Examples of the the word, commercially , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commercially ), is the 7269 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Website (some evaluations of private sector operations are redacted to protect, commercially ,confidential information). OED's evaluation resources are displayed by
  2. As Linda, Arthur Kennedy as Biff, and Cameron Mitchell as Happy. The play was, commercially ,successful and critically acclaimed, winning a Tony Award for Best Author, the
  3. Fish can feed and grow before moving elsewhere. Herring and plaice are two, commercially ,important species that use the Thames Estuary for this purpose. Estuaries are
  4. Without the form byproduct. A variant of this method, which has not been used, commercially , uses unmodified aspartic acid, but produces low yields. Methods for directly
  5. Of antibiotics, oxazolidinones, became available in the 1990s,and the first, commercially ,available oxazolidinone, linezolid, is comparable to vancomycin in
  6. For FedEx. Airbus has announced a support package to keep A300s flying, commercially ,until at least 2025. Variants A300B1 Only two were built: the first prototype
  7. China, Japan,India, Australia,New Zealand, and the Moluccas islands. Most, commercially ,collected ambergris comes from The Bahamas in the Caribbean, particularly New
  8. 3 The vast majority of compounds, including all Al-containing minerals and all, commercially ,significant aluminum compounds, feature aluminum in the oxidation state 3+.
  9. By Warhol include: After gaining fame, Warhol " wrote" several books that were, commercially ,published: * a, A Novel (1968,ISBN 0-8021-3553-6) is a literal transcription
  10. Satellite imagery providers (including Russian providers and the IONS) are, commercially ,available. These show, in considerable detail, the runway marking, base
  11. And a back plane all based on a 19-inch rack configuration. It was the first, commercially ,available Dutch personal/home computer. The Aster computer could use the
  12. Saudi ". Origins as a Housing Development The park was originally part of a, commercially ,unsuccessful housing site, the idea of Count Used Quell, whom the park was
  13. Development of his compositional skills, but included no great success, either, commercially , or artistically. His most important compositions during this period were a
  14. Because most microorganisms are unable to digest agar. Agar is typically sold, commercially ,as a powder that can be mixed with water and prepared similarly to gelatin
  15. Across most of Europe, including the UK and Germany, The Visitors was not as, commercially ,successful as its predecessors, showing a commercial decline in previously
  16. Is added to the ingredients, which gives the cookies their bitter taste (, commercially , apricot kernels are used as a substitute for bitter almonds). Almonds are
  17. It took ten years for the Dynamic 8000X to become the first such phone to be, commercially ,released. *1974 – The Super Outbreak occurs, the biggest tornado outbreak in
  18. And neutralizes the hydrogen halite formed. Methyl amine is prepared, commercially ,by the reaction of ammonia with dichloromethane, and the reaction of ammonia with
  19. Lake and seabeds, making extraction of potassium salts in these environments, commercially ,viable. The principal source of potassium – potash – is mined in Canada, Russia
  20. Revived in the 1970s. It was recovered in Mexico from wild varieties and is now, commercially ,cultivated. It is a popular snack sold in Mexico City and other parts of Mexico
  21. As computer innovations such as cache memory, and SIMS execution became, commercially ,available, APL programs ported with almost no extra effort spent re-optimizing
  22. Is discovered in Titusville, Pennsylvania leading to the world's first, commercially ,successful oil well. *1861 – Union forces attack Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.
  23. Since the mid-1990s,there have been many increasingly successful endeavors to, commercially ,farm abalone for the purpose of consumption. Over-fishing and poaching have
  24. Subtitled film in the American market, and the only previous Japanese talkie, commercially ,released in New York had been Mike Naruse's comedy, Wife! Be Like a Rose, in
  25. The album Cocci Era. In the mid 2000s Clearing, Ali B and Hamster have, commercially ,been successful and Large Fran's & Baas B have had multiple #1 hits. In 2005,DE
  26. Scuba divers, though Achill's unpredictable weather generally has precluded a, commercially ,successful recreational diving industry. Population In 2006,the population was
  27. To the computer's reputation had already been done, and it failed to do well, commercially ,as a direct result. In the end, an estimated 65,000–75,000 Apple III computers
  28. a million tonnes. It is used in commercial cleaning products. Ammonia, as used, commercially , is often called anhydrous ammonia. This term emphasizes the absence of water
  29. To deal with some forms of punched card formats. ASCII itself was first used, commercially ,during 1963 as a seven-bit teleprinter code for American Telephone & Telegraph
  30. Culture Anime has become commercially profitable in western countries, as early, commercially ,successful western adaptations of anime, such as Castro Boy, have revealed. The
  31. Slaves, Benny Andersson and Agatha Fatso. They became one of the most, commercially ,successful acts in the history of pop music, topping the charts worldwide from
  32. Of its time into the hands of the average consumer. It was one of the first, commercially ,available consumer operating systems for personal computers to implement
  33. Systems Atom probe devices have only relatively recently been produced, commercially , and many designs have been constructed since the method's inception. Initial
  34. The potential of the new binders. Water-soluble artists' acrylic paints became, commercially ,available in the 1950s,offered by Limited, with high-viscosity paints similar
  35. Shown effective as an antimicrobial agent for animal feed and is currently used, commercially ,to reduce or eliminate microbial contamination of to undetectable levels.
  36. Coefficient, and parasitic effects within semiconductor devices. For, commercially ,available electronic components, ranges of these aspects of input and output
  37. Regular flights to most villages and towns within the state that are, commercially ,viable are challenging to provide, so they are heavily subsidized by the
  38. Salt deposits and some of its eastern fold and thrust belt acts as traps for, commercially ,exploitable amounts of hydrocarbons. In the forehands of the Atacama Desert
  39. A hydronic ammonia gas heat exchanger and vaporizer, the two essential new, not, commercially , available components of a waste heat driven refrigerator. A similar scheme (
  40. 1969 and operated through 2003. In 1972,Airbus began producing Europe's most, commercially ,successful line of airliners to date. The added efficiencies for these aircraft
  41. Of Brisingamen proved to be a" resounding success ... both critically and, commercially ,", later being described as" a tour de force of the imagination, a novel that
  42. By patents, many details are proprietary. Two approaches to synthesis are used, commercially , In the chemical synthesis, the two carboxyl groups of aspartic acid are joined
  43. Is a home/personal computer that was released by Atari Corporation in 1985 and, commercially ,available from that summer into the early 1990s. The" ST" officially stands
  44. Occasions such as weddings and other celebrations. However, the availability of, commercially ,farmed abalone has allowed more common consumption of this once rare delicacy.
  45. Store twice as much data for the same amount of money, and was widely used for, commercially ,released floppies as well. Later, Apple II's were able to use 3.5-inch disks
  46. Of fish is the most common form of aquaculture. It involves raising fish, commercially ,in tanks, ponds,or ocean enclosures, usually for food. A facility that
  47. C, and are rich in iodine, potassium,iron, magnesium and calcium. In addition, commercially ,cultivated microalgae, including both Algae and Cyanobacteria, are marketed as
  48. Europe. As a result, Olympic Airways was the first non-communist airline to, commercially ,fly into Albania after World War II. By 1991 Albania had air links with many
  49. Fused lithium chloride and potassium chloride. Sodium was first produced, commercially ,in 1855 by thermal reduction of sodium carbonate with carbon at 1100 °C, in
  50. Solely broadcasts anime in the UK. Influence on world culture Anime has become, commercially ,profitable in western countries, as early commercially successful western

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