Examples of the the word, bailey , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bailey ), is the 7271 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Great tower occupies the knoll itself and forms the north-east corner of the, bailey , Ruined during the slighting, the great tower is notable for its huge corner
  2. Church, SS Mary and David's, but also has the earthworks of a Norman motto and, bailey ,castle, no longer standing. History Until the 9th century, when it was taken
  3. Corps engineers, supported by German prisoners of war, constructed a class 40, bailey , bridge within 10 hours across the Wilhelmina Canal. During the day the British
  4. Protected by a lifting bridge, a drawbridge or a timber gate tower. Inside the, bailey ,were stables, workshops,and a chapel. Motto was the final refuge in this type
  5. Set one behind the other, with the outer bailey on the town side and the inner, bailey ,on the cliff side. The enclosure wall was punctuated by solid towers along its
  6. In 1133 his son, also called Geoffrey, was only a minor. Building the outer, bailey ,wall in stone and improving the other defenses, including creating Mortimer's
  7. Court Kenilworth's inner court consists of a number of buildings set against a, bailey ,wall, originally of Norman origin, exploiting the defensive value of a natural
  8. Side of the hill there are the remains of a twelfth century Norman motto and, bailey , built by Richard Fleming in the 1170s. This was the seat of the Flemings of
  9. Underground storage areas and prisons beneath a new keep. Bailey and enhance A, bailey , also called a ward, was a fortified enclosure. It was a common feature of
  10. Church – Moon bridge – Mortar – Mosque – Mother-in-law apartment – Motto and, bailey ,– Sudhir – Mughal architecture – Multi-story building – Mutants – Murder-hole
  11. Shifted from the keep to the bailey ; this resulted in the creation of another, bailey ,that separated the high status buildings – such as the lord's chambers and the
  12. Commencing in 1190. It was built near the site of an earlier motto and, bailey ,castle. In 1270, it came into the hands of the Neville family, the most notable
  13. The enhance was the castle's main defensive enclosure, and the terms ", bailey ," and" enhance" are linked. A castle could have several bailey s but only one
  14. Over time the focus of high status accommodation shifted from the keep to the, bailey ,; this resulted in the creation of another bailey that separated the high status
  15. Under the car park to the north-east may once have housed the castle's, bailey , This little fortress was probably the work of William Revel, a knight of
  16. Means zero '0' as in example 201: Wii Mary CHI * Mary (丸) is a Japanese, bailey ,(castle wall). See Jurua. * Mary is a popular name for Japanese pets, mainly
  17. Exteriors with lavish interiors, especially on the 1st floor of the inner, bailey ,buildings. By the end of the 14th century a distinctive English perpendicular
  18. Part of the castle dates to 1270 and consisted of the gatehouse and a walled, bailey , The second period was when the castle, then in need of repair, was converted
  19. Against invasion from France. The original structure was a motto and double, bailey ,castle. Roger de Montgomery was declared the first Earl of Roundel as the King
  20. Also known as Wad borough Hill),a wooded eminence which once had a motto and, bailey ,castle, about behind the Royalist position at the start of the battle.
  21. Garrison, stables,workshops, and storage facilities were often found in the, bailey , Water was supplied by a well or cistern. Over time the focus of high status
  22. For their construction. Although the motto is commonly associated with the, bailey ,to form a motte-and- bailey castle, this was not always the case and there are
  23. River We, which was undoubtedly one reason for the construction of a motto and, bailey ,castle there. A recently levelled platform under the car park to the north-east
  24. And 12th centuries, with the introduction of Norman influence. This motte and, bailey ,castles were replaced with the first stone-built castles around 1200. By the
  25. In the market town of Framingham in Suffolk in England. An early motto and, bailey ,or ringworm Norman castle was built on the Framingham site by 1148,but this
  26. For its scale, form and quality of workmanship ". Entrance and outer, bailey ,wall To the south-east of the main castle lie the Brays, a corruption of the
  27. Taken 50 people about 40 working days. An exceptionally expensive motto and, bailey ,was that of Clones in Ireland, built in 1211 for £20. The high cost, relative
  28. Of the lord in charge of the castle and a bastion of last defense, while the, bailey ,was the home of the rest of the lord's household and gave them protection. The
  29. It in turn to Roger Bigot, the Sheriff of Suffolk. A ringworm or motto and, bailey ,castle was first built in either the 11th or early 12th century in the northern
  30. Causeway acted both as a dam and as part of the barbican defenses. The outer, bailey ,of Kenilworth Castle is usually entered through Mortimer's Tower, today a
  31. Exhibition to walk to the waterfront, and is still in use today. A second, bailey ,bridge, Old Finch Avenue Bailey Bridge, is also in use today. There is a Bailey
  32. River passes the Fan Argued Country Park in its middle reaches. A motto and, bailey ,castle stood on the banks of the river as it passed through Abortion during the
  33. And Wales after the invasion. One popular form of castle was the motto and, bailey , in which earth would be piled up into a mound (called a motto) to support a
  34. In order to achieve this, the chapel had to extend out considerably into the, bailey , similar to the design at White Castle. The chapel is adjacent to the site of
  35. Area from a sound defensive site. Initially it would have been a motto and, bailey ,castle, rebuilt in stone and later refortified and developed over time. A
  36. Had been built in England in the 1050s the Normans began to build motto and, bailey ,and ring works castles in large numbers to control their newly occupied
  37. On the south edge of the court as a guest wing, extending out beyond the inner, bailey ,wall for extra space. Leicester's building was four floors high and built in a
  38. Prevalent form of castle during 11th and 12th centuries. A courtyard (called, bailey ,) was protected by a ditch and a palisade (strong timber fence). Often the
  39. Fort built in Canada ". The manor house and stables were within a fortified, bailey , with a tall round turret in each corner. The" most substantial castle-like
  40. Of Kenilworth. One wall of the great tower, various parts of the outer, bailey ,and the battlements were destroyed, but not before the building was surveyed by
  41. Ruined, comprised two walled bailey s set one behind the other, with the outer, bailey ,on the town side and the inner bailey on the cliff side. The enclosure wall was
  42. Church in the center of the town. The work was completed by 1137. A motto and, bailey ,type castle which gives its name to the modern Castle Street was built in 1139.
  43. Keep, as it is longer than it is wide. Much of the northern part of the inner, bailey ,was built by the 14th-century noble John of Gaunt between 1372 and 1380. This
  44. Until 1950. It now houses Bolton School. Norman castles A wooden motto and, bailey ,castle was built in Bolton, on a different site, in Norman times. Later
  45. Knights to move out of the small houses they had previously occupied within the, bailey ,to live in fortified houses in the countryside. Although often associated with
  46. Ships thus hinting at a future invasion. The Normans build a motto and, bailey ,at Hastings to defend their position. Messengers are sent between the two
  47. Supporters built a range of castles to protect the territory, usually motto and, bailey ,designs such as those at Winchcombe, Upper Slaughter or Hampton. Similarly
  48. Support a wooden tower, and a wider enclosed area built alongside it (called a, bailey ,); Stafford Castle is a typical example of a post-invasion motto castle.
  49. Extent his office. Curtain wall Curtain walls were defensive walls enclosing a, bailey , They had to be high enough to make scaling the walls with ladders difficult
  50. Gatehouse as the principal dwelling; the King's Gate was added to the outer, bailey ,wall during this period for the use of farmworkers. The castle's cultural

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