Examples of the the word, styles , in a Sentence Context

The word ( styles ), is the 12960 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. England. However, it never spread beyond the ruling elite. With these various, styles , the same day could, in some cases, be dated in 1099,1100 or 1101. The
  2. Restricted to the royalty of the Old Kingdom, and scribes developed literary, styles ,that expressed the optimism and originality of the period. Free from their
  3. And maneuverability. Wing The wings of an aircraft produce lift. Many, styles ,and arrangements of wings have been used on heavier-than-air aircraft, and some
  4. Were affected to a greater or lesser degree by both. Artists might work in both, styles ,at different times or even mix the styles , creating an intellectually Romantic
  5. Styles after imperial dynasties too, and also saw much interplay between the, styles ,of calligraphy and painting. Woodblock printing became important in Japan after
  6. Traditional music styles all over the world: see the list of traditional music, styles ,that incorporate the accordion. Use in popular music The accordion appeared in
  7. The Early Renaissance and the High Renaissance developed their characteristic, styles ,from the observation of nature and the formulation of a pictorial science. When
  8. Was changed from a recessed jack to a flush jack to be compatible with more, styles ,of headphones. The software capabilities changed as well, with the release of
  9. Aikishuren Kai in 2004 around Saito's son Hirohito Saith. Today, the major, styles ,of aikido are each run by a separate governing organization, have their own in
  10. And Neoclassicism were philosophically opposed, they were the dominant European, styles ,for generations, and many artists were affected to a greater or lesser degree
  11. Refer to anime as an art form. As a visual medium, it can emphasize visual, styles , The styles can vary from artist to artist or from studio to studio. Some
  12. Like Communism and Post-Modernism exerting a powerful influence on artistic, styles , Modernism, the idealistic search for truth, gave way in the latter half of the
  13. By both. Artists might work in both styles at different times or even mix the, styles , creating an intellectually Romantic work using a Neoclassical visual style
  14. Larger group. For example, in modern Western cultures, there are alternative, styles ,of clothing that characterized older and younger generations. Some cultural
  15. The" pre-Vatican II" Bridenstine rite. Between these extremes are a variety of, styles ,of worship, often involving a robed choir and the use of the organ to accompany
  16. And doors. The old city center is the focal point of all the architectural, styles ,before the end of the 19th century. Jugendstil and Art Deco are mostly found
  17. Anime as an art form. As a visual medium, it can emphasize visual styles . The, styles ,can vary from artist to artist or from studio to studio. Some titles make
  18. And Shook Aikido, founded by Kenji Tomsk in 1967. The emergence of these, styles ,pre-dated Ueshiba's death and did not cause any major upheavals when they were
  19. And plausible movement. Fully animated films can be done in a variety of, styles , from more realistically animated works such as those produced by the Walt
  20. A choice of 4,5,and 6-cylinder engines, in Saloon, Coupé and Cabriolet body, styles , The 5-cylinder was soon dropped as a major engine choice; however, a
  21. The early 20th century, although there are also some striking examples of these, styles ,in the city center. Most historic buildings in the city center and nearby are
  22. Much art focused on the expression of Biblical and nonmaterial truths, and used, styles ,that showed the higher unseen glory of a heavenly world, such as the use of
  23. Of the audience in any way whatsoever. A genre is a set of conventions and, styles ,within a particular medium. For instance, well recognized genres in film are
  24. Place, year number changed on different days, which created slightly different, styles ,in chronology: * from 25 March 753 AUC (today in 1 BC),i.e. from the
  25. And tend to have a spicy or peppery flavor. They are considered a fault in most, styles ,of beer. Simple alcohols, in particular, ethanol and methanol, possess
  26. Technology and science. The 2011 Ada Lovelace Day will be 7 October. Titles and, styles ,* 10 December 1815 – 8 July 1835: The Honorable Ada Augusta Byron * 8 July
  27. An original set of unrelated, passive constituents. Forms, genres,media, and, styles , The creative arts are often divided into more specific categories, each related
  28. Add a pair of wide pleated black or indigo trousers called a hakama. In many, styles , its use is reserved for practitioners with (Dan) ranks or for instructors
  29. Buildings both public and private were constructed in accordance with these, styles , Localities with a great number of such buildings include Molokai, and some
  30. While different titles and different artists have their own artistic, styles , many stylistic elements have become so common that describe them as definitive
  31. With the Ge'EZ script),is written from right to left. There are several, styles ,of script, notably Nash which is used in print and by computers, and Run'ah
  32. Khalil in Ahmad all Farthing finally fixed the Arabic script around 786,many, styles ,were developed, both for the writing down of the Qur'an and other books, and
  33. Automobile manufacturer, from super mini to crossover SUVs in various body, styles ,and price ranges that are marketed under the Audi brand (), positioned as the
  34. Museum; it also contains numerous important buildings of several 20th-century, styles , : Neoclassicism, Art Deco and Early Modernism (including Bauhaus influences).
  35. But also gifted students. Several of these students would found their own, styles ,of aikido. International dissemination Aikido was first brought to the rest of
  36. Tone of the north and the" relaxed" form of the south. These disparate, styles ,are unified by" the intensity that both performers and listeners give to their
  37. In the North—even people from northern and southern Indiana have different, styles , " Regional lexical variation The most obvious regional difference is in local
  38. They studied with him. Today aikido is found all over the world in a number of, styles , with broad ranges of interpretation and emphasis. However, they all share
  39. A favorite of folk musicians and has been integrated into traditional music, styles ,all over the world: see the list of traditional music styles that incorporate
  40. Qin),poetry, calligraphy,music, painting,drama, fiction,etc. Chinese, styles ,vary greatly from era to era and each one is traditionally named after the
  41. Music repertoire. Today the instrument is sometimes heard in contemporary pop, styles , such as rock, pop-rock,etc., and occasionally even in serious classical music
  42. Studio (Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin,Lion King) to the more 'cartoon ', styles ,of those produced by the Warner Bros. animation studio. Many of the Disney
  43. Egyptian afterlife. Despite the homogeneity of ancient Egyptian art,the, styles ,of particular times and places sometimes reflected changing cultural or
  44. A considerable degree of liturgical freedom is permitted, and worship, styles ,range from the simple to elaborate. Unique to Anglicanism is the Book of Common
  45. Life energy ". Goo Shioda's Yoshinkan Aikido, considered one of the" hard, styles ," largely follows Ueshiba's teachings from before World War II, and surmises
  46. Calligraphy, and architecture. Further east, religion dominated artistic, styles ,and forms too. India and Tibet saw emphasis on painted sculptures and dance
  47. And focus on telling stories via setting and composition. Japan names its, styles ,after imperial dynasties too, and also saw much interplay between the styles of
  48. Great lengths to support his argument, including a list of possible preparation, styles ,for the children, and calculations showing the financial benefits of his
  49. In 1953,it is an impressive fusion of ancient and modern architectural, styles , An adjacent museum houses a wax statue of Ataturk, his writings, letters and
  50. Intybus (Cichorioideae). Note the dark blue anther tubes and the bilabial, styles , File: Aster novae-angliae. JPG|Aster novae-angliae (Asteroid) File:

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