Examples of the the word, guinea , in a Sentence Context

The word ( guinea ), is the 7270 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Were investigating dietary deficiency diseases using the new animal model of, guinea ,pigs. However, guinea pigs proved to be susceptible to scurvy when fed a diet
  2. Perhaps all species) in the small rodent family candidate that includes, guinea ,pigs and capybaras, but occurs in other rodents (rats and mice do not need
  3. Affinity for the PCP site of the MDA receptor than does (R)-ketamine (in, guinea ,pig brain). (S)-ketamine seems to induce drowsiness more strongly than the (
  4. Dietary deficiency diseases using the new animal model of guinea pigs. However, guinea ,pigs proved to be susceptible to scurvy when fed a diet similar to that of
  5. To the Neo tropics include: * Caviomorpha rodents, including capybaras and, guinea ,pigs, and chinchillas * American opossums (order Didelphimorphia) and shrew
  6. Used a calorimeter to measure heat production as a result of respiration in a, guinea ,pig. The outer shell of the calorimeter was packed with snow, which melted to
  7. Companionship with a variety of creatures, including humans, other rabbits, guinea ,pigs, and sometimes even cats and dogs. Rabbits can make good pets for younger
  8. Indigenous inhabitants, have all influenced Colombian food. For example, cuy or, guinea ,pig, which is an indigenous cuisine, is eaten in the Andes region of
  9. Then shut. Bayer, then a subsidiary of IG Carbon, bought prisoners to use as, guinea ,pigs for testing new drugs. The most infamous doctor at
  10. Exposure to zirconium tetrachloride resulted in increased mortality in rats and, guinea ,pigs and a decrease of blood hemoglobin and red blood cell in dogs. The U. S.
  11. July 25 – U. S. health officials admit that African-Americans were used as, guinea ,pigs in the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male. * July 29 –
  12. Honey, liquorice, vitriol,Russia, Cocculus indices, grains of paradise, guinea ,pepper, or opium, or any extract or preparation of the same, or any substitute
  13. Weighed. Lavoisier used this measurement to estimate the heat produced by the, guinea ,pig's metabolism. Lavoisier concluded," la respiration est done one
  14. That developed scurvy, and the food-factor of unknown chemical nature that, guinea ,pigs required was eventually called vitamin C. From 1928 to 1932,the Hungarian
  15. Maintain a constant temperature of around an inner shell filled with ice. The, guinea ,pig in the center of the chamber produced heat which melted the ice. The water
  16. Tasmanian devils, opossums,etc.),rodents (such as mice, rats,and, guinea ,pigs),and allomorph (rabbits and hares).; Bipartite: The two uteri are
  17. G-Force, which was released to theaters in July 2009. In the film, she voiced a, guinea ,pig spy named Juarez. Also in 2009,she appeared in the film Broken Embraces as
  18. Their own vitamin C.) Holst and Frolic found they could cure the disease in, guinea ,pigs with the addition of various fresh foods and extracts. This discovery of a
  19. Perishing in a fire, electrocution or by virus (contracted from a pet, guinea ,pig, which can happen when its cage is left dirty). When a sim dies, a
  20. Drug that has been shown effective in treating experimentally infected, guinea ,pigs. In a study conducted at the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of
  21. GULF). A similar non-functional gene is present in the genome of the, guinea ,pigs and in primates, including humans. Some of these species (including
  22. Subcutaneously a“ rejuvenating elixir” consisting of an extract of dog and, guinea ,pig testicle. He reported in The Lancet that his vigor and feeling of
  23. To Europe, as well. Foods such as rice, sorghum (known by Europeans as ", guinea ,corn" ), and okra — all common elements of West African cuisine — were
  24. Herbal tea with bread. In the highland region, pork,chicken, beef,and cut (, guinea ,pig) are popular and are served with a variety of grains (especially rice and
  25. Were fantasies featuring her own pets: mice, rabbits,kittens, and, guinea , pigs. In her teenage years Potter was a regular visitor to the art galleries of
