier rap (turnip, Chinese cabbage , etc.),Brassier
  29. YMCA Fritz, which is deep-fried cassava root served with Curtis (a pickled, cabbage , onion and carrot topping) and pork rinds with pescaditas (fried baby
  30. Although some plants do prefer slightly basic soil (including vegetables like, cabbage ,and fodder like buffalo grass),most plants prefer a mildly acidic soil (pH
  31. Kimchi refers to often fermented vegetable dishes usually made with Napa, cabbage , Korean radish, or sometimes cucumber, commonly fermented in a brine of ginger
  32. Cauliflower, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts are all descendants of the wild, cabbage ,plant. Brussels sprouts were created by artificially selecting for large bud
  33. And medley (Missiles Germanic). Among notable introduced species,the, cabbage ,palm (Coraline Australia) has been planted in coastal areas and may be seen
  34. The names of the notes of a musical scale) are: cabbage (past tense of" to, cabbage ,", meaning to steal),debugged (past tense of" to debug ", meaning to remove
  35. A side dish. Carrots, turnips,spinach, peas,beans, broccoli and many types of, cabbage ,are very common. Fried onions are a common addition to many meat dishes
  36. Rice or cheese and herbs. * Lachanosalata: cabbage salad. Very finely shredded, cabbage ,with salt, olive oil, lemon juice/vinegar dressing. * Marines ignites:
  37. Of Central and Eastern European contributions, such as kielbasa, stuffed, cabbage , and pierogies. Cleveland also has plenty of corned beef, with nationally
  38. By artificially selecting for certain attributes. Common vegetables such as, cabbage , kale, broccoli,cauliflower, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts are all descendants
  39. They were often called" liberty hounds" by their owners similar to" liberty, cabbage ," becoming a term for sauerkraut. The stigma of the association was revived to
  40. Power and Mauritius' usurpation. Diocletian's reply:" If you could show the, cabbage ,that I planted with my own hands to your emperor, he definitely wouldn't dare
  41. Broccoli, cabbage ,cauliflower, etc.),Brassier rap (turnip, Chinese, cabbage , etc.),Brassier naps (rapeseed, etc.),Infants natives (common radish)
  42. Brandy is also produced, as is some wine. Among other traditional dishes are, cabbage ,loaf, Jersey wonders (LES marvelled),flitted, bean crock (LES pies AU for
  43. Of popular Irish cuisine include beauty, colcannon, coddle,stew, and bacon and, cabbage , Ireland is famous for the full Irish breakfast, which involves a fried or
  44. Jerusalem's artichokes, oats,wheat, and yeast in breads. Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage , Brussels sprouts and other calciferous vegetables that belong to the genus
  45. Zucchini flowers stuffed with rice or cheese and herbs. * Lachanosalata:, cabbage ,salad. Very finely shredded cabbage with salt, olive oil, lemon juice/vinegar
  46. Shrubs from America and Australasia) * Family Brassicaceae (mustard and, cabbage ,family) (may include the Cloacae) * Family Capparaceae (caper family
  47. Turnip) (Brassier operated Gongylodes group) is a low, stout cultivar of the, cabbage ,that will grow almost anywhere. The name comes from the German Kohl (" cabbage
  48. Of vegetables, which grow near Erfurt, the state's capital. Cauliflower (), cabbage ,(savoy, red,white) (), kohlrabi (), broccoli () grow by traditional means
  49. The taste and texture of kohlrabi are similar to those of a broccoli stem or, cabbage ,heart, but milder and sweeter, with a higher ratio of flesh to skin. The young
  50. Cabbage that will grow almost anywhere. The name comes from the German Kohl (", cabbage ,") plus Rube ~ Rabbi (Swiss German variant) (" turnip" ), because the

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