  26. In South America, as well as animals, including llamas, alpacas,and, guinea ,pigs. Coca, still a major crop, was also domesticated in the Andes. A minor
  27. Yams, kola nuts, oil palm, and raffia palm. Domesticated animals include the, guinea ,fowl and the donkey. Agriculture represents 20 % to 30 % of GDP and 50 % of
  28. And appearance from their wild relatives. Mammals *Rodents, including hamsters, guinea ,pigs, fancy mice, gerbils,chinchillas, plains Issachar, and fancy rats Birds
  29. 212 mg/kg i. p. (mice),132 mg/kg i. p. (rats),and 328 mg/kg i. p. (, guinea ,pigs). Behavioral and non-behavioral effects The visual distortions produced
  30. In the world. Its closest relatives are about, chinchillas,coyphillas, and, guinea , pigs. Its common name, derived from Kali VA in the Guaraní language, while its
  31. Also not synthesized by at least two species of Candidate, the capybara and the, guinea ,pig. There are known species of birds and fish that do not synthesize their own
  32. For the OSI (Office of Scientific Intelligence) as a secret agent (and as a, guinea ,pig for bionics). Cardin’s novel was a bestseller when it was published in
  33. UVB has been demonstrated to reduce efficacy of BCG vaccine in laboratory, guinea ,pigs. The concentration gradient of UVB light increases geographically closer
  34. Are also rodent pets, such as gerbils, hamsters,chinchillas, fancy rats, and, guinea , pigs,and avian pets, such as canaries, parakeets,or parrots. Local
  35. Ranging in age from 8 to 14 years old. 425 houses have been fumigated and 1210, guinea , pigs,232 dogs,128 cats and 73 rabbits have been given anti flea treatment in
  36. The years of private experimentation that followed. Kesey's role as a medical, guinea ,pig, as well as his stint working at a state veteran' hospital, inspired him
  37. However, a lot of programs seek to combine both approaches; for instance, guinea ,worm eradication, a single-disease international program currently run by the
  38. By these events, and when he encounters Alex two years later he uses him as a, guinea ,pig in a sadistic experiment intended to prove the Ludovic technique unsound.
  39. Of animals such as the wild ancestors of the llama, the alpaca, and the, guinea ,pig. Inhabitants practiced spinning and knitting of cotton and wool, basketry
  40. Mammal to substitute for the pigeons then used in beriberi research. They fed, guinea ,pigs their test diet of grains and flour, which had earlier produced beriberi
  41. As they produce vitamin C.) Holst and Frolic found they could cure scurvy in, guinea ,pigs with the addition of various fresh foods and extracts. This discovery of a
  42. C. However, humans and other higher primates (the simians and carriers), guinea , pigs,most or all bats, and some species of birds and fish lack an enzyme
  43. Of nutritive elements made available from the re-ingestion of seeds. Hamsters, guinea ,pigs and chinchillas eat their own droppings, which are thought to be a source
  44. Arrested and goes to jail, eventually negotiating his freedom to serve as a, guinea ,pig to a government secret project run by his scientist brother Kevin through "
  45. Antiscorbutic factor in lemon juice, using the original 1907 model of scorbutic, guinea ,pigs, which developed scurvy when not fed fresh foods, but were cured by lemon
  46. Chatty and Winds, said of the manuscript,“ You are the most articulate, guinea ,pig that any scientist could hope to engage. ” Huxley had used Blake's
  47. His assistant, Clarence Dally. Dally had made himself an enthusiastic human, guinea ,pig for the fluoroscopy project and in the process been exposed to a poisonous
  48. Can produce ascorbic acid, some groups such as primates — including humans —, guinea ,pigs, teleost fishes, bats and birds cannot and require it as a dietary
  49. Mammal to substitute for the pigeons then used in beriberi research. They fed, guinea ,pigs their test diet of grains and flour, which had earlier produced beriberi
  50. The screen test, he asked in amazement," What are we watching? Who is this old, guinea , " Brando won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance, but turned

